Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

I'd say it was suicide by Texan...either he's got really big balls or a really small brain. I can't believe someone would be dumb enough to think a Texan would fire a warning shot...should have picked another state for your apprenticeship fool!

the fatal blow was from the warning shot ........ it was a warning to anyone else that may try and break in
So you're a thief on top of being an unfit mother, welfare cheat, and too lazy to work. Why am I not surprised?

wrong you self-riteous mother fire..the State of Florida considers that employment which needed to be disclosed (i was commended for being original in said employment)..btwaaay..SNAP just called friday and approved my next 6 months..since mcd's sends thestate so much bidness they are now setting the up exchange to approve dollar menu items:P
i'm "red-proofing" my animals now: stop, drop and roll..

Let's not pretend anything I said about you wasn't from your own admissions here. Did you quit your "high paying executive position" just to avoid paying child support? Or did you get fired? That's not your dog, either. If you had a dog, you'd probably let it starve to death...
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Let's not pretend anything I said about you wasn't from your own admissions here. Did you quit your "high paying executive position" just to avoid paying child support? Or did you get fired? That's not your dog, either. If you had a dog, you'd probably let it starve to death...

i can assure you schuy's dogs are cuter than fuck, and have not died in a fire due to homicidal negligence.
wrong you self-riteous mother fire..the State of Florida considers that employment which needed to be disclosed (i was commended for being original in said employment)..btwaaay..SNAP just called friday and approved my next 6 months..since mcd's sends thestate so much bidness they are now setting the up exchange to approve dollar menu items:P

If you are lucky you will find a time machine and return to "Queen for a Day". This time you will win for sure!
i've locked myself out before and had to crawl in through a window
Your anecdotal story has no similarities to the OP at all, why would you shoot yourself for going into your OWN property? Are that stupid?

Do you think its ok to crawl into windows of OTHER people's homes too?

Of course not, that is why you entertain the idea of firearms and punji stake traps when rippers appear.