sandhill larry
Well-Known Member
Well the CP1's formal name is Chicken Pen #1, so the cross could be Big Stinky Chicken about Big & Stinky Dope?
Well the CP1's formal name is Chicken Pen #1, so the cross could be Big Stinky Chicken about Big & Stinky Dope?
I need to camp more oftenOnce again my customers are out of here early, so I'm heading out. I might camp again. Will see what the wife says when I get home.
Last night I forgot to mention that I had a double slice of the Canna Blueberry bread, expecting to work late. When I got off early I was still so high I had to think about steering the car. It was kind of scary, as you never think about steering, you just do it.
These last few nights the moon has been late coming up, so it's been really dark when I was hiking. If you are on a road or a good trail, you can walk without using your headlight, and the stars are so bright. I didn't stay out long, but sure enjoyed it.I need to camp more often
These last few nights the moon has been late coming up, so it's been really dark when I was hiking. If you are on a road or a good trail, you can walk without using your headlight, and the stars are so bright. I didn't stay out long, but sure enjoyed it.
In the sandy soils around here, when there is a 3 trail road, the two ruts will most likely be white from the sand. With just the starlight you can see where you are going. But when there is no moon and no stars, it's a little harder.One of my fondest memories from childhood was from a summer camp I would be sent to. It was in southern Delaware, sandy soil in pine forests. One goal was to walk around at night, going from event to camp, with no lights; flash or head. Easiest when the moon was full, still not very hard with just the starlight. White sand reflects a lot of light. There always was some jerk in the group who would turn on his flashlight...
Thanks, glad you liked it. Word of warning though. Hiking can be addictive.I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Gives me inspiration to do some trekking of my own in the forest surrounding my city.
Thanks. My adventures are pretty tame next to his. But I do feel more at home in the woods than I do at the house. When I'm at home or at work, I'm thinking about being in the woods.enjoyed this thread to bro..i call it the Irwin factor....after steve irwin