
just a side not but if i was a commercial grower i would own my own despensery instead of being a member! your just a hater! smoke a joint and chill out!
@bobsgreen, He has 445 plants, 60 of which are mature. Do yo now what this means??? This means he has sustainable commercial grow. He is doing it for the bread. 60 plants mature doesn't mean anything. In fact, 60 plants being mature means that he is doing this on continious basis, he keeps em coming, because he is commercial. He's got this nice little agriculture business... And you're all naive to believe this shit. And about me being about to be banned, I couldn't care less dude. Sorry. But I'm not stupid, and I hate to be treated like one

So a tiered harvest makes it commercial? Last time I checked patients don't stop needing meds after one harvest.. And he has a right to be compensated for his time, work, supplies etc.
Absolutely get an attorney sounds to me like you need to plea out, or take it to trial and convince them you're an indiot.
Man I thought having 200 plants was crazy sheesh lol at least in my state prison times a cake walk.
you ever been to a depsendary dude? Mostly old folks who are sick. For real. Run by some young idealists sometimes but not the one I go to. The cutomers are older too that I run into. Some real sick. Does not look like street dealings man. Especially with cards and others. Not much profit when you got to feed 10 others! And if it was for money how would you convince ten people to watch you rake in the easy money while they sit out? I beleve the dude. Most sick people cant afford or handle growing. But one guy can do it it easier for them all at once.
you ever been to a depsendary dude? Mostly old folks who are sick. For real. Run by some young idealists sometimes but not the one I go to. The cutomers are older too that I run into. Some real sick. Does not look like street dealings man. Especially with cards and others. Not much profit when you got to feed 10 others! And if it was for money how would you convince ten people to watch you rake in the easy money while they sit out? I beleve the dude. Most sick people cant afford or handle growing. But one guy can do it it easier for them all at once.
No lie. How could a person sick, with a disease such as Muscular Dystrophy, be expected to tend for their own meds?
My brother had muscular dystrophy till he passed away in '99. He would never have been able to grow. He could barley feed himself so people like this grower are helping people that cant do it themselves for whatever reason. He should be commended. Who the fuck are you to judge?
My brother had muscular dystrophy till he passed away in '99. He would never have been able to grow. He could barley feed himself so people like this grower are helping people that cant do it themselves for whatever reason. He should be commended. Who the fuck are you to judge?

damn straight!

+rep and good luck to the OP
It is my understanding through my friend in cali that:

If you are a member of a collective (dispensary), you can cultivate and provide the needed amount of medical marijuana to the collective. The collective that my friend is a member of has approx 1200 members. According to the State Attorney's Guidelines, if my friend were providing meds for the collective, then he could grow... jeeze... a guzillion plants. The State Attorney's Guidelines also state that the culitivator/grower is allowed to recieve reasonable compensation for his/her costs and time to grow and provide these meds to the collective. According to Haluk... the above description of compensation is "a commercial grower"?


Now, you may argue that the grower is getting rich... iow... what is considered a reasonable compensation??? It's all a matter of perspective. Lawyers get compensated what... $250 to $2000 per hour? Football players get what... millions. Who is to say what is reasonable compenstion for a high quality provider of medical marijuana?

Growing good quality meds takes time, talent and dedication. Most who grow... dont know sh** about growing the quality that is needed for the patients in need.

Good Karma to you Filla

PS: Haluk, you can go ...ah... nevermind... not worth my time.
Filla i got you in my thoughts and prayers brotha. Fuck the haters and keep your head up, for every hater you got 100 supporters. I have been trolling this post for a bit and i gotta say man you are a true blessing to those in need bc you put yourself on the line so they feel relief of their discomfort. Its gonna be a long process but u seem like a strong guy so keep your positivity and it will work out for you.

@bobsgreen, He has 445 plants, 60 of which are mature. Do yo now what this means??? This means he has sustainable commercial grow. He is doing it for the bread. 60 plants mature doesn't mean anything. In fact, 60 plants being mature means that he is doing this on continious basis, he keeps em coming, because he is commercial. He's got this nice little agriculture business... And you're all naive to believe this shit. And about me being about to be banned, I couldn't care less dude. Sorry. But I'm not stupid, and I hate to be treated like one

Dude even if he is full on commercial who fuckin cares! If their wernt commercial growers i wouldnt be able to get dank bud. Not everyone has the time, energy, and commitment to grow. Plus i agree with him, if he puts alot of hard work into it i dont see the big deal with him making some extra cash, as long as he isnt fucking people and charging an arm and a leg then he is fine!

Whats the difference with someone who grows tomatoes as a job and someone that grows herb as a job, if it pays the bills and it keeps them happy whats the big fuckin deal!
Cant come out and support you cos Im in Ireland, but Im sure you've got people over here too who'd back you up...over here its still a class C drug for everyone, wish we had your situation.
jeez bra, read the thread then post. he wasnt going to cultivate all 445. just the best clones he had. and they were for patients. and the warrant on his house wasnt even for him. it was from the previous owner. chill.
Torn between 2 sides.... Med MJ needs to be readily accessible and affordable... and the movement is gaining strength...but on the other hand 445 plants? He is gonna be harvesting 60 to80 plants a month and that smacks of commercial grow op and will have a hardtime making the medmj argument... I am a card carrying medmj user where I am from and have a production license... BUT will not go above my plant limit.... medmj gets me through the tough days andmost of them are tough... Getting ducks in a row is a very important part of remaining legal....