Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

so we're on day 4 and you still can't show me where i ever defended hitler in any way.

as if we needed any more evidence that you're a sock puppet lying douchebag. we got it anyway though.

Do think it is a coincidence that everyone that disagrees with you is a sock puppet, or is it paranoia, whoa.:clap:
you're just an angry racist southerner. a simple, simple mind with a lot of hate in his heart.

and you;re a fucking coward to boot.

Yea but UncleCatPissDrunk it's ***you're*** so I win.

I made UncleBuck call me a name, my life is complete as he exposes his true latent bigotry and hipocracy in seemingly any measurable category.

He is Ron Paul in practice and Cherman Mao in thought.

More transparent than a window at Martha Stewart;s(<--moron) house.
i got banned for posting pictures of kaendar, not for calling him a niqquer. you dumb, confused thing.

So if you change the spelling its no longer a rabid doberman and now its a nice calm yorkie?

See I knew it had to be something like this. Bury it deep, so deep....then you will feel better.

And you claimed to be black? I have heard this from several members.
old news, unclebigot.

since then, it has been southerners like you who have taken the lead in the oppressing of blacks and racism against blacks. that's why your state was subject to preclearance laws if you guys wanted to do anything that had to do with voting, because racist people like you from racist states like yours do racist things all the time because you're racist.

but hey, at least you are proud of your racism and hatred, unlike so many of the other closet racists we have around here. you actually do exhibit white pride and you are not ashamed to be a racist ass.

The REPUBLICAN Party was created over the issue of slavery
That's the original reason for them splintering from the Dem....

But the Lincoln Republicans would not recognise the Palin/Romney Reps

(Come on guys, stop using history to justify modern bigotry.
We've all learned the truth about the injustice of racism).

When you turn sideways on to your grow light
does a thin beam of light shoot from your offside ear....?
I see a car pull up front...
I ask GF and her Daughter if they are expecting anyone...
[whom were sitting with me at table....]
I had view of street...
"No... not expecting anyone, it's a lady..."
30 seconds later....
Screen door opens...
Person standing at door...
"Babe, someones at door"
She walks over as lady opens my front door...
Her hand was inside my house...
If this was Texas... OMG....
It would have been one less stupid person...
Who was she... what she want... I don't have a clue...
House direct behind us is for rent... Maybe she was a street off or??????
She knocked on the door, not climbed in through a window?
Except the one running towards him angled away enough to get shot in the back. The plainclothes cop on the scene actually said they both "took fire from the rear". The cops were on the way; there was already one there. Presumably, he was awaiting backup and then saw some dumbass come out with a gun and start yelling at people. Had he actually let the police do their damn job, this could have played out entirely differently. They would have likely been arrested and had their day in court. This guy acted as a vigilante when there was absolutely no need to. He wanted to be a hero when there was no need. So now two guys are dead because he left his house to confront two people who were not a danger to anyone. He had no reason to suspect anyone was in danger. Nor was anyone threatening him before he armed himself and decided to play dirty harry.
There was a cop there and he witnessed the shooting, but did nothing to prevent either the robbery or the shooting? If the police had done their job, this would not have happened. "The police are minutes away when seconds make the difference." In this case, the police were there already, but did nothing
trick question, bucky spells it "Pawl" cuz he thinks that will keep the paulbots out of this forum.

if only there were some way to keep douches who dry their dope over cat piss out of this forum.
You got it wrong. He wasn't drying it, he was draining the excess cat piss he uses as a foliar spray.
I'm going to believe an organization full of professionals who make it their job to get the facts correct, not some random dude on the internet.
Why do you assume they are "an organization full of professionals who make it their job to get the facts correct" when clearly they are an organization full of anti-gun crusaders? Their "job" is to restrict gun ownership.
My grandmother owned nothing but a car which was a gift from my Great grandmother, her application was denied until she sold the car and paid for a cab to see her medicare covered doctors. She was half blind and had no job due to her MS. So I would say that their admission requirements don't meet reality. For the record, it was an Oldsmobile standard production 4 door. It wasn't some Roll's Royce.
Your one car doesn't disqualify you from welfare, even if it's a Rolls Royce. It's not even considered an asset at all. So you're lying.
i disagree..i've "collected" 5 gallon water bottles and turned them into the store for $6/bottle when i was waiting to get approved for SNAP..enough to afford:

1. milk and protein powder 2x day
2. dollar menu burger
So you're a thief on top of being an unfit mother, welfare cheat, and too lazy to work. Why am I not surprised?
Yeah, its called a made up story, a total fabrication as it didn't actually happen. To not qualify for Welfare, your primary vehicle value has to be worth more than $10,000.

Resource limits go up with age, granny's limit would increase by 40% if she was over age 60, which I assume she was.

Hell your granny could have had a car and several thousand in the bank and still qualify.

Homes aren't used against you either, unless you have more than 1.

This is why I know its a BS story.

Your granny doesn't have to lie to have a mail order business where she sends her used panties to old creepy dudes. Businesses aren't required to make a profit.
There's no limit on the value of the car in most states. I know a woman who bought a $60,000 BMW with her lottery winnings so she could still qualify for welfare. She never drives it because she thinks its an "investment" and she gets free transportation from Community Services.
I have no idea of the exact age, but she wasn't even in her 60's when she started on it. The problem was they mishandled her trust and that put her over their income requirements at the time. Disability said the car (Which was less than 4 years old at the time.) and the pittance she got because the money was mishandled by a family member that wasn't happy with stealing all my GG's gold, silver, and jewelry; all while saddling my grandmother with the transport fees to get the car from CA from TX and the mechanic fees to render it drivable again. Like I said, it's not simple.

You don't get disability for being old, you get it for being too sick to work. Provided you worked long enough in your lifetime. http://www.ssa.gov/pgm/disability.htm

Edit: I phrased that other statement badly. It was not because of old age; she was on disability because of how young she was at the time. She was too young for regular SS.
Your assets have no bearing at all when qualifying for disability. I call bullshit.
There was a cop there and he witnessed the shooting, but did nothing to prevent either the robbery or the shooting? If the police had done their job, this would not have happened. "The police are minutes away when seconds make the difference." In this case, the police were there already, but did nothing

I thought police were only required to investigate crime. Are they actually required to intervene during a crime?

Either way, I'm calling my neighbor if I need help, then the police to come haul away the dead intruders.
I thought police were only required to investigate crime. Are they actually required to intervene during a crime?

Either way, I'm calling my neighbor if I need help, then the police to come haul away the dead intruders.
Unfortunately, no. So "to serve and protect" is pretty much a lie. They aren't required to investigate crime, either. Nor prosecute, for that matter. Witness the highest officer in law enforcement publicly stating he will not prosecute blacks.