Buyer Beware: True North Seedbank

I have no affiliation with the company but I'm sure they were overloaded with orders on Feb.14. I would think the logjam would be clearing. I was on hold and finally just ordered online. Received the order the next Friday. I hope things work out in your favor.
I put in an order on the 14th, a big one but with the discount not a lot of $$.

I will assume it is coming. eventually. I just shake my head and laugh as the service level is so low a business like this would fail in a week if it actually competed in a fully legal market.

Ive called a few times, sure they may be busy but 30 minutes of their recorded message...designed specifically to sound like they are picking up the phone when they in fact are not, also speaks volumes. I can imagine how many orders they lose as people hang up.

I sense they only work a few days a week and i have no idea or real care wtf they do all day besides pick out the packs i ordered and ship them.

Guessing theres maybe 5 people at this company total, and they work Thursday Friday and Saturday.

As the USA legalizes state by state and soon federally, this b.s. will finally be over.

Until then they will run this industry like the shady gray market it is.

My strategy like most things is have multiple if they come, great if not, well F U 2 True North.

I have no doubt the sale bottlenecked things...but when you have a sale like that you normally plan for it. Anyway, my rating for TNSB is LOL, ar least so far.

Ill post again if and when they show.
I've ordered multiple times no problems, ordered on the 14th because of the sell. I recieved those also. So far I really like them!!
And isnt that the rub? In todays world if ones own experiences are good thats all that really matters...until they arent good, then you call customer service.....30 minutes on hold...good luck lol

Hey it is what it is, im sure they will come eventually...maybe
I tried these guys years ago and i can’t believe they are still pulling the same shit.
i ordered a pack it took so long I had given up, ordered from another bank got those seeds and had them running then about 6 months goes buy and out of no where here is a package with my seeds it had been so long I forgot I even ordered them.
havent bought anything from them since and to there lose I have a nice size seed collection now and i keep buying new ones all the time.
just not from them
And isnt that the rub? In todays world if ones own experiences are good thats all that really matters...until they arent good, then you call customer service.....30 minutes on hold...good luck lol

Hey it is what it is, im sure they will come eventually...maybe
Yeah if I didnt recieve something I probably wouldn't have ordered again. I've boycotted many of businesses just because they pissed me off some how!! I understand where your coming from! Hopefully they will make it right!!
I still haven’t received my seeds,but I finally got a reply via email (3 days to respond)stating they are busy due to the sale,and seeds would be sent within the week..
Ordered from true north seed bank our of Canada. Package came quick..inside of 8 days. Not discreet what-so-ever. Just bubble wrapped around original packaging. They want you to pay extra $15 and purchase an item out of store for discreet shipping. Ordered Cheese Auto got Lemon Skunk Auto and Bubba Kush for free all by Canuk. None of them popped or even turned light color. When I opened the package they looked old and 2 almost appeared to be cracked.

Not sure if this is standard or not with other companies but a letter was also inside the package. Seems to be the way they protect themselves but it screws the customer. It said "These seeds are not for germination. They are for storage in case cannabis goes legal. We are not responsible for the germination of these seeds."

I will most certainly Never order from them again. I am waiting for an email back but I seriously doubt they will help per the letter. Will update you guys.
I always use CHOICE SEED BANK. THEY send in discreet packaging. The law is they have to have the disclosure. If they put a letter in the envelope they could be incriminating them selves. Do you live in a state that it is legal to posess and grow if so then I would do whatever it takes to get them to make it right. Good luck. I hope tgey do right by you. If not hopefully your not the only one. No business likes bad publicity.
True North Seed Bank website isn't coming up online. I haven't gotten my seeds yet. My order was still "Processing" yesterday when I checked.
Just wondering if they've cut and run.
True North Seed Bank website isn't coming up online. I haven't gotten my seeds yet. My order was still "Processing" yesterday when I checked.
Just wondering if they've cut and run.
I dont think so. They do what they do because the industry is what it is. They could be more responsive, answer the phone faster, send more emails.

What is most annoying to me is the idea that a sale causes service levels to be terrible with no effort to bother explaining the sale is slowing things. Its simply weak service because they can get away with it and cant afford the staff they really need to get things done faster.

Imagine you are in your garage filling orders and you have a sale with 1000 orders coming in, when you normally handle 50 a day. One way to handle it is to hire some friends on a temp basis and fill orders and provide good service.

Another option is say wow look at all the orders that came in, wow we have work for a month here to catch up. We are overwhelmed but hey its cool we will be super busy for a while! And phone response time is 30min+, email responses are sent occasionally, and your customers suspect you are shady. Because you make choices and when desperately trying to get business you maybe dont realize the effort to bring in sales is hurting your business as much as it might help.

If 100 people try them and 75% think wow unresponsive...they have a choice...they can look for a larger pool of prospects and keep doing what they do...or they can actually ramp up their staffing to deal with the peaks and valleys of their business.

Their choices are clear. There is such a big opportunity here once its legal at the federal level. Theres more money in seeds than any thing else in the industry...pure profit and no shipping/delivery costs. They weigh nothing, insurance is the only real cost of the business.

I fully recognize a quasi legal business faces challenges. They have choices though, and posing as real pros -- look at their beautiful site -- but not acting like pros imo is exactly why they will all go under and lose tbeir market to ABC seeds or whomever moves in with big money and the right infrastructure once its legal.

In the meantime, many companies like tnsb will continue treating fulling your orders like they are doing you a favor vs doing business with you. My 10c lol.
I dont think so. They do what they do because the industry is what it is. They could be more responsive, answer the phone faster, send more emails.

What is most annoying to me is the idea that a sale causes service levels to be terrible with no effort to bother explaining the sale is slowing things. Its simply weak service because they can get away with it and cant afford the staff they really need to get things done faster.

Imagine you are in your garage filling orders and you have a sale with 1000 orders coming in, when you normally handle 50 a day. One way to handle it is to hire some friends on a temp basis and fill orders and provide good service.

Another option is say wow look at all the orders that came in, wow we have work for a month here to catch up. We are overwhelmed but hey its cool we will be super busy for a while! And phone response time is 30min+, email responses are sent occasionally, and your customers suspect you are shady. Because you make choices and when desperately trying to get business you maybe dont realize the effort to bring in sales is hurting your business as much as it might help.

If 100 people try them and 75% think wow unresponsive...they have a choice...they can look for a larger pool of prospects and keep doing what they do...or they can actually ramp up their staffing to deal with the peaks and valleys of their business.

Their choices are clear. There is such a big opportunity here once its legal at the federal level. Theres more money in seeds than any thing else in the industry...pure profit and no shipping/delivery costs. They weigh nothing, insurance is the only real cost of the business.

I fully recognize a quasi legal business faces challenges. They have choices though, and posing as real pros -- look at their beautiful site -- but not acting like pros imo is exactly why they will all go under and lose tbeir market to ABC seeds or whomever moves in with big money and the right infrastructure once its legal.

In the meantime, many companies like tnsb will continue treating fulling your orders like they are doing you a favor vs doing business with you. My 10c lol.

They are in Canada and have no option to be legal due to ridiculous regulations on breeders/seedbanks.
They are in Canada and have no option to be legal due to ridiculous regulations on breeders/seedbanks.
I hear what you are saying.

Theres always a money motive and you can be sure the commercial producers are the culprit, trying to limit whats available so people have to pay not grow their own. Surprise even with something as friendly as cannabis the underlying motives are always still money, and those with moneyed interests always spend a fortune pretending they arent doing exactly this.
you can be sure the commercial producers are the culprit
Ok boys let Someone who actually works for tnsb answer your questions or respond to this post...TNSB is run/owned by First Nations. Tnsb stocks very little except Canuk seeds (their native partners) and acts as a drop shipper for a larger Canadian distributor when it comes to original breeder pack seeds. takes a cpl weeks to arrive from Spain/etc. then tsnb ships to you. TSNB has a retail outlet on site in Alderville first nation Roseneath, ON. Alderville first nation takes up about 2 miles of hwy 45 south of Hastings ON. and has approximately 20 Illegal dispensaries operating and native smoke shops. TNSB like ALL Canadian Seedbanks you guys ,(and myself) deal with online ARE ILLEGAL under Canadian Law. THE ONLY legal source of Canadian seeds is Canadian government LicencedProducts sold at various gov.t outlets and ONLINE thru OCS. in Ontario. Basically, TNSB and all the indigenous Illegal dispensaries are set-up and operating on the First Nations Right to ancestral medecine land use etc. You know Its our land medecine, we operate under an ever changing cherry-picking of Canadianlaw,blah blah blah. SO if you don't give a crap about politics, go ahead order from them and have it shipped to whatever country, just make sure you request that "Native American Seed Bank" doesn't show on your VISA statement, if you care about that kinda bullshit. Like people do what they do no problem, I buy smokes off first nation all the time as they are half price of 'legal' smokes. Its a political fuckshow with legalization. I dunno importing Pounds of Afghani Black Hash for sale to the public is not an indigenous right IMHO, but they have the lawyers and the blockades to do it. Basically they are as legal as most of their customers, but they have the money not to care about a 'record'. As I said I had good service, seeds were in orig packing, they din't mess with me except the non discreet billing name (see above) on my credit card, which I contacted and roasted them for. Do they care about the law or your privacy folks? You have to decide for yourself...this is about as much info as I know, from being a customer, a voter, and a LEGAL grower, who likes to know when I am breaking the law.
Ok boys let Someone who actually works for tnsb answer your questions or respond to this post...TNSB is run/owned by First Nations. Tnsb stocks very little except Canuk seeds (their native partners) and acts as a drop shipper for a larger Canadian distributor when it comes to original breeder pack seeds. takes a cpl weeks to arrive from Spain/etc. then tsnb ships to you. TSNB has a retail outlet on site in Alderville first nation Roseneath, ON. Alderville first nation takes up about 2 miles of hwy 45 south of Hastings ON. and has approximately 20 Illegal dispensaries operating and native smoke shops. TNSB like ALL Canadian Seedbanks you guys ,(and myself) deal with online ARE ILLEGAL under Canadian Law. THE ONLY legal source of Canadian seeds is Canadian government LicencedProducts sold at various gov.t outlets and ONLINE thru OCS. in Ontario. Basically, TNSB and all the indigenous Illegal dispensaries are set-up and operating on the First Nations Right to ancestral medecine land use etc. You know Its our land medecine, we operate under an ever changing cherry-picking of Canadianlaw,blah blah blah. SO if you don't give a crap about politics, go ahead order from them and have it shipped to whatever country, just make sure you request that "Native American Seed Bank" doesn't show on your VISA statement, if you care about that kinda bullshit. Like people do what they do no problem, I buy smokes off first nation all the time as they are half price of 'legal' smokes. Its a political fuckshow with legalization. I dunno importing Pounds of Afghani Black Hash for sale to the public is not an indigenous right IMHO, but they have the lawyers and the blockades to do it. Basically they are as legal as most of their customers, but they have the money not to care about a 'record'. As I said I had good service, seeds were in orig packing, they din't mess with me except the non discreet billing name (see above) on my credit card, which I contacted and roasted them for. Do they care about the law or your privacy folks? You have to decide for yourself...this is about as much info as I know, from being a customer, a voter, and a LEGAL grower, who likes to know when I am breaking the law.
So Canuk seeds is what then? Do they even grow their own gear or is it just being bought off some European wholesaler?
So Canuk seeds is what then? Do they even grow their own gear or is it just being bought off some European wholesaler?

Assuming if they are growing and selling their own in 20 dispensaries Canuk seeds would be coming from that same operation.
Canuk is the in-house (and most likely local) seedmaker, of TnsB which is a seedbank, there should be journals somewhere with Canuk seeds, as they have been around for a few years. TBH I haven't looked. Jordan, peakseedsbc and dr.greenthumbs are Canadian breeders who disclose everything about their genetics, are trusted and sell direct btw...
Assuming if they are growing and selling their own in 20 dispensaries
sorry if I wasn't clear Alderville is a first nations reservation that has 20 different dispensaries in its small area. TNSB is a seedbank located along this road on the property which also has the Medecine Wheel native cannabis dispensary. TNSB does not own 20 dispensaries, 20 native property owners have dispensaries on 20 different properties. TnsB outlet there also sells clones Google earth Alderville street view, check it out yourself. Is there business legit? YES IMHO are they special? no, but they are Canadian and they are real. I'm NOT saying anything about the true part of their title, again thats for you to grow an opinion on lol