
Yep. I'm sure.... not :) Sheet, I hope you dont get a black cellmate with a 445" dick, that's an inch for each plant

Really man, your ignorant. You should have read the whole thread, he wasnt breaking any fuckin laws, and its not like he had 445 mature plants, Dont be a fucking lazy and read the thread!

that's an inch for each plant

Your stupidity really baffles me, that sounds like something George Bush would say.
I'm not a hater and I did read the whole story. Sorry if I sounded like an asshole but honestly, it's impossible to explain 445 plants... That's like approx 500 square foot of grow space minimum. It's bigger than most commercial growers'. And plants at different phases too so he keeps em comin'... So, sustainable commercial size grow. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... I don't have a problem with growers (why would I), I'm just allergic to bullshit.

Good luck anyway
Honestly if we had as many responces to new members questions and concerns as we do for every BUSTED!! post that gets 1 million views a second, far less people would get busted because of good information givin by alot of the very knowledgeable people on this website. thats just my opinion though...
typical white behaviour though... so scared of your women finding out... guess what? they already did bitch. they already fuck with us for better entertainment. if you knew, you'd never kiss your white mama :))) Fuck you moderator.
"the color of a mans skin is no more significant than the color of his eyes" Bob Marley

agreed. but not when he's been deleting my posts for the last 1 hour or so... I spend some time writing this shit, so I expect to have equal treatment you know.
so lets elaborate on this issue for a minute. what would a greedy motherfucker do with 10 215 cards made available to him by his dumb patients. Grow 445 plants, at leat half of which is commercial. Can't you see motherfucker squeezed in at least 210 plants in there for personel wealth??? Still, why the fuck do you blame me? Isn't it obvious this man is out there to make some money??? He's not like you or me, growing a few plants for personal high. This man is selling this shit. Can't you see this? 445 PLANTS!!! Wake the fuck up
It's totally cool with me. Hell, I bought some stuff in collage from assholes like this, but, at least don't bullshit me. DO NOT BS ME, PERIOD. Tell the judge whatever, but don't BS me and expect me to believe. I've been there and Ive seen that all. What is this? Are we, are they running this website with buncha adoslescent kids??? What is this? Sheet. When I mention it, suddenly I am the bad guy. Hah
man you are a hard head! have you read the whole post? each patient was getting 12 to grow outside. thats 120. 60 were flowering. so to take 120 out of the best 350 is not outrageous! lets just say 50% were girls. thats 175. only 50 more then what the law if you go by sb420 or your local government is telling you you can have. which is complete bullshit too! your damm right i was going to make some money. and why the fk shouldnt i? i have huge bills to pay and work hard. you think they are magic beans and presto heres a 1/4 lb plant! i take a lot of pride in what i do and i do it very well thank you. now get off your high horse and you can kiss my ass!
you know what, I can't continue this with half of my postings censored so fuck you and the horse you riding on

dude chill..you sound about like a fuckin nutcase(no offense to any nutcases out there)..Who are you to say whats what? Have you met the man or his patients? When you go makin posts like the ones I've seen its a small wonder you haven't been banned yet..you don't know the man so you don't know shit..As stated only 60 were mature..which for 10 patients imho isn't too much..If you would have taken the time to read the whole thread you'd probably be able to control your big ass mouth you wouldn't be making ignorant posts and they wouldn't be getting deleted

And what do the posts of some 25 post idiot being deleted have to do with white people..I think people of any color can see how truely ignorant you are.

So, its probably about time you go fuck that horse you were talking about and I;d suggest you keep your ignorance off of this forum because I think I speak for most when I say we don't wanna hear it.
.... your damm right i was going to make some money. and why the fk shouldnt i? i have huge bills to pay and work hard.QUOTE]

And so, our man is commercial. So (if your legal system in the US is not fucked up) he should be charged for serious offense of trading MJ -not that I agree with it; I'm just allergic to BS. He is not like you or me. PERIOD. Stop sympathizing or emphatizing with him. He is just bullshitting us, he has been all the way up so far. Thank you! and who's hard headed now?
@bobsgreen, He has 445 plants, 60 of which are mature. Do yo now what this means??? This means he has sustainable commercial grow. He is doing it for the bread. 60 plants mature doesn't mean anything. In fact, 60 plants being mature means that he is doing this on continious basis, he keeps em coming, because he is commercial. He's got this nice little agriculture business... And you're all naive to believe this shit. And about me being about to be banned, I couldn't care less dude. Sorry. But I'm not stupid, and I hate to be treated like one