Bush Tarp Bailout On Track To Be Repaid. AIG returned 22.7 Billion Profit


Well-Known Member
This is a good sign. BofA Citi and other banks are doing very well recently. The rest of AIG will be sold back to the public for a $22.7 billion profit to the government. The whole process is still in the red but the AIG pay back is large enough to cover most of GM's debt. With the banks gaining strength its only a matter of time before the gap begins to closed.

Counter arguments say that if the government used the AIG money differently it would have returned more profits. I see this as speculation with no proof. The point is that AIG has returned profits and that is a very good sign for economy.

The numbers here are mere pennies to our total deficient but i think it has bigger implications.


WOW!! That $22 BILLION dollars will fund government for almost two whole days!!! If only there were 180 AIG's. We could almost start paying off some of the deficit.
Think of it as a new aircraft carrier, with all the bells & whistling bombs

Still if the companies that hit rock bottom are picking back up, Im sure the majority of US companies are too
Think of it as a new aircraft carrier, with all the bells & whistling bombs

Still if the companies that hit rock bottom are picking back up, Im sure the majority of US companies are too
Oh you know they are gonna spend it on some new toy for themselves, fuck paying the bills.
This is a good sign. BofA Citi and other banks are doing very well recently. The rest of AIG will be sold back to the public for a $22.7 billion profit to the government. The whole process is still in the red but the AIG pay back is large enough to cover most of GM's debt. With the banks gaining strength its only a matter of time before the gap begins to closed.

Counter arguments say that if the government used the AIG money differently it would have returned more profits. I see this as speculation with no proof. The point is that AIG has returned profits and that is a very good sign for economy.

The numbers here are mere pennies to our total deficient but i think it has bigger implications.



You do realize Citi is laying off 11,000 people world wide as we speak, around 6k here in the US.
You do realize Citi is laying off 11,000 people world wide as we speak, around 6k here in the US.

you do know that is a good thing, admitting your bluff before you go all in is always a smart move.

so 11,000 jobs


(everyone's jobs)= another bailout

they have raised 9.14 billion dollars since December 1st


35.2 billion since August
You know why those fucking banks are doing good? FEES FEES FEES. FEE this FEE that. Cover charge/fee just to get into a bank. Those cocksuckers will suck the blood out of their customers. Of course they rebound in four years while the middle class rebound has barley started, if at all.

You know why those fucking banks are doing good? FEES FEES FEES. FEE this FEE that. Cover charge/fee just to get into a bank. Those cocksuckers will suck the blood out of their customers. Of course they rebound in four years while the middle class rebound has barley started, if at all.

So stop using them, close your account/s and then you can bitch all you want.

If you find a bank convenient for storing money, obtaining credit, etc then stfu.
I don't use the big banks, I use a credit union. Right to bitch reinstated ty. So bitter harrekin, either you are an old codger, or a middle age dickhead. Lighten up.

I don't use the big banks, I use a credit union. Right to bitch reinstated ty. So bitter harrekin, either you are an old codger, or a middle age dickhead. Lighten up.


His country is a welfare state that it's own citizens are fleeing from.
His experience with banks are from a country whose Bonds are rated "junk"
RIU is the only outlet he has for attacking people becuase he feels so empty inside
While I think it is wonderful that the government is being paid back, I worry that this may tend to lend more weight to the argument that it is acceptable to bail out private industry with public funds. I agree that it was necessary to prevent a collapse but government should never have let things get to that point. I am reading "too big to fail" currently and the things that went on during that period are actually obscene to me. Had some of these practices been regulated, government would not have had to prop up the industry - AIG was a known mess for months beforehand and some suspected problems a year or more in advance. At the same time (you libertarians will enjoy this) Two letters from government regulators were on file stating that AIG was adequately collateralized.
While I think it is wonderful that the government is being paid back, I worry that this may tend to lend more weight to the argument that it is acceptable to bail out private industry with public funds. I agree that it was necessary to prevent a collapse but government should never have let things get to that point. I am reading "too big to fail" currently and the things that went on during that period are actually obscene to me. Had some of these practices been regulated, government would not have had to prop up the industry - AIG was a known mess for months beforehand and some suspected problems a year or more in advance. At the same time (you libertarians will enjoy this) Two letters from government regulators were on file stating that AIG was adequately collateralized.

So, you know for certain that if government regulated things more that none of the crash would have happened eh?

Do you really think more government influence is the answer to every problem?

FWIW Government did not prop up the banks, YOU DID!
His country is a welfare state that it's own citizens are fleeing from.
His experience with banks are from a country whose Bonds are rated "junk"
RIU is the only outlet he has for attacking people becuase he feels so empty inside
We have the most capitalised banks in Europe genius, and we're real close to getting about 50% of our national debt cut.

AND 2 years from a balanced budget, so we'll even be able to comfortably support our poor AND the moochers without borrowing money from anyone.

You can just bend over and hope China still loves you (long time).

I bet the facts hurt (like that Asian dick in your ass).
you do know that is a good thing, admitting your bluff before you go all in is always a smart move.

so 11,000 jobs


(everyone's jobs)= another bailout

they have raised 9.14 billion dollars since December 1st


35.2 billion since August

Sure it is, stocks soared when they announced the layoffs. It just very ironic that you try to mask the bailout as a good thing as a company makes record profits and cut workers. Countless threads have been started of how horrid this process is. Sorry I am pointing out the hypocrisy and unliberalness this is, I guess it's only bad when a republican congressman is involved? It is a little humorous that the guy that said don't bail out the banks they can do this exact process their self and survive.
You can just bend over and hope China still loves you (long time).

I bet the facts hurt (like that Asian dick in your ass).

You sound like quite the expert in Asian butt sex. Good thing for you Asians have small dicks. Harrekin's favorite soup? Cream of sum yung guy.

You sound like quite the expert in Asian butt sex. Good thing for you Asians have small dicks. Harrekin's favorite soup? Cream of sum yung guy.


Can you tell me how 16trillion deficit is a good thing? We're paying China 74millon a day in debt interest. Everyone understands a moderate deficit isn't a bad thing but fuck this is getting ridiculous.
16 trillion is a bad thing for sure, I agree. We have become a nation of borrowing as a country and in our personal lives. There are so many variables that caused us to be where we are. I don't think you can point to one thing or blame it on one person. Our government has a spending problem and needs to be addressed. As far herriken goes I was just kidding, busting his ballz.
