Buyer Beware: True North Seedbank

I think canuk seeds is only 1 of many seed banks true north seeds use. They are only middle people. I have not had long waits for true north as one main distribution is from Toronto I am only 3 hours away. True north has locations on the reserves as the indigenous people have seemed to take over the cannabis industry in Ontario since legalization of cannabis in canada. True north does not sell flower just seed but there is 50 dispenseries on a reserve within 1 km of each other. Aldervill first Nations is the reserve I use great people all around. MasterCard refuses to deal with cannabis purchase as a prescribed user they deny my constitutional rights along with many others. For germination one user might have got it right extream cold will not hurt seeds as they freeze over winter but the last few years Canada has been hotter then Jamaica in summer from 30c to 42c ( 86f to 107.6f ) in a shipping truck it be much hotter or they where seeds that sat around too long. Tnsb always has canuk seeds 50% off why is this? I hope I helped with all q&a
Alot of very wrong answers though.
Canuk seeds is owned by True North or vice versa. They are the same person, this is why Canuk seeds are always on sale and are the freebies.
Why is Canuk seeds not sold through ANY other seed bank?

Wow you are also an idiot for claiming Mastercard is infringing on your constitutional rights. All current Legal options take Mastercard and Visa, if your buying from your scrip then your LP has your back and takes CC. Same with medical sites and Rec stores. Illegal places and the reserves don't take CC. That's all your choice to buy it from them so dont cry aboot it.
Shipping to US from Canada is iffy at best. Whoever is flogging these seeds is making a mint. The genetics are so manipulated from basement growers who contract to grow for the seed sellers. Feedback on genetic stability falls on deaf ears. Its all about the money$$. The people who really cared about best breeding practices and stability are now dead or working for High Times.
I put in an order on the 14th, a big one but with the discount not a lot of $$.

I will assume it is coming. eventually. I just shake my head and laugh as the service level is so low a business like this would fail in a week if it actually competed in a fully legal market.

Ive called a few times, sure they may be busy but 30 minutes of their recorded message...designed specifically to sound like they are picking up the phone when they in fact are not, also speaks volumes. I can imagine how many orders they lose as people hang up.

I sense they only work a few days a week and i have no idea or real care wtf they do all day besides pick out the packs i ordered and ship them.

Guessing theres maybe 5 people at this company total, and they work Thursday Friday and Saturday.

As the USA legalizes state by state and soon federally, this b.s. will finally be over.

Until then they will run this industry like the shady gray market it is.

My strategy like most things is have multiple if they come, great if not, well F U 2 True North.

I have no doubt the sale bottlenecked things...but when you have a sale like that you normally plan for it. Anyway, my rating for TNSB is LOL, ar least so far.

Ill post again if and when they show.
I made an order from MCS, Montreal Cannabis Seedbank?
Anyway they are a little cheaper and actually get back to you to fix issues. I am doing a side by side germination test between Bruce Banner from MCS and do si dos from TNS (bought on Feb.14 sale). The 3 GG #4 are fully veg'd and showing wide variation from TNS.
Alot of very wrong answers though.
Canuk seeds is owned by True North or vice versa. They are the same person, this is why Canuk seeds are always on sale and are the freebies.
Why is Canuk seeds not sold through ANY other seed bank?

Wow you are also an idiot for claiming Mastercard is infringing on your constitutional rights. All current Legal options take Mastercard and Visa, if your buying from your scrip then your LP has your back and takes CC. Same with medical sites and Rec stores. Illegal places and the reserves don't take CC. That's all your choice to buy it from them so dont cry aboot it.
A bit harsh in delivery but the info is helpful. Earlier in this thread, it was brought up that the legal govt sources for seeds in Canada provide basically no seed varieties for the legal stores. And that was why some in Canada went this route.

If you can get seeds legally in great variety up in Canada please share! That was the point we were discussing. With govt sources offering few strains it left a gray or illegal market for seeds was what was brought up before.
About MasterCard is not wrong look if bought in Canada through LP it by law has to be or it is infringing on someone's rights but to go international like serious seeds attitude seed bank and others both BMO or MasterCard will not allow me or others to purchase. Look it up idiot go attitude seeds or I added some proof to show you mentally handy cap where is your proof to your claim. Before you go call someone wrong and an idiot make sure they can't prove to you that your the idiot or this happens. You show me proof that I am wrong and if I can not defend my claim I will say I am wrong and you are right but so far you have not. By the way I asked why canuk seeds are always on sale or freebies and stated that my experience the are crap.


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I hear what you are saying.

Theres always a money motive and you can be sure the commercial producers are the culprit, trying to limit whats available so people have to pay not grow their own. Surprise even with something as friendly as cannabis the underlying motives are always still money, and those with moneyed interests always spend a fortune pretending they arent doing exactly this.
I purchased seeds from Holland in the late 80s and have been growing them since with huge variation over the years. This year I decided to buy from 2 seedbanks, MCS and TNSB. Then the Native blockade tried to hold Canada hostage and it turned me against their issues especially the tribe that illeagally run their dispensaries with impunity. Long story short, do not support their business! Breed your own seeds or buy from OCS and get the best genetics from real seed breeders like Canopy and Aurora when available.
I purchased seeds from Holland in the late 80s and have been growing them since with huge variation over the years. This year I decided to buy from 2 seedbanks, MCS and TNSB. Then the Native blockade tried to hold Canada hostage and it turned me against their issues especially the tribe that illeagally run their dispensaries with impunity. Long story short, do not support their business! Breed your own seeds or buy from OCS and get the best genetics from real seed breeders like Canopy and Aurora when available.
True north does carry real seed breeders.. Canopy or Aurora, you got to be kidding
Alot of very wrong answers though.
Canuk seeds is owned by True North or vice versa. They are the same person, this is why Canuk seeds are always on sale and are the freebies.
Why is Canuk seeds not sold through ANY other seed bank?

Wow you are also an idiot for claiming Mastercard is infringing on your constitutional rights. All current Legal options take Mastercard and Visa, if your buying from your scrip then your LP has your back and takes CC. Same with medical sites and Rec stores. Illegal places and the reserves don't take CC. That's all your choice to buy it from them so dont cry aboot it.
I think the sellers don't want to pay the fees Visa and MC charge merchants. It's all about maximizing profits.
True north does carry real seed breeders.. Canopy or Aurora, you got to be kidding
yes they do carry them but their own breeds are not stabilized, hundreds of seeds need to be grown out to select the best for breeding and the basement growers are just femanizing what they think looks good. Like I said before, the real breeders are not on reserves, they are in Spain and Holland where this science all began and most are now dead or writing for High Times.
CC companies dont engage activity with illegal business, plain and simple.

This is why I wrote you can use your CC with Legit operations like Canopy and Aurora if your going to go cry on the internet about your rights being infringed upon by mastercard.

Obviously it's a shit selections with not many varieties because very few seed companies have opted to go the legal route.
I have no problem buying any where with reloadable visa but I do with BMO, mastercard and preloaded MasterCard. In Canada seeds are not what is illegal it only shows intent. I was not crying about master card just stating the facts that at least applied to me and probably other canadians. The rights part of it is if you are legally prescribed you use it against MasterCard sometimes works. for me it only applies to companies outside of Canada so yes I was wrong and that statement applies to mastercard international as told to me by BMO. In the end we both have facts that are right and ones that are wrong
I have no problem buying any where with reloadable visa but I do with BMO, mastercard and preloaded MasterCard. In Canada seeds are not what is illegal it only shows intent. I was not crying about master card just stating the facts that at least applied to me and probably other canadians. The rights part of it is if you are legally prescribed you use it against MasterCard sometimes works. for me it only applies to companies outside of Canada so yes I was wrong and that statement applies to mastercard international as told to me by BMO. In the end we both have facts that are right and ones that are wrong
Your MC or Visa will only work if they dont know what the business entity is. Once they find out its associated with Cannabis it gets considered a high risk and it quickly gets blocked by them, vendors have to get crafty and so on to get around this so yes you can use your CC with some sites still.

Just FYI CC reps lie to your face every day, take what your told with a grain of salt because each person you speak to will give you a different story.
I use to work in banking and dealt with angry ppl daily who were constantly telling me another rep said I could do this....
yes they do carry them but their own breeds are not stabilized, hundreds of seeds need to be grown out to select the best for breeding and the basement growers are just femanizing what they think looks good. Like I said before, the real breeders are not on reserves, they are in Spain and Holland where this science all began and most are now dead or writing for High Times.
I certainly do NOT have the grow experience of most here. But I DO have more experience partaking than most, 30 years of experience.

What is written above is so important to understand.

A new "strain" is made every time sometime creates seeds intentionally or otherwise. The vast majority, simply stated, suck.

Even a stabilized and consistent strain can suck. So what is the "best?"

It is, quite simply, when someone has run through dozens or even hundreds of seeds to find the very best pheno...then clone or feminize it.

The reason why some bagseed can be WAY better than even seeds bought from a well known breeder is because of that selection process.

Many of the very best strains now have somewhat unknown parentage...for this reason. They have an incredible pheno but may not know where it came from!

Getting a seed or a clone of a strain you have personally enjoyed is the very best option imo. All other options require some luck or a very, very consistent strain.
I certainly do NOT have the grow experience of most here. But I DO have more experience partaking than most, 30 years of experience.

What is written above is so important to understand.

A new "strain" is made every time sometime creates seeds intentionally or otherwise. The vast majority, simply stated, suck.

Even a stabilized and consistent strain can suck. So what is the "best?"

It is, quite simply, when someone has run through dozens or even hundreds of seeds to find the very best pheno...then clone or feminize it.

The reason why some bagseed can be WAY better than even seeds bought from a well known breeder is because of that selection process.

Many of the very best strains now have somewhat unknown parentage...for this reason. They have an incredible pheno but may not know where it came from!

Getting a seed or a clone of a strain you have personally enjoyed is the very best option imo. All other options require some luck or a very, very consistent strain.

What starts as seed hunting often turns to clone hunting.

Elite forum cuts that is.