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Neo nazi pedo says what?Lemme guess. That's an FDR quote ?
Neo nazi pedo says what?Lemme guess. That's an FDR quote ?
Neo nazi pedo says what?
Plenty of reasons for many people to be fleeing trumps USA right now. You called these people who seek refuge “leeches”, a subhuman blood sucking parasite. Thats nazi shit there
You don't even know what a Nazi is you buffoon. You use it as a catch all, blame all, term for anything you don't like. You're like, "The idiot that cried Nazi"...Peterson does interviews with nazis like Gavin mcinnes. You claimed he did shows with nazis to convince them to not be Nazis but whenever I asked for video of him refuting nazis you cried like a girl
https://www.rollitup.org/t/jordan-peterson.963819/ BAM.Please list the “scores” of people who refuted me on that observable reality. Hell, even just one half of one score will do
Thanks, nazi
You said “scores” of people, not one half of one score of people. When you have to lie like that it betrays your weakness so not really a great move when you are doing your victory dance, sportI (and about half dozen other people) wiped the floor with your inane ass in the Peterson thread
This is going to take a lot longer than I thought. I guess it's time for question #3.
Do you think that anyone who works hard enough will achieve their dreams?
No many people are limited by their social/economic class.
Unless you're born rich and have a network of connections, no one has access to a proper education. See question #1 answer about the merits of education for all and how it's a step in the right direction for this question.
If you have the aptitude and opportunity, and are willing to work hard, most people can achieve their dreams.
That being said it's a lot easier to fulfill the dream of being say.... An engineer than it is to be the next LeBron.
What's the point of getting a dream doctor job when after paying back your loan it's a fry cook wages?
Total cost of 13 years of training is $315,000. A fry cook makes $450,000 in that time.
When you're finally breaking even at around 40, the prime of your life is over.
Contrast that to if your daddy did that. You're pretty much working your ass off so your kid can the live the dream.
So if Peterson only does shows with leaders of neo-nazi paramilitary groups because he wants to stop them from being radicalized, please show me a video of him trying to correct neo-nazi Gavin mcinnes (rather than have a friendly discussion with him about nazi conspiracy theories like ‘cultural Marxism’)You are stupid, and continue to prove me right by playing stupid games to try to make points.
All the evidence of your stupidity, and the videos of Peterson where he states he's trying to reach "fringe" people who are in danger of radicalization are in the link I already provided.
You don't get to pretend you haven't been schooled repeatedly, and haven't been provided the info you're requesting. Just because you're too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Stick to things within your skill level, like hitting things with a piece of metal. This "heavy thinking" has got you sounding even more retarded and broken record-like.
Pleases tell us again how anything you don't like is a nazi.![]()
White high school dropouts from wealthy families make more money than black people with postgraduate degrees who came from poor familiesThis is going to take a lot longer than I thought. I guess it's time for question #3.
Do you think that anyone who works hard enough will achieve their dreams?
No many people are limited by their social/economic class.
Unless you're born rich and have a network of connections, no one has access to a proper education. See question #1 answer about the merits of education for all and how it's a step in the right direction for this question.
Odd how nazis like you decry education. Probably unrelated to the fact that better educated people are less likely to buy into your retarded fascist crapWhat's the point of getting a dream doctor job when after paying back your loan it's a fry cook wages?
Total cost of 13 years of training is $315,000. A fry cook makes $450,000 in that time.
When you're finally breaking even at around 40, the prime of your life is over.
Contrast that to if your daddy did that. You're pretty much working your ass off so your kid can the live the dream.
Odd how nazis like you decry education. Probably unrelated to the fact that better educated people are less likely to buy into your retarded fascist crap
TldrBesides free education for all based upon ability and job placement guarantee, there needs to be education reform of higher education.
Rather than teach university students how to select who amongst the poor gets fucked and fired because a CEO is too greedy it(yes most CEOs shouldn't be classified as humans) "needs" to fire Bob the single incel with no kids over Maria with the typical 2.5 kids single mother, the government should demand the CEO sells its yacht or takes a pay cut until either there's enough for Bob and Maria's full pay, or Dipshit CEO's full salary plus compensation is down to only 4.1 times their pay.
Instead government subsidized universities teach Bob can fuck himself and starve on the streets, and pick Maria to live up to PC Principal's standards and perpetuate the myth of the American dream is possible and being born with a silver spoon in your mouth isn't a requirement, but instead born part of an SJW approved opression Olympics societal class gets you that golden ticket.
Government could very easily make CEOs lives a living hell for not complying to the standards of a human being. But CEOs, politicians, universities, and deluded SJWs (who believe the problem is their official list of approved oppressed are the only ones worthy of getting help) are all part of a highly elaborate actuarial scheme.
You don't want abuse to stop because you have hope to one day become part of the turning the tables on your enemies for whom you decided need avenged. But that day will never come and you'll just usher in a Brave New World and 1984 style: friendly fascism.
Instead: grow up, forgive whomever you think slighted you as a child, and figure out how we can work together, which doesn't mean an us versus them mentality.
"Chomsky explains that he sees a future in which "Friendly Fascism" holds sway in the United States. "Crematoria... are not a core, necessary part of fascism. It could happen," he said. "We’re lucky that there never has been an honest, charismatic figure," he said about American history so far. "McCarthy was too much of a thug, you know? Nixon was too crooked. Trump, I think, is too much of a clown. So, we’ve been lucky. But we’re not going to be lucky forever necessarily.""
Please remind me of the post number in which you show me a video of Peterson calling out a nazi like Gavin mcinnes and trying to dissuade him from his nazi extremism rather than just, ya know, doing a show with nazi Gavin mcinnesAlready showed you in the Peterson thread and it did nothing. You are an idiot and no matter what you're shown you continue to be an idiot.
We have corrected you many times, including the above statement. Peterson said he wants to speak to the fringes on both sides to dissuade them from being extremist. He didn't say he was going to attack Gavin McInnes on his own show.
McInnes is a fucking idiot, no argument there, but Peterson speaking to his audience does not make Peterson a Nazi. Again, we've been over this and your mind-numbingly asinine "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" games and how you leap from conspiracy to conspiracy trying to paint everything with your wide-angle Nazi paint brush. lol
I'm not a Nazi, I'm not a nationalist, and I'm not racist. We'd probably agree on more than we disagree on, but you've dug yourself into this silly hole and all you do is double down on stupid and toss out false accusations. Amusing, but unproductive.
Anyways..... lets hear your next Nazi filled tirade, "Boy who cried Nazi".
White people get special rights just for being whiteYou've never completely lived on your own so you have no idea what the real world is like beyond having pixel friends. Try it sometime broad chuch Episcopalian SJW, them come back to me.
White people get special rights just for being white
Go find it yourself. I'm not your tutor, although it appears you need one.Please remind me of the post number in which you show me a video of Peterson calling out a nazi like Gavin mcinnes and trying to dissuade him from his nazi extremism rather than just, ya know, doing a show with nazi Gavin mcinnes
Go find it yourself. I'm not your tutor, although it appears you need one.
Not to mention you've already been told you that's not what Peterson said he was going to do. So, I'm not sure why you keep bringing it up after being repeatedly told that's not what he said. That's what you're claiming Peterson said, (he didn't) and then you're demanding that your hand be held and someone show you where he said the things that you made up.
AGAIN Peterson said he wants to speak to the fringes of the left and right to disuade them from becoming extremists. He repeatedly states how awful the far-right (Nazi's) and the far-left (Communists) are, and he tries to take a centralist view point.
Somehow you're getting dumber as time and posts progress.