Bugs is an aero/nft convert!!!

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SOG will get it. grodrowithme probably just didnt get it.

he doesnt realize we are cool.

my subliminal was missed too :p
its all good bra... trust me

SOG is mad when people DONT talk. he likes some what socializing . especially grow talk
how about you take all that potty mouth the fuck off my thread buddy!!!!!

only serious shit here from now on.

....see, i think that is too fuckin funny!
ok, now lemme see. i need to see if my local guy has this stuff or not. but also i dont even use 1/2 the gh stuff on there. so what would i need of that stuff? you know, to = what i'm using. kool bloom= bud xl or top booster, and the a,b aqua flake is what??? the whole shabang....micro grow and bloom? the excel, i know about. amazing shit! expensive though. and seeing as i dont use anything except ro water in my cloner i probably wont bother. shit!, see....now i gotta read. you suck!
root excellator is the BEST

you know im about to give up my rhizotonic for roots excellator...and you know i been on canna since Al.

its the only roots stimulator that cures root rot if ya have it. awesome shit.

i suggest you get the whole line. the aqua flakes a & b plus all the additives.

but here's the thing....no need to spend money just yet. These dudes are so cocky.... they have to know their shit works. they give out 1L samples of any line you want. I got 1L bottles of the aqua flakes a & b line with all the additives and the coco A & B line with all the additives.... no bullshit bro!!!!

best thing you need to do is find a retailer with samples. and if your guy doesnt carry them...he should. i promise ya wont be disappointed

koolbloom is okay, but you will see visual and weight difference from the shooting powder + bud xl and top booster.

however the rumor has it that the top booster needs to be used the last two weeks, instead of the 4 weeks, House and Garden hasnt said anything about this.

However, from reading around and a friend of mine it does make sense. How Top Booster works is it dries out the colas/flowers making tricking them thinking there is a drought causing them to finish/mature a little faster and you damn sure dont want, IMHO, your colas/flowers to be drying out 4 weeks til harvest, so im thinking of using it on the 2 weeker
i only wanted to drop about 200 on nutes this round, but if i lose the excel then it looks like i can. that top booster sounds scary. and all this shit leaves your water looking how? is this organic stuff? shit i need to just go to their site. got a link....ah, i'll google it. soooooo lazy!
all this is ok to run in my aero/nft though huh?
these are chem nutes...some of it are enzymes but its keep.

shit last and their shit is fresh


you should know i dont do any organic shit. even if the rhizotonic is organic.... its not sold as such or not that i know of. i think the only thing organic in my nute closet is cal/mag, sm90, cannazym and iono...
and why would i recommend any other nute that is not aero/nft rated?

lol you asshat.

just dont be a dumb ass and run house n garden coco specific nutes in aero. i mean maybe you can...but i would rather use aqua flakes for aero or any recirculating system. hell thas what its for.

drip clean is the shit too. some science shit, but it bonds with all the ions or whatever acts like a magnet...i would say its something like clearex, but i wouldnt wanna insult Drip Clean, as its really the shit, especially for our aero/nft sprayer systems

the magic green is some serious shit too. you know i dont feed my mothers that much. just give them RO water.... sometimes bloom nutes (once every month) and i hit the foilage with Magic Green Everyweek 5mL per pint i blv. Its really changed my outlook on foilar feeding, but its some really nice shit. I used to hate foilar feeding cuz of raising humidity and the product never worked worth the cost of the temp high humidity. but the magic green starts to work in 2 days, no bullshit.

also great when you in midflower or late flower and have a deficiency you wanna fix right quick on a single plant... it doesnt harm the plants (now this may be organic, but not hyped up to be organic or whatever the fanboys do)

and just get the damn roots excellator, you can get the 250mL bottle for cheaper....

also keep in mind, all of their nutes are hella concentrated....so you can get small bottles and still do some damage.

the ratio for the roots excell is like 1 mL per gallon.

also the roots excell is your h2o2...you can storage the h2o2. wont even need it with roots excellator

if you only had 200 to spend...

i would only get the roots excell, aqua flakes a & b, top booster, bud xl and shooting powder & drip clean if you have enough budget, you'll be okay.
im still on the fence about the Algen Extract & the Multizym/Mulitzen as i dont know if its really needed or if it just works great in the nute line up.
well shit. i looked at the site and they splain it pretty good. top boost is only for a few days it says. fuck man, i think i am gonna give it a try. all of it.....maybe the excellurator. hehehe....asshat. i like that one. ok fucker but if it sucks i'll figure out a way to do something horrible to you. i should be shopping in a couple days. i'm gonna check my hydro shop now and see if they carry the line or not. if not i'll shoot those guys an email and order it straight from them. gonna suck to pay shipping on all that though.
dude...like i said...

you dont even need to spend money.

they sent me samples....fucking 1L BOTTLES!!!!! what company you know does that????!!!!???!?!

not to mention the whole line...

they said, 'try it out for free.... see for yourself, not to brag, but you'll be back'

they say they send samples to all the shops. and they give out HELLA shit at the hydro conventions and shows
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