budolskie's breeders boutique perpetual


Well-Known Member
That's what I like few nice colas with no pop corn or nothing on the bottom mostly for personal but will cover a couple costs

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
morning bud lad, firstly what you think of that last lot of two toke? like i said it's not mine but still canny i thought. bit lighter an airy bud wise. secondly, do you still have a snip of the lemon pledge i gave you? and can i nab one back if you've not flipped it already!?


Well-Known Member
i have just put it on flip last weekend but took 3 myself off it in wool they arnt looking as well as my last lot of cuts did. but if any take then yes u can have 1 il get sum pics up it looks to have a nute problem after the 1st week in 12/12 il upload the pics now gis 10 mins and its nice smoke gets u baked like al be after meeting again this week sumtime if u can


Well-Known Member
heres pics of it m8 and couple others from the flower room on friday

1st 4 are the p killer lemon and its leaves

next 3 are the cuts i took on thursday i think it was

next 4 are the blueberry cuts i put in striaght from prop 2 in 5lts and 2 to pot up as i see roots hit the bottom it looks as tho the ones im potting up when roots hit bottom is growing faster .



Well-Known Member
quick pic with the light off and a close up of the pyscho killer bud on 29 days 12/12 also repotted 29 days ago! I think I have floor space for maybe another 2 in 10ltr pots if I scrap the 2 blue cuts I put in 5ltrs straight from the prop... but will get pics on the 7 I can bring along already see what yous recon men



Well-Known Member
well heres a few pics of the p killer lemon and 2 purple kush that entered the flowering room 9 days ago

1st 2 pics 1 of the pkush
2nd 2 pics the other p kush
3rd 2 pics the p killer lemon

i cut the dodgy leaves of the p killer yesterday and gave a full strength nutes with the other 3 thats 30 days in flower now see if that helps.
also i think i have space for 3 more 10ltrs if i scrap the 4 blue cuts i put in on 31st may... heres a pic with space i have if i get rid il upload the pics of cuts and of the ones i can replace with thats had a about 12 days veg



Well-Known Member
and heres the veggin side the ones i can pick from to put 3 in 10ltrs in that space in tent....
the 1st 7 pics are bb pysho killer from the one i have on flower now at 29 days
1st 2 of those 7 are 2 of them
2nd 2 is another
3rd 2 is also
and 7th is a topped one..

the next 2 pics are a topped blueberry i have 5 branches on it and want to flower it with them
next 2 pics is a dippy ellsy i wana grow up for sum cuts to do a few of them like i have with the dog



Well-Known Member
so do yous guys think its worth taking the blue cuts out and putting 3 of them in from veg room either 2 pyscho killer and the toppd blue or 3 pyscho killer or leave the 4 blue cuts in,,,, heres the cuts i think will be better scrapping but want your opinions



Well-Known Member
haha better to have a little more then be to short and have space sitting there, think i am gona hoy 2 pyscho killer and the topd blue in there in 10 ltrs at the weekend and scrap them 4 blue clones in there now


Well-Known Member
well this is the new plan take these 2 p killer and my topd blue and put in 10 ltrs and get rid of the 4 in 5ltrs from prop

1st pic is the 2 p killer
2nd is the topd blue
3rd is them together
4th and 5th is what im scrapping for the space

6th is a p killer
7th is a dippy ellsy
both from breeders boutiuqe i plan on growing a bit for a few cuts

and 8th and 9th are my bb sweet n sour regs.........
and have 9 dog cuts in the prop hoping they should be rooted and a bit growth to go in my tent when i take the first 3 out



Well-Known Member
well todays update..............

1st pic is my 2 pyscho killer
2nd pic is my topd blueberry
just brought these 3 to flower room and repotted into 11ltrs...

next 4 pics are my 2 purple kush 14 days from being repotted and put on 12/12

next 2 pics is my psycho killer lemon 14 days from being repotted and put on 12/12. fucked the 3 cuts i had off it using diff rooting gel (gutted)

next 4 are my 2 blueberry 35 days from being repotted and on 12/12

next 2 is my psycho killer 35 days from being repotted and on 12/12

thats that full till at least the 7th next month



Well-Known Member
hey my man, looking good there. sub'd tho I doubt i'd be able to give you advice, more like me sking you for it mate... we all help each other anyway so happy grow dude.... :lol: