budolskie's breeders boutique perpetual

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
best way to learn trial and error in this game unless it's blindingly obvious of course. drives you mad when you try a new bloom enhance on all but 1 of your plants and that one is the runtiest shitty fucking thing hahah been there done that...


Well-Known Member
Haha that's it like ionic is all I have ever used and the results have been good, just got the hang of how I like them to flower with the lst might try an enhancer 1 day on 1 or 2 in there just want sum nice down off them 3 tho not as bothered about quantity as I want quality first then I can work with getting bigger yields but I'm happy the money I save on it and its better then shit off streets

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that's it man you've more than got the basics down now. i'd look at big bud or some form of PK13/14 from canna. cheap and good. getting more out of small numbers is the key like. you reckon you'll crack the wilma back on soon ?


Well-Known Member
not just yet like see how this goes trying to get a couple down every month, am just happy with decent smoke so save me buying it for the month if i could get say 5oz every 4 weeks off 3 i would be happy thats more then enough for me to smoke and cover a few costs and invest in the grow room

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye get yer rotation sorted and your laughing, only thing is trying all these different strains plays hell with your timings. i gave up trying to time it til i got my mothers i want to keep. and even now i'm still not arsed haha

you'll go full circle soon enough


Well-Known Member
ii once this first wait is over il not be arsed about timing aswell il be making sure i have enough smoke to last if its a month or so haha be 3 weeks this weekend the other 3 have been on 12/12 seems to be going a bit quicker when im vegging same time. i thinks its because i no its not gona be as long as a wait for the next lot


Well-Known Member
well just got few pics from the flower room

1st 4 pics are the 3 i took along and repotted yesterday
bb pyscho killer from don
and 2 purple kush

just took 3 cuts from the p killer lemon....

next 4 pics are the 3 i have had on flower for 22 days now

1 pyscho killer and 2 blueberry

few bud shots of the ones 22 days in and a few from above the canopy


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
filling up fast bud, when the next lot due in do ya say? going to be cramped as when the third set go in haha. i always say if you can see floor your doing it wrong!


Well-Known Member
Haha I'm not sure if il get a 3rd lot in haha but might just took 3 clones of the p killer lemon and gona take sum off the dog Tomoz maybe they will be ok in 5 weeks to go in they got to root and that, but if not I got mates who will have them and and bb seeds to start haha


Well-Known Member
well few pics of whats in the veg room now trying to get them down so i can start my bb seeds haha....

1st is my bb sweet n sour reg
2nd is 4 bb psycho killer 2 from don 2 from mine i have on flower
3rd is a bb dippy ellsy from don
4th is a toppd blueberry and on the right is a psycho killer i put in soil with no rooting gel and it has loads now so had to repot the day
5th and 6th is a bb dog im gona get sum cuts off



Well-Known Member
well heres the 3, 26 days since repotting and entering the flowering room on 12/12

1st 4 are my bb pyshco killer
2nd 4 are 1 my blueberry
3rd 4 are my other bluerberry

also have pics of the others in flower room i will upload lata as this laptop im using now is shit and got a few things a need to do



Well-Known Member
well heres the 3, 26 days since repotting and entering the flowering room on 12/12

1st 4 are my bb pyshco killer
2nd 4 are 1 my blueberry
3rd 4 are my other bluerberry

also have pics of the others in flower room i will upload lata as this laptop im using now is shit and got a few things a need to do
Looking great budolskie.

Flower formation setting in really well!!!

Gonna be some low canopy fat nugs on them bitches. Lol.
