Mr Strickland
Active Member
Hung over, no.Hung down under, yes.
ive been in your future hell for the past two weeks. i drank a few times, but that just put me in a lower circle of hell so i cut that shit painfully sober.I don't least not enough to get drunk, and thusly have also never been hung over...I will soon have to stop smoking though I fear... I will have to just deal with reality just the way it is, and I think it is crap!
How boring.I'm hung over on life.
I can never remember blacking out, just waking up under my car a few times and wondering how I got there... stay highBlackouts are very real. I'll attest to that.
dosent it make you sick?LOL have fun with your sobreity,youll be getting drunk soon enough,you just watch.I'm hung over on life.
one of my ex's dad was like that an i wondered how the fuck he did it. homeboy would get start drinkin the time i set in the door till he passed out, but he was up early as every mornin makin a smoothin ready to take on the day. shit baffled me cause if i would drink that much i wouldnt wanna move for hours after i woke up.i'm a high functioning alcoholic. i work every day, pay my bills and get fucked up royally when i can. is it wrong? maybe, have i killed anyone yet, no.
do i give a fuck. not one itty little bit. besides i'm more your binge drinking alchomofrolic