lol must be nice to never have to worry about hot reserviors, Mister Alaska.

lets trade
aero is a different story. you also use tap. i dont. please dont knock me because i want to know what is in my water and want to feed precisely
im broke as a joke. house & garden is cheaper than you think buddy. i've shown the chart many o times. i pay about 60 bucks for 5L of a&b nutes.
i dont pH my aerocloner water at all and i still get consistent roots in 3-5 days. btw, i also use no medium. you have all this medium that you have to dispose of and waste, which also cost hella money.
i ONLY feed my mothers once every month with BLOOM nutes and foilar feed in between.
talk about simple? yes i know simple
yes, i know lazy as well, sir.
my main aero res stays a consistent pH 5.6-5.8.... all the while maintaining a nice clear nute soup
1.5 weeks and looking pretty clear to me.
I say goodbye to nute salt build up.
And of course you grow fantabolous know THIS, i tell you this ALL the time. All green. And of course you dont have a deficiency your tap water will cover the trace minerals
Different strokes for different folks, i just like to work smarter, not harder.