Bush Tarp Bailout On Track To Be Repaid. AIG returned 22.7 Billion Profit

All this TARP crap is completely unnecessary. Just stop throwing a bunch at the 'drug war'. And then - just put a VAT on legalized POT!!!!!!! All our money problems solved and a whole country full of happy people.
All this TARP crap is completely unnecessary. Just stop throwing a bunch at the 'drug war'. And then - just put a VAT on legalized POT!!!!!!! All our money problems solved and a whole country full of happy people.

Please no VAT. Don't send us down the British path. cn
The Fed prints 50B a month and "gives" this money to these banks that are too big to fail to loan to the major corporations so they can expand overseas, loan to the smaller banks so they can offer obscenely low rates in an attempt to keep our housing bubble as inflated as possible while Fannie and Freddie keep gobbling up those mortgages backed by money they don't have and loan to the central banks of other countries (while they loan us bank some of their printed money).

We are essentially giving them money to pay us back some of the other money we gave them and patting them on the back for it. Hollywood would turn down this script down saying it's not a believable concept.
All this TARP crap is completely unnecessary. Just stop throwing a bunch at the 'drug war'. And then - just put a VAT on legalized POT!!!!!!! All our money problems solved and a whole country full of happy people.

Ooooo, I'm skeered of opening the VAT door. As good as the 9-9-9 plan sounded, it wouldn't take long before it was the 20-20-20. Agree with taxing it though, just as you would any produce.
Please no VAT. Don't send us down the British path. cn
I wonder what Chesus' slant on this is...?

It's ok, I'll let myself out...

Sure it is, stocks soared when they announced the layoffs. It just very ironic that you try to mask the bailout as a good thing as a company makes record profits and cut workers. Countless threads have been started of how horrid this process is. Sorry I am pointing out the hypocrisy and unliberalness this is, I guess it's only bad when a republican congressman is involved? It is a little humorous that the guy that said don't bail out the banks they can do this exact process their self and survive.

no i am not being political here, just because i said who enacted the bailout doesn't mean i support them its just facts. Obama added to the tarp with gm if it makes you feel better.

I DO NOT think the bail out was a good thing, i am simply arguing that this is a good sign for the economy. Yes Citi cut 4% of their employees, but forward progress tells me more jobs were made as a whole.

As much as I detest this bailout it is in the past and you can sit there and cry. You have to move forward from where you are

And i'm not a full blown liberation. I just sympathize with most of their arguments.
So, you know for certain that if government regulated things more that none of the crash would have happened eh?

Do you really think more government influence is the answer to every problem?

FWIW Government did not prop up the banks, YOU DID!

I know that if the separation between banks and investment banks had been left up, things would have been more controlable and it is possible that the problem could have been contained without the need for bailouts at all.