budolskie's breeders boutique perpetual

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
as jondamon said good air movement and thinning out the lower bushy bits will help prevent, if it's already started. never know i could just be unlucky and you not. hope so man.


Well-Known Member
Ding ding ding and our winner is calcium deficiency.

Have you been hammering magnesium quite hard?

This can cause symptoms of Ca deficiency.



Well-Known Member
i personally tho i could of added more nutes then i have been do you think i been adding to much and will it effect it being doing in just over a week or 2? and think i need to get sum additives for these problems for my future runs

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it could be over fert but if you've not been giving them full dose it's unlikely. i'd get yaself a bottle of cal mag and add that to your mix. your buds look fine so it's no big worry.


Well-Known Member
ok m8 bit short funds anyway like at minute but once i get them down and im not buying it i will be to buy a few thing to improve them and get it bang on it there... 12" clip on fan or summit i want instead of the 1 on the floor taken up space for 1 plant haha a nice big 1.2x1.2 tray for the bottom but first plan is to stop buying it and have unlimtited amounts of weed to smoke

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
clip on 6inch ones are chap enough but they do chew leccy like. your conditions are too good for pm to get a foothold i reckon. a 12inch fan is a bit OTT haha then again i have PM and you don't :(


Well-Known Member
i use a 16 inch ascelating fan, cant have it more than number 1 or i get a coco sandstorm,l;olol

fucking good fan tho 15 qwid dleivered


Well-Known Member
ok this is just an old tower fan standing up in corner where the 4" brings the cold air in but its taking the floor space for 1 pot haha......... well just got a couple pics my 3 vegging babys will upload them now and be back in 5 mins


Well-Known Member
bb vegtables nearly ready for flower room.............

1st 2 pics dippy ellsy
2nd 2 pics psycho killer
3rd 2 pics sweet n sour

thinking about topping and leaving bottom 4-6 branches on and either trying to root the top or try for more cuts cos i dont think my dogs are taking like... gutted about them aswell deffo need to do this strain

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Their lookin belter man. You can always get hold of the dog again fella. The dippy gets big fast. Mines doubled and some when I flipped.


Well-Known Member
Just asked you a question on my thread budolskie so I thought is share it here too.

I was saying that I'm not a fan if cooltubes and much prefer air cooled hoods.

But about you finding your way with perpetual, have you thought about a SOG setup with 2 trays of clones sitting in small pots.

Put some in to flower on a 9 week schedule (if you have any 9 weekers) then put a new tray of clones in after around 4.5 weeks. Harvest a tray every 4.5 weeks after that.

Should see you right for 200-300g every 4.5 weeks.

Maybe around 10-15 rooted clones thrown straight to flower after rooting in 5L pots.

So that full you area would consist of 20-30 clones with that 4.5week gap between them. Then each clone only needs to net 10g a piece dry and your golden.



Well-Known Member
20-30 is a big number and a bit more work I think, If I had 4 of the dogs rooted and that I would of been topping sum to try that way but since they haven't even rooted I'm gona try get what cuts I can off these before I flip and pls t sum more my beans... My 2 black scout sniper a smelly berry and the cherry cheese have popd soil but forgot to get the pics. J I think I wana be putting 4 in 11ltr square pots every 3 weeks or so I not really arsed about timing as long as it stops my buying it and I can smoke a nice amount each day haha


Well-Known Member
I personally now do 4 plants, when I get clones they get between 2-3weeks veg topped, 4 branches selected to keep. Cut everything else off and LST those 4 to keep them equal.

I get 4oz near enough per plant and sees me through harvest to harvest without staggering any plants.

Well in all honesty it gets me EASILY harvest to harvest with PLENTY spare.

I smoke about an oz a month. ;-)

I personally like 4 plants in my setup.

Yours you could do 6 similarly to my 4.

Should rock you up around 600g for around a 13 week turn around.



Well-Known Member
This was my old setup.

Oh the 600w hydro setup, with lumatek 600 dimmable, sunsystems blockbuster hood. In dependant lighting fan. Secondary exhaust with filter.

Oh the good old days.

Fucking rozzers. Lol.



Well-Known Member
Sounds good j see what space I got getting these 3 down do you think I should top and repot now for them entering flower next weekend