Budmaster cobx4 grow in 3x3 veg,possibly flowering under the same light n tent

Afternoon gentleman


But speaking from a €€€ perspective (I pay 18c per kwh) lights I can attest (not sure till this grows over for comparative reasons and I wanna lollypop n shit. Who gives a fuck about UV anyways I want par n drop some photon bombs.
Most growers care a lot about UV , that's why they either supplement UV with a T5 or use a lighting solution that has enough UV. The only reason you don't care about it is because you are new to growing and don't know what you are doing yet. Good luck .
The amount of UV a plant can absorb is soooo minimal a good grower would get better buds just by growing better and UV does stress the plant some bit so yeah all those extra lights for some uv and UV research is very new
Files were 2 big so I took screen shots, as u can see the exo just keeps going n the reveggers seem to be forming pro leafs now so since I topped her last run n she was shots I'm gonna bandage the slagsScreenshot_20170326-203146.png Screenshot_20170326-203130.png 
Yeah seems like they weren't just hyping up their cobs lol they throw some serious light n all 3 cobs are at half power oh and my endomycorrhizal it amazing worth every penny the endomycorrhizal forms the best symbiotic relationship with the root mast just give her some. Boot. Or molasses n they double ur roots help pests n everything tbh
I like molasses, though I recently used bud candy, which I believe is apple juice and molasses. lol I like bud candy. It's a great product, though has it's naysayers! lol

I used that wetable mycos in my last grow. Noticed vast amounts of growth within days of using it.
I've been busy trying to sell bro I've still to take cuts but atleast my endomycorrhizals getting it's time to grow so she'll be grand but I have been slacking fucking bollocks..tis what it tis
U know how lazy and reckless my part of the woods is so one of me mates was moving me xans n he got hooked so I'd to ween him off n stop selling to the that lad which has set me back an extra 200 a week but I can't get ppl hooked even when I'm running low I'm like that's my last k pack ween every1 off...dunno if they do but atleast I try to minimalise anyone going cold in a bad way been there n she's not good man baaaad come down if you don't have a supply so if my guys are passing it on I'm only like Robin Hood but with drugs and not like Robin Hood at all