Bwpz's First Indoor Grow - 600w King's Kush/White Rhino


Active Member
My guess is that it's getting root bound. You said that it is growing slowly? Could be stunted from that temporarily.
I would try and get them into bigger pots as soon as possible. Did you put the cup inside another cup to give it more room to grow?
Or are you putting water in that for them to suck it up?
Putting too much water in the bottom cup is not good, that will suffocate your plant's roots.

Also, have you been fertilizing them?


Well-Known Member
I've nuted them a little bit, not much at all. Like half the recommended dosage to 3 of them. I have dry soil in the garbage bag, sitting in an empty cup just for stability. They're in the bags so the light doesn't hit the roots. I will be getting my soil soon, it's on the way from Amazon.


Active Member
You should be using nutrients every other watering at this point. Unless your soil comes with time-release fertilizer that is.
I say as long as you transplant them, and nute them, they should bounce back to normal again.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input man, what would you suggest I do for the next 2 days? Just water em and let em go? They got holes in the bottom, they wouldn't be sitting in anything.

Also, the Spicy White Devil is the biggest one, and is the one I've fed nutes to the most. Both Kings Kush just look stressed, and the White Rhino has some nute burn, and I've only fed it once.


Active Member
Yeah my girl definitely get's nute burned. I would much rather have a nutrient burn than nutrient deficiency, though.
I don't think anything is wrong with nutrient burn honestly.
Yeah just water em like normal and let them go.


Well-Known Member
Got back from my "vacation" and they're looking good :) My soil should be in tomorrow, so I'll be transplanting them :D After that they should explode in growth.



Well-Known Member
Keep it up man ur doing good!
Thanks man :)

I got my soil today, about to head to the store to get some extra perlite. I'm going to be using FF Ocean Forest with 25% extra perlite and a 2 tbps/gallon dolomite lime mixture in 3 gallon grow bags. I can't wait to put them in bigger containers and watch them grow :)


Well-Known Member
They're about 10 inches under the light, not because of heat but because I didn't make my ducting big enough to reach down since I had to remove some of the boxes. It shouldn't stretch, right?

And the cool tube works great, I can touch the tube and not feel any heat at all :)


Well-Known Member
Both Kings Kush are still droopy, I'm guessing they're shocked and haven't recovered from being root bound quite yet. Other 2 look great, even a little nute burn on the biggest one (Spicy White Devil). Guess that came from the FFOF soil :P


Well-Known Member
Here's a close up of the Spicy White Devil. I'm about to top it, is this the right location?

Here's a close-up of the White Rhino as well.



Well-Known Member
I've topped the Spicy White Devil and White Rhino, I'm going to wait on the King's Kush for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
I've topped all 4 of them now, and they're all showing the growth into 2 colas. I've constructed a table for everything to sit on instead of cardboard boxes and whatnot, and it also helped create a storage space for extra supplies under the table. I'll post pics up soon, I wanna wait until my saucers get in.


Well-Known Member
Cool bro yeah that is the spot to top. They are doing good . Any issues going on, how is everything?