June 1 - moving day! Will move my 6 best girls up the hill today and look to have everyone planted in final positions by end of week. I will set up a 100w bulb to come on for an hour in the night to prevent any early flowering as I'll be reducing by about 3 hours of light with move from indoor lights to sunshine.
Tested my soil yesterday and confirmed my recycled supersoil is way too hot on nitrogen. Simply hubris and ego that stopped me from testing it a month ago. 15 years of growing and I'M still the biggest problem my plants have! A good life lesson learned. So I will put a tea down on my nitrogen rich dirt and let it cook for the summer. Assuming I grow again next year, I should not have to lug any soil around between seasons (woohoo!). Bought 6 bags of Roots Organic to use in transplanting this year. Soil in the greenhouse tested well but I'd still like to have a some different soil zones for the roots to move through.
Alright, time to get lugging. Pics to follow later if I still have the energy.