Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

Does Bushmaster work ?

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Those don't look like good results to me, I am sorry but that just looks disgusting, Id also rather use physical training rather then adding more chemicals especially after witnessing your subpar results. I see others feel the same way but they beat around the bush, there I put it bluntly for you - it looks like shit - your plant without the bushmaster is way better than the one with it.

LOL subpar results. Maybe you just looked at that one plant and not the whole tray. WILL be pulling around 6 lbs off that single "experimental" tray of grade "A" top shelf MJ, but I guess guys like you are better at throwing insults then growing so whatever floats your boat.
I'm sorry, Ben...was I talking to you?

I have an idea that may just put an end to all of this nonsense and get all of these threads back on track. How about we just agree on a few simple guidelines:

1) Let's not call people names. Regardless of how you feel about someone, it seems civil enough to refrain from actually calling someone a foul name.

2) Let's try to respect other's opinions, regardless of how much we dissagree. While pointing out reason for a different thought is productive to most threads as a whole, this can be done without insulting one's methods or opinions.

3) Let's try and keep all of our threads on a positive note. I am as guilty as anyone of going down the negative road from time to time, and I feel bad about it everytime. We all know that it's possible to dissagree while staying on a positive tone. Thgis is how real progress is made. I have had my mind changed on several occasions here by people who point out what I am doing wrong, why it's wrong, and a better way to do things. This is why I'm here...to learn as well as share what I have learned in the last 20 years. There will always be occasions when we will just have to agree to disagree...and there's nothing wrong with that. Let's just do it as adults, and proffesionals.

I, for one, agree to never attack you UB. I thought we had a group hug and moved on over some Modelo Dark. There was actually about a day and a half with some real good stuff on your thread. Then the insults started and the whole thing went to shit. So, you ended up with 3 pages of pure crap. I don't believe you want that. It's a monster thread loaded with killer info, especially for people just getting started. I would hate to see it diluted with petty arguments and insults. People will read that and just move on, possibly missing out on the good information you have so much of and are willing to share.

Now let's get to growing.

I couldnt agree more but unforunatly UB and a few select others have such a huge angry chip on their shoulder they need to constantly vent. THese forums give them a "safe" place to do it unlike the real world where someone would punch them square in the face for making one of those comments. It is sad but it is also very true. Hell I was being positive towards UB in all my recent posts and then he pops in calling me a "pr*ck and what not...... wow ..... I mean I was releived and happy when I thought he was actually going to put a cork in it but it just isnt in his nature and I dont expect him to change one bit. He'll probably just get banned permanently at this rate anyway and I hnestly think its too bad. He has a lot of good info weather its regurgitated stuff or not, it is useful and he could contribute a lot. His negativity outweighs his positive unless he can curb it some....
I couldnt agree more but unforunatly UB and a few select others have such a huge angry chip on their shoulder they need to constantly vent. THese forums give them a "safe" place to do it unlike the real world where someone would punch them square in the face for making one of those comments. It is sad but it is also very true. Hell I was being positive towards UB in all my recent posts and then he pops in calling me a "pr*ck and what not...... wow ..... I mean I was releived and happy when I thought he was actually going to put a cork in it but it just isnt in his nature and I dont expect him to change one bit. He'll probably just get banned permanently at this rate anyway and I hnestly think its too bad. He has a lot of good info weather its regurgitated stuff or not, it is useful and he could contribute a lot. His negativity outweighs his positive unless he can curb it some....

I know. You're right. But I'm going to do my best to rise above it all. In the end I just want the threads to be positive. My thread has 600+ posts in the last 2 months and only 1 a-hole comment. So, I know it can be done. I can tolerate the heated discussions/arguments. It's the name calling that just has to stop. I also know that UB will end up banned before long. He can't help himself. I really thought he mellowed out after the banning close call, but he was just holding it all in. It's really too bad. I'm going to just avoid him. I don't have time for the negativity...after all, I invented the LST technique. LOL.
I know. You're right. But I'm going to do my best to rise above it all. In the end I just want the threads to be positive. My thread has 600+ posts in the last 2 months and only 1 a-hole comment. So, I know it can be done. I can tolerate the heated discussions/arguments. It's the name calling that just has to stop. I also know that UB will end up banned before long. He can't help himself. I really thought he mellowed out after the banning close call, but he was just holding it all in. It's really too bad. I'm going to just avoid him. I don't have time for the negativity...after all, I invented the LST technique. LOL.
I hear ya, life is too short to waste it on people of his nature. Its just damn hard to ignore them when you are minding your own business giving your input only to have him take a big dump on you and others around you.

What thread do you have with 600 posts ? Need to check it out.
Guise; the ignore feature works beautifully if there's someone you don't want to read. Myself, I've only got tafbang on my ignore list but since that point my blood pressure is down five points! /not really.

The first part is mostly just getting going. We're up to speed in the last third or so.

Yep this thread did get heated but the thing is med shouldn't be grown using paclobutrazol. Anyone growing med with this shite and calling it med is a joke. That simple! :evil:


CDFA Lab Test Results in Brief
Flower Dragon: 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol
Phosphoload: 17,800ppm Daminozide, 20.6ppm Paclobutrazol
TopLoad: 3,467ppm Daminozide
Bushmaster: 271ppm Paclobutrazol
Gravity: 516ppm Paclobutrazol

Read the story on the link - all the original lab findings are there to download. Both Bushmaster and gravity would cost you a buck to make yourselves.
Yep this thread did get heated but the thing is med shouldn't be grown using paclobutrazol. Anyone growing med with this shite and calling it med is a joke. That simple! :evil:


CDFA Lab Test Results in Brief
Flower Dragon: 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol
Phosphoload: 17,800ppm Daminozide, 20.6ppm Paclobutrazol
TopLoad: 3,467ppm Daminozide
Bushmaster: 271ppm Paclobutrazol
Gravity: 516ppm Paclobutrazol

Read the story on the link - all the original lab findings are there to download. Both Bushmaster and gravity would cost you a buck to make yourselves.
Products like Bushmaster and Flower Dragon scare the shit out of me, because I know that if you ask a grower if he wants to increase his/her yield while keeping the plants shorter and more manageable they're gonna say yes.
These products make me glad I grow my own anymore... you really just don't know what you're gonna get on the street anymore.
correct me if I'm wrong but dn't all these products have a chemical in them that is tech. not allowed for products meant for consumption in the US? (I don't know all the facts here but I have heard that from 2 different shops, one of which the guy is actually taking it off his shelves (after he sells through).. and isn't it getting banned from EU countries for the same thing?

I don't trust anything from them, I have used them they do build bulk, they do shorten stretch.. I don't trust them.
correct me if I'm wrong but dn't all these products have a chemical in them that is tech. not allowed for products meant for consumption in the US? (I don't know all the facts here but I have heard that from 2 different shops, one of which the guy is actually taking it off his shelves (after he sells through).. and isn't it getting banned from EU countries for the same thing?

I don't trust anything from them, I have used them they do build bulk, they do shorten stretch.. I don't trust them.

Yeah man you gotta check out this link. It's was OK'd for use in ornamental plants but not for consumables. The chemicals are called Daminozide and Placobutrazol and they're PGR's (plant growth regulators) that are classified as S5 poisons. IT's been banned for sale in California and Oregon that I know of, but it's not completely forbidden just yet.
Good job or nice catch if you will!

Yeah man you gotta check out this link. It's was OK'd for use in ornamental plants but not for consumables. The chemicals are called Daminozide and Placobutrazol and they're PGR's (plant growth regulators) that are classified as S5 poisons. IT's been banned for sale in California and Oregon that I know of, but it's not completely forbidden just yet.

I suspected it contained Paclo, but not Daminozide, sheesh! It's business as usual in an industry that cares about your welfare and health, hah! Check out some of the statements such as:

"Let's not lose sight of the fact that greed can be a powerful motivator. "
"Deceptive Marketing - The Smoke and Mirrors of HydroLand
PGR products are typically promoted as organic......"

The author just busts the balls of hydroland.

Good work,
Thanks UB, but I have to give credit where credit is due.
Twisterbilly was the first one to bring the link to my attention. Whether or not he was the first on to post it on this site, idk.
Yep this thread did get heated but the thing is med shouldn't be grown using paclobutrazol. Anyone growing med with this shite and calling it med is a joke. That simple! :evil:


CDFA Lab Test Results in Brief
Flower Dragon: 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol
Phosphoload: 17,800ppm Daminozide, 20.6ppm Paclobutrazol
TopLoad: 3,467ppm Daminozide
Bushmaster: 271ppm Paclobutrazol
Gravity: 516ppm Paclobutrazol

Read the story on the link - all the original lab findings are there to download. Both Bushmaster and gravity would cost you a buck to make yourselves.
Thanks UB, but I have to give credit where credit is due.
Twisterbilly was the first one to bring the link to my attention. Whether or not he was the first on to post it on this site, idk.

Did you read the article? They go back to the bullshit coming out of the writings of posters dating back to 2003, tear apart the bullshit ads, give scientific data....excellent expose'. As you well know, I refuse to buy anything remotely affiliated with the cannabis biz. I can't think of another biz that is so wraught with deceipt, lies, misrepresentation, GREED, and fraud as this biz.

Did you read the article? They go back to the bullshit coming out of the writings of posters dating back to 2003, tear apart the bullshit ads, give scientific data....excellent expose'. As you well know, I refuse to buy anything remotely affiliated with the cannabis biz. I can't think of another biz that is so wraught with deceipt, lies, misrepresentation, GREED, and fraud as this biz.

I did and it makes me glad I grow my own weed.
I have not read this thread....cant bear yet ANOTHER thread about the very same additives......I guess the other 3 million threads on the subject just didnt cut it huh?....LOL!!

Anyhow I hope someone mentioned that Gravity and Bushmaster both contain carcinagens.....aka toxic nasties!!

The products have been removed from most stores shelves......stores that care about the safety of there customers anyhow......you could use them on ornamentals or flowers, or the like......
I hear that. At least you know what's in it. BTW, same with veggies or raising livestock. It's all about control and "knowing".


It does work. But i has been uncovered that it contains carcinogens. I wont be carrying it after my few on the shelf sell.

I hope this source is accurate.. because I know it works, but it contains poison

Uncle ben has given me a good brand of hydroponic nutrient and for that I thank him, but hes too much of a no people-skills prick to able to relate to. So thanks for your findings but fuck you for being a complete prick constantly to evryone. an ass is still an ass
It does work. But i has been uncovered that it contains carcinogens. I wont be carrying it after my few on the shelf sell.

I hope this source is accurate.. because I know it works, but it contains poison

Uncle ben has given me a good brand of hydroponic nutrient and for that I thank him, but hes too much of a no people-skills prick to able to relate to. So thanks for your findings but fuck you for being a complete prick constantly to evryone. an ass is still an ass

I'll stay out of that politics but the story has lab analysis acquired through FOIA from the Californian Department of Food and Agriculture. Download the original PDFs of this FOIA and if in doubt there can be no doubt left ( I think it is the point of the story which puts an end to years of speculation with one side claiming no and the other claiming yes). Here's another link where Americans for Safe Access cover the story http://safeaccessnow.org/blog/?p=1882
It does work. But i has been uncovered that it contains carcinogens. I wont be carrying it after my few on the shelf sell.

I hope this source is accurate.. because I know it works, but it contains poison

Uncle ben has given me a good brand of hydroponic nutrient and for that I thank him, but hes too much of a no people-skills prick to able to relate to. So thanks for your findings but fuck you for being a complete prick constantly to evryone. an ass is still an ass

Let's just cut thru the chase Hog, since you seem doomed to chase me from thread to thread like some cyber stalker nutjob every time I make a bonafide charge against your unethical and disgusting livelihood and the crap you hawk. I make a point to not argue with idiots like you nor will I exercise any "people skills" so you don't get your precious feelings hurt. It's a waste of my time. If I respect you for who you are and what you represent, clearly you won't find me an ass. Got it? Me and quality folk like DanielsG, Illumination, Riddleme, Brick Top and a host of others get along just fine.

Now, be a good little boy and delete your childish trash in my main cola topping thread. https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-m...706-uncle-bens-topping-technique-get-202.html
