Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

1. Let's see your dogtags,

2. If true, you're lucky to be alive. Quite a few of those ragheads turned on our own, ambushing them during mess hall, barracks, latrine, etc.

1) I'm not showing you my SSN
2.)You don't know shit about shit. I've had family in the military since vietnam, and none of them reported a mass muslim uprising.
Muslim soldier convicted of plot to kill fellow US troops
"A Muslim soldier has been convicted of plotting to blow up a Texas restaurant packed with American troops in the hope fulfilling his religious mission to get "justice" for civilians killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. "

That one christian in Oslow missed more people than that dude killed.

You still ignored the fact that not all Muslims are terrorists by any stretch. Like I said, find a Muslim Marine and tell him he's a terrorist sometime.
1. Let's see your dogtags,

2. If true, you're lucky to be alive. Quite a few of those ragheads turned on our own, ambushing them during mess hall, barracks, latrine, etc.

Let's see if any of the victims of the Fort Hood massacre by Major Nidal Malik Hasan share your sympathy.

Many Muslims join the military to kill fellow soldiers. No different than American born and raised Muslim terrorists who indulge in murder to satisfy their sick Muslim ideology.

Way to edit your post 4 minutes after I responded to it, without letting me know. When were you in the military? I only ask since you seem to know so much about a group that I see so few studies on.
Hasan was known as troubled, and he never received treatment despite being noticed as odd in 2006 and on. This guy was a product of failure to care about our troops.

We're all "troubled". What's your point, dufus.

Let me see if I get where you're going with this - that the murders were not at the hands of Hasan but by the military institution because they did not recognize and treat their psychiatrist who was put in charge of "treating" others? Hah! :wall:
We're all "troubled". What's your point, dufus.

Let me see if I get where you're going with this - that the murders were not at the hands of Hasan but by the military institution because they did not recognize and treat their psychiatrist who was put in charge of "treating" others? Hah! :wall:

The military still doesn't acknowledge that PTSD happened during or before the Vietnam war. So I'm not fully willing to accept that the military properly treats anything.

Keep ignoring the fact that a christian did with a gun what it has taken any muslim extremist a bomb to do though.

They're all tragic, but your complete ignorance of motivations is genuinely saddening. I did not expect the America I gave 4 years of my life for to be so goddamn lazy with their information consumption.
We're all "troubled". What's your point, dufus.

Let me see if I get where you're going with this - that the murders were not at the hands of Hasan but by the military institution because they did not recognize and treat their psychiatrist who was put in charge of "treating" others? Hah! :wall:

We made sweeping assumptions about who would be a threat in the 40's too. They were called "concentration camps" and they were popular in the US. Glad to see you didn't learn much.

It's comparable because you apparently feel the problem should be assumed instead of prevented.
What DOES upset me is our justice system. Hasan should have been given a terrorist designation. He got pampered even being allowed to wear that stupid beard that ragheads hold so dear. He is no hero and certainly no martyr....just a cold blooded killer. I have never understood how these morons can hate so much to sacrifice their own lives and murder others in cold blood.

The government argued against the idea that a death sentence would result in martyrdom for Hasan. "He will never be a martyr because he has nothing to give. Do not be misled. Do not be fooled. He is not giving his life. We are taking his life. This is not his gift to God; this is his debt to society. This is not a charitable act. He is not now and never will be a martyr. He is a cold-blooded murderer," argued prosecutor Col. Michael Mulligan.
What DOES upset me is our justice system. Hasan should have been given a terrorist designation. He got pampered even being allowed to wear that stupid beard that ragheads hold so dear. He is no hero and certainly no martyr....just a cold blooded killer. I have never understood how these morons can hate so much to sacrifice their own lives and murder others in cold blood.

And again with that raghead shit.

You know who else had a beard while in the military? MARSOC

Clearly, those are terrorists. I mean, just lok at those dirty raghead beards... /s


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What DOES upset me is our justice system. Hasan should have been given a terrorist designation. He got pampered even being allowed to wear that stupid beard that ragheads hold so dear. He is no hero and certainly no martyr....just a cold blooded killer. I have never understood how these morons can hate so much to sacrifice their own lives and murder others in cold blood.

This will probably bunch you man-panties too.
Would you look at that terrorist posing as a dedicated member of our military? Clearly, how he looks is the best way to judge his personality.
What DOES upset me is our justice system. Hasan should have been given a terrorist designation. He got pampered even being allowed to wear that stupid beard that ragheads hold so dear. He is no hero and certainly no martyr....just a cold blooded killer. I have never understood how these morons can hate so much to sacrifice their own lives and murder others in cold blood.

LOL What a dumbass
This looks like another lets just do what makes white people feel safe arguement, lol.
But seriously once you call someone a raghead to prove your point,
You lose all credibility.
This will probably bunch you man-panties too.
Would you look at that terrorist posing as a dedicated member of our military? Clearly, how he looks is the best way to judge his personality.

That is a Sikh and not a Muslim. I don't think we've been attacked by Sikhs...

Edit: the guy in the story gives Texas a bad name. I hope his business fails.