Buddha's Liberal Diplomacy thread.

Economics, military, and immigration?

What does that mean? Do you support supply side economics? Do you support the idea of upholding 900 military bases around the globe that costs us $100 billion annually to run? How would you reconcile that with a "conservative" viewpoint on economics which suggests less government? Do you believe Trump should build the wall?
I support the general idea that small government is best and we shouldn't waste money on needless social programs.

I'm Canadian btw. lol Thought you knew that.

I don't really support meddling in overseas business as a general rule, unless there's a direct threat to Canada or a NATO member.

And no, I don't think Trump should build a wall - Trump is an asshole.
I do support tightening immigration laws, and making it harder to gain access to Canada. There is an influx of people arriving from the USA who already have a safe country to reside in, but are still attempting to cross the border.

Then, Trudeau puts them (the criminals that are illegally crossing the border) into hotels on tax payers dime.

Also, the only refugees we should be taking are ones that can gain employment in a short period of time. As it stands now 70-90% of the Syrian refugees we've accepted have no jobs 1 year+ after arriving. This is unacceptable, my tax dollars shouldn't be lining the pockets of refugees when there are fellow Canadian Veterans that are homeless and in need of assistance.

So, to that end I'm a "Canada first" type of guy.
No one

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Not surprising..... I'm conservative when it comes to economics, military, and immigration, but more liberal when it comes to healthcare, religion, human\corporation rights....

Unless you have a picture of Stalin over your bed, and play the USSR anthem before reading your daily paragraph of the communist manifesto, you are not left enough for Uncle bumblefuck and the like.
Awww, poor little burgeoning nazi is butthurt
I do support tightening immigration laws, and making it harder to gain access to Canada. There is an influx of people arriving from the USA who already have a safe country to reside in, but are still attempting to cross the border.

Then, Trudeau puts them (the criminals that are illegally crossing the border) into hotels on tax payers dime.

Also, the only refugees we should be taking are ones that can gain employment in a short period of time. As it stands now 70-90% of the Syrian refugees we've accepted have no jobs 1 year+ after arriving. This is unacceptable, my tax dollars shouldn't be lining the pockets of refugees when there are fellow Canadian Veterans that are homeless and in need of assistance.

So, to that end I'm a "Canada first" type of guy.
Illegal grower complaining about illegals. Precious
Equating growing a plant, and illegally crossing a border to gain citizenship is stupid even for you, uncle bumblefuck.

Maybe you should shut the fuck up about things you don't know about, like the problem with illegal border crossings in Canada and how it's being paid for.

And I'm not sure how you got "butt hurt" from that post.... lol Oh wait, yes I do. You're an idiot.

Crossing a border is a misdemeanor

Your grow is a felony

Stupid of me to compare the two. You’re much more of an illegal than those you hypocritically bawl about
First off, I'm not growing you moron. So no, it's not more legal than what I'm doing, which is nothing. So shut the fuck up you simpleton. Also, you know weed is legal in Canada as of Oct 167th, right?

And yes, It is stupid to compare the two.

One is growing plants with has no ramifications on/to tax payers. The other is using tax payer money to pay for non-citizens who have illegally crossed the border. Putting them up in hotels, paying for their food, and letting them leech off our system when we have troubles keeping our own less-fortunate citizens a float. Not to mention 70-90% of them don't have a job after 1 year, further using our resources and tax-payers money while not contributing to the system they're straining.

Most of the recent people coming to Canada have already gained a safe place to live in the USA, but leave their shit with relatives or at the border then fuck off to Canada to abuse our system because it's easier to do. There are god damn immigration consultants in foreign countries that will coach potential "refugees" on how to get refugee status in Canada, how to shelter their wealth and possessions, and hide their histories. Seems legit.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but it just so happens that most of yours are as asinine and retarded as you are.
Your felony grow was just fine but god forbid a legal immigrant refugee seek asylum from deadly danger.

Burgeoning little nazi boy is really good at absorbing all the far right wing garbage just as I suspected. Maybe you can also tell us how the brown refugees all have lower iqs too. Maybe compare them to a subhuman animal like leeches.

October 167th lol
Your felony grow was just fine but god forbid a legal immigrant refugee seek asylum from deadly danger.

Burgeoning little nazi boy is really good at absorbing all the far right wing garbage just as I suspected. Maybe you can also tell us how the brown refugees all have lower iqs too. Maybe compare them to a subhuman animal like leeches.

October 167th lol
What the fuck are you babbling about?

Nigerian refugees that are living in NY are fleeing deadly danger? You actually are retarded....
That right wing indoctrination is really kicking in

So are you a line cook at Applebee’s yet?

You deem anything to the right of your extremist-left wing ideology as "right-wing".

I don't cook anymore, and when I did I did fine-dining. Don't worry about what I'm doing, I'm living the good-life. Worry about pounding nails and leave the complex discussion to people with 85+ IQ.
You deem anything to the right of your extremist-left wing ideology as "right-wing".

I don't cook anymore, and when I did I did fine-dining. Don't worry about what I'm doing, I'm living the good-life. Worry about pounding nails and leave the complex discussion to people with 85+ IQ.
Why did you compare immigrants to sub-human parasites?

Seems like a far right thing to do, kinda like what the Nazis did to the jews

Crossing a border is a misdemeanor

Your grow is a felony

Stupid of me to compare the two. You’re much more of an illegal than those you hypocritically bawl about

Assuming all countries have the same US laws makes you an imperialist scumbag.

"Yesterday, two Mexican citizens, Pablo Daniel Gonzalez and Miguel Aguilar Gonzalez, were sentenced to two years for entering Canada illegally. The men had entered Canada along the BC-Washington border near the city of Abottsford, in December 2012. The men have been charged with violating Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). A third man, a resident of Canada, was charged with aiding and abetting their violation of this act but he will not face trial until March. The sentencing reminds us all that there are strict penalties for trying to get around Canada's immigration laws. "

No, fogdog, unclebuck, and the rest of team sjw. You're not on team sjw, so you're alright. Suds I like too.

@Herb & Suds then how am I supposed to respond to shit like don't drive cars into people? Yeah, I go bananas over that. So I'll apologise to you, but I won't to them.
But why do your lot drive cars into crowds of people? Also why does your orange monkey leader call them good people?