Building single-plant growbox, I want your opinions!


Well-Known Member
hey i built another box entirely... it's higher and bigger so I need to get more light... i'm putting in a 70 watt hps, to go with a pair of 42 watt soft whites......

check out my plants below... hope urs are doin fine...



Well-Known Member
just started third week of 12.12 today.... it took 16 days for pistils to show, started showing on august 25... by the 26 i was positive one was female... i only realized both were females yesterday morning.... :):)


Well-Known Member
Guys I got quite a surprise when I came back to my baby. She didn't appreciate those 6 bulbs in there while I was away, the cola grew straight up into them and dried out until it was completely dead. I smoked it today because it was already dried for me lmao. And believe it or not I got surprisingly high, but I can tell it's premature. Anyway, I have corrected the problem, I removed any damaged foliage and I also trimmed many fan leaves off in order to make better light access to budsites. I also have done a whole new tying job which looks fantastic, I just got done, and here is a picture of what I have now. I know it looks nothing like the bush it was before because I stretched it all out and gave her a trim, but I can assure you when it adjusts to the tie it will get bushy again. Notice HOW MANY BUDSITES she has!!!!

July 28, 2009:

September 2, 2009


Well-Known Member
that was probably the best thing you could have done for that plant...:lol:

Now all your budsites are exposed.. instead of the shade farm it was before...:lol:

Probably increased your yield..:lol:


Well-Known Member
For the size & cost of my operation, I think my yield is going to be incredible. It has so much on it already and it's nowhere near finished! I'm definitely going to have more than an ounce dry weight when I harvest. And I'm still under the 200$ mark so all-in-all, mission successful! And lots more plants to come. I would like to have a bigger growbox though. Just like anything else in life, you start something and next thing you know, you're taking it to the next level and going bigger. I can't yet though, I'll stick with this one for this winter and plan out something new for next year.

And in one month you se the difference. 2 weeks veg, 2 weeks flower, and another 2 more weeks it will be done. 1.5 months start to finish with great yield, I'm happy with that for now.


Well-Known Member
yeh u have plenty of bud sites. Sorry to hear about ur cola...sux....but at least u got to smoke it..:)

im duplicating this box in a couple weeks with a fem blueberry seed. Cant wait!


Well-Known Member
Come back in a few hours and I will give you some pics of the box from different angles to better explain how I built it, lights are out right now so I'm not going to bother her. It's fairly simply though, and husalife, instead of replicating it, keep in mind that it is a prototype. Take my idea and run with it. You could make a better plant than mine if you had better lighting, and you can easily get it much brighter in there as long as you have better ventilation than I do.

Personally I would really like to swap my fans for a more powerful one so that I could run 6 CFLs instead of 4.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
My box plans a slightly bigger, but no six foot by any means. I will try to take a couple pics and add to my profile so you can see. Dont wanna jack your thread with my pictures. Peace bro


Well-Known Member
another much noise does the box make..with the fans going and everything..just wondering because i have a small room but the closet has more than enough room! Wanna b as stealth as possible!


Well-Known Member
since you never come by my grow...:roll:

I thought I would bring you an update on my growbox 3 weeks into flower...:razz:



Well-Known Member
damn, that plant looks crazy, in a i want to smoke some of your plant crazy:weed::weed::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:.....

you've done a lot better than me, but i'm still under the $100 mark...

i'm putting in a single picture here so you see how i'm doing, what do you think? it's got 9-10 budsites...not too bad for such a short plant...

i was going to put the HPS light, but i wont be able to make the rent if I do, not yet...

i'm also gonna work on some tying down of my branches tomorrow, so my budsites get more light....

next week it's getting it's first taste of molasses too...:bigjoint:

take care and keep at it, that plant's gonna give you a hell of a lot of good weed:-P:-P :leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
That's a cute little plant, redivider. I'm impressed with how it looks considering the budget you're on.

Gypsy, holy hell. I'm stunned. Someday I'll have a super secret operation like that haha. Like 10 years down the road if the world doesn't end in 2012 (LMAO!)

My setup runs nearly silent, when I close my closet door I can't even hear the little humm that the computer fans make. But that was before today. Today I got sick of not being able to run 6 bulbs because it gets too hot. So I upgraded my fan to one that is 4 times as big and powerful, this one runs on 120v instead of my 12vdc cpu fans lol. I'm loving the power this thing has, I paid 15$ it at Princess Auto. It's pretty much unmarked, no idea what CFM... But it blows like hell, anyway I installed it today. Now running 6 bulbs, and here are some new pictures of the box and the plant for those interested. :) If you have any questions about how I did something, ask away.



Well-Known Member
thats 1 crazy lookin plant man, i see like 40 little budsites in there, and most of them look like colas. that lst did you good


Well-Known Member
where are your drain holeS?

There are no drain holes, so don't overwater :P If you want drain holes when you replicate it, feel free, but I didn't need them. The amount of soil I have in there will comfortably soak up two litres of water.

Yeah each branch looks like a cola of it's own, just covered in budsites, and at this rate I'm guessing in about 2 weeks you won't be able to see much branch.