Bugs is an aero/nft convert!!!

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no, i blv the t5 are more efficient and produce more lumens or whatever also are smaller tubes compared to the t8 or t12...i think the walmart shop lights are either t8/t12 which is why they are cheaper than the t5 you see sold.

LOL, fuck you too. i try to rep you anytime i can ya fuck :p

oh btw... i think when i build my next RO res, i want to get a square brute. The round ones are okay, but im starting to square everything. my controller bucket is square, its just easier to drill a nice circle/hole without any worry for leaks. i mean my bitch aint leaking, im just saying.

Also my dumb ass got a clear tubing for the spout, i eventually thought....well hey i need to put something around it for algae eventually starts. So i think the next RO res build, imma use a garden hose.... and connect it to one of those garden hose holder things, that way i can have a longer hose, but it wont take up that much footprint as it will wind back up into the holder thingie. Plus i wont have to worry about blacking out or wrapping the clear tube in black because the hose is already lightproofed. I use black wire coil now.

speaking of dehumidifer...i gotta get another one

my controller bucket has overflowed :( the shop vac is okay, but carpet is carpet.... you see why i want a basement so bad?? This is my lab, however, i want a mancave :p

the water on my floor/in my carpet laughs at my dehumidifier

i got one of those 'new' peltier technology ones, cuz i didnt have the space or any more wattage for the bigger one. it was a surpentown 350 with the UV light or some shit...

that bullshit! imma have to get me another one (or maybe it was me from knocking it over all the time? lol OOPPPPPs!!!! )
hey, how do i post youtube stuff on here?
that shit is awesome btw!!! pricey though. if i had to go big/bigger those things would definately be the way to do it. but with the 600's it's not an issue to cool the room anymore. and that's with only 1 of the 1000's swapped out.
man i just be wishing i could get all that shit, i know in reality i cant afford all of it....lol

use [,youtube][/youtube,]

remove the commas and include the tag with the numbers and letters
hell i aint getting frustrated.

im just tryna get the misinformation cleared about aeroponic. the guy clearly has no clue. i've already gotten 3 reps just for my post hahaha

as for the numbers....look in the link...you will notice it after the = sign...
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