Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

WV: Jetson

Well-Known Member
I got my hands on what is left of the original seeds I used last summer. I'm starting a few for my BIL. I also cut out five for me. Can you say BX?

There are about 15-20 more good seeds after I planted 16 for him, but I'm going to wait a couple three weeks to pop the rest of them. {And I may save back a few for next year} He wants about 25 all together. My BIL calls this strain Jack Carlos Cross, but I labeled my five 88-98. The original cross was made in 1988, and the seeds were made in 1998.

I used a blend of CP1, CPDA and tops from this year's CP1's for the ceremonial hits.
I don't know how you keep track of all this - plot codes, plant codes, people codes - I'm gonna start calling you Neo.

My sweetie and mine's favorite is 7 (no video available {that I could find}) There have been too many musicians of my youth dying...

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I don't know how you keep track of all this - plot codes, plant codes, people codes - I'm gonna start calling you Neo.

My sweetie and mine's favorite is 7 (no video available {that I could find}) There have been too many musicians of my youth dying...
So far it hasn't been too hard to keep everything straight. But when I have to name this year's plants, I may be losing my way.

And I hear you on the dead musicians. Enough already.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I got out yesterday morning to check on some plants. Some were topped when I transplanted, while others were not. Since the effect of topping is so important to plant structure, I thought I would share examples of both.

The untopped Slo2


The topped CP1's



I have always liked to top as soon as the plant had 6 nodes, but like how strong the stalk on the Slo2 is looking. I topped her {at 9 nodes} yesterday, so I will see if she catches up to them in bushiness.

Edit: I topped both main tops on the two CP1's too. So five tops off 3 plants. In a couple of weeks when I come back and do it again, it will be 10 tops.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Almost forgot about the first few huckleberries starting to get ripe. This is the reason I have to wait on some of my patches. Some of my south Florida cousins plan their trips up here based on when the huckleberries get ripe. In a week or so the bushes will be full of ripe berries, and the woods will be full of my cousins.

I stopped and picked as many as I could eat on the way back from tending my plants yesterday.



Well-Known Member
Almost forgot about the first few ?huckleberries starting to get ripe. This is the reason I have to wait on some of my patches. Some of my south Florida cousins plan their trips up here based on when the huckleberries get ripe. In a week or so the bushes will be full of ripe berries, and the woods will be full of my cousins.

I stopped and picked as many as I could eat on the way back from tending my plants yesterday.

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look a lot like the wild highbush blue berrys we have up north,r they sweet or tart ?


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good! I love huckleberries too, and blackberries, dew berries, wild grapes...the woods and ditches are full of them up there depending on the time of year. Brings back childhood memories!

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Last night at the camp I reviewed the smoke notes my BIL had made for me and got the returned seeds added to my collection. The only surprise was he had SOL ahead of Slo2. The best part was there was 19 CPDA seeds. I only had 12 left, so that was nice. No more CP2R3, so the name remains the same there.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I started a new holding ground today. I put seven plants there. The CP1's, BST1's and BST2's. I had to cull several due to them falling over. When I dumped the soil, it was too wet. I hadn't watered, so it was all rain. And it was raining when I left the woods. I sunk the pots and piled up potting soil as high as I could on the stalks.


I also got by to check on the ones I put out last week. A few had died, but I just used that soil on the others.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Something at work got cancelled, so I had an unexpected Friday afternoon to do whatever I chose. Since I hadn't planned on it, didn't have anything ready to go into the woods. I did take a couple of gallons of water {with weak nutes} to the BP patch.

The tall Slo2 is responding to topping nicely. The side limbs should catch up a little now.


I topped the two longest side limbs on this CP1.


This CP1 has stretched in the last week, but not as much as the picture would leave you to believe. I was on my knees when I took the picture. I was going to top the side branches on this one too, but I heard a low flying plane, so I decided to exit, stage left.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
looking good I bet those are going to explode soon,clear that mulch away from plant that will help with slugs:bigjoint:
It's just leaves for now. It won't be mulch for a good while. When it gets hot and dry during the summer, I really pile the leaves up around the plant to help with water retention. While I do carry water, I don't want to carry any more than I have to.


Well-Known Member
It's just leaves for now. It won't be mulch for a good while. When it gets hot and dry during the summer, I really pile the leaves up around the plant to help with water retention. While I do carry water, I don't want to carry any more than I have to.
I have used beer before it worked good,u can lay a board or log by u plant when sunny hot the slugs will hide under:bigjoint: