Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

Yes, I will get down to Home Depot this week and get a roll or sheet of something to use as my girls will be taking up more space soon. Thanks for the ideas Jointed and SF!

I used to have some old cardboard sheets with white paper taped to them that I used for this purpose, but I think they got tossed in a clean out. Be nice to have something a little less flimsy.

I'm working on the greenhouse today trying to see if an in-line pressure pump can get my mist fan system working. Will also check results of the water I put in my deep bay wicking system to see if that will be useful. Finally some beautiful weather here in CO! I see a cigar or two in my immediate future!
Hell Ya man hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather we've got here today!! Very interesting grow, I look forward to following. Best of luck this season. I'm really digging the greenhouse by the way! Awesome set-up
Hey Extacie, thanks for following! I've been enjoying the warmth today for sure, hope your are too!

Just came down form the greenhouse and took a few pics.

entry way.jpg deck.jpg gh front.jpg gh front 2.jpg current reading.jpg borg.jpg reservoir.jpg pond pump.jpg low flow high pressure pump.jpg mist fan.jpg

I'll put a shade cloth over the framing above the deck in another few weeks, still too much risk of snow. I had my front flaps open today, one of the upgrades I made this spring. Should make servicing the girls in the bays easier and gives everything a more open feel. Took a picture of my current gh reading. The mist system starts with my main storage tank, a 270 gallon food tote that has been insulated and wrapped in black. I have bubblers going inside to keep the nasties from developing. This feeds inside the gh to reservoir with a float valve. A fountain pump with maybe 12 feet of head pushes the water up the wall to filter and then to a low output high pressure pump and then to the mist fan. A thermostat controls the pumps.

Happy to report it worked! I'm not sure yet just how much it will get used but the god damn thing was sure misting! My plan is to add some 35% H2O2 to it every day I use it so if plants are getting too much humidity or moisture, mold spores should be killed. Definitely an experiment for me but I'd sure like to get my summer time highs of 115F down a bit (that's with it being about 90F ambient outside). I spent about $40 on the mist tubing and mist heads and another $146 for the high pressure pump. Could very well be wasted money if ends up saturating everything. But for today I am excited to see it work.

I was also able to dig up a bay and saw that my deep soil wicking system seems to be working. I found moisture in the 12" to 18" depth after filling it up 2 nights ago. This is where I really have trouble getting water in August when the heat is up and the plant is sucking it in about as fast as I can put it down, even with mulch. Time will tell if it makes a difference.
This is a truly amazing setup. I have seen so many great huge grows on youtube and other resources but I have never seen such meticulous attention to detail. I will be watching your progress with avid interest and curiosity in the hope that maybe some day I will be able to grow as professionally as you.

On a lighter note, my favourite picture is the one showing your little music system :) suggesting to me that now and then, when you're not being all analytical and scientific and tweaking every little section of your grow, you sit back and enjoy some good sounds.

Kudos to you Mr. Bugeye, may your grow this year be hugely successful!
Thanks JC and Grow4, I appreciate your kind words.

I'm as scientific as I can be given my skill set but most of my time in the greenhouse is spent with the stereo on. I dabble in some pseudo-science stuff largely for fun - crystals, prayer flags, etc. Can't hurt and I like the vibe!

Here's a double terminated crystal I hung today. Would like to make a orgone accumulator (serious pseudo-science!) but need a few more of these guys. They are a bitch to find! I sometimes go to rock and crystal shows to try and find them, and it is funny, those shows have some of the worst energy I've ever felt! So much for the positive vibrations, I would expect a place with a million crystals to make me really feel good...

double termination.jpg

So while I have fun with some stuff, I'm really trying to cover all the botany needs first!
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This is just beautiful. Beautiful. I bet you are a nice and interesting person to interact with and to just be around. :)

Keep up the good work.
I'm onboard bro...good luck
P.S. Be careful adding moisture into the greenhouse, the plants will be doing plenty of that. IMHO you would be better off just throwing some sunscreen over the greenhouse on the hottest days.....
Thanks doublejj, glad to have you!

Yeah, I share your concern. I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to be using the mist system or not. Was going to start testing the impact on humidity and wetness the other day but realized I need to replace some of the rubber hosing on the outfeed side of the high pressure pump with pressure line. So once that is done I'll be testing it on any hot days we get in May before the girls go up. I'm envisioning using it with all windows and fans going but don't know where rh will settle. It is not uncommon for my rh to be below 10% on hot days so a little more moisture would be good.

I used a 30% shade screen three seasons back to control temp and was not happy with the density of the buds at harvest. Currently it is difficult for me to put them up and take them down so I'd have to fix that if I wanted to just use them during heat of the day.
Week 5 - 3 weeks Veg

week 5.jpg

Added the new reflective backed foam boards this week per suggestion from SF. Brewed up an AACT earlier in the week and noticed it didn't look the same as earlier teas, despite same ingredients. Checked my RO water and ppms were at 80 to 90ppm. I have well water that goes through a water softener so this is all dissolved salt content and too high. I ordered all new filters and shut down use of my RO filter until I get this fixed. A couple pots are ready for water this morning so I'll hike up to the greenhouse and haul some rainwater down. I'm seeing some hooked tips on a few plants that I associated with the supersoil they were transplanted into. Now I'm wondering if my salt content is playing a factor? Will check my run off today when I water and flush them out a bit if too high.

My pyrethrum daisy seeds finally arrived so I started a couple trays. Never grown these before so we'll see what happens. Supposed to be a natural insecticide so it sounded like a plant I'd like to have in my greenhouse. Supposedly they have a very long germination period. Seeds came from China so I have low expectations for them.

I'll be transplanting the two small plants in a couple days and will also start pinching off the bigger plants very soon, around the 5th or 6th node. .
They look pretty happy! Surprised to see how uniformly they are growing, considering all different seeds...

Few questions if i may...

by "pinching off" do u mean topping, or taking clones?
Is this all with just natural light, or do u have some artificial light in there too?
Assuming the pyrethrum seeds germinate and start to grow, how would you use them to help your plants, is it enough to just have them in the vicinity?
They look pretty happy! Surprised to see how uniformly they are growing, considering all different seeds...

Few questions if i may...

by "pinching off" do u mean topping, or taking clones?
Is this all with just natural light, or do u have some artificial light in there too?
Assuming the pyrethrum seeds germinate and start to grow, how would you use them to help your plants, is it enough to just have them in the vicinity?

By pinching off I am referring to topping or fimming. I'm under a 400W MH light until June when they move to the greenhouse.

I will grow the pyrethrum daisies in the greenhouse but it is unclear to me if they will flower the first year or not. Regular daisies I am told do not flower until second year. In flower I believe that they will deter pests, but probably more useful to grind up the dried flowers and spread around base of mj. All an experiment for me.

Not growing as uniformly as picture makes it appear. Some are up on 2X4's to level out canopy a little.
looks good buddy! thats the stuff DJJ reccommended to me to use, its alot cheaper than the reflectix sheeting, same insulation factor too. but in my opinion the reflextix is better.
for only a couple reasons.
it goes up with a staple gun in one hand and is easy to cut/ work with. (bends/folds)
its reusable if you tear it down the staples pull right through pretty much.

when i was doing the walls in my room the insulaton sheets were easy to do cause its in panels and i just screwed them to the wall with a washer over the head so it didnt go thru the styrofoam. BUT i cant bend/fold it to overlap and cover gaps/ corners. and when you cut it it makes a mess if you dont have a super clean sharp razor... not to mention cutting through styrofoam is like nails on a chalkboard to me. i dont know why.

i wont be using the styrofaom insulation again. ill just break for the reusable roll of reflectix. i saved 30-50 bucks that way but itll be more of a pain to reuse the foam panels.. (but they work really nice)
Yeah, I couldn't find the reflectix so I grabbed this stuff. I'm only using it for a few more weeks so it will work fine. We snapped the panel in half with knife at HD, but I prefer to use a table saw or band saw for nice cuts with less mess!
Week 6 - 4 weeks veg

week 6.jpg

I started this week with a mini-flush to correct for my failed RO filters. Each pot was taken to saturation point with rainwater and then with each extra cup of water added, runoff was measured for ppm. My peak ppm was around 600 and I watered those down to 450ppm, about 4 or 5 cups of water is all it took. Went to bed with plants looking like drowned rats but after lights off for the night they looked much better in the morning.

Began topping (fimming, to be precise) at 6th node a couple days later and then did transplants to 3 gal pots last night. I cut my supersoil with 25% seedling soil for this round to try and get my hooked tips to disappear and inoculated with Mykos brand myco fungi. My soil seems to be running hot on nitrogen but I'm not burning tips yet so still hopeful they will grown into the hotter soil as they gain mass. Leaves are now nice and shiny on most. Expect to move them to greenhouse in about 2 weeks.

I'll be gone for 3 days this week so will water them good Saturday morning before I leave and expect they will not dry out too quickly with new larger pots. My wife is scared to death to even water them so I hope they don't need anything. All strains are doing good but the Acapulco Gold is surprising short and smaller than I would expect. Seems to be an indica dom pheno and probably a weakling. She's the only one I have so we'll see if she gets her legs and takes off at some point.