Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Can we meme yet?
It's a little early. I mean, c'mon dude...foreplay.
Can we meme yet?
It's a little late to play coy.It's a little early. I mean, c'mon dude...foreplay.
You won't find any pussy here.I don't know what you are talking about, officer. I come here for the chicks.
Says the pussy.You won't find any pussy here.
Says the pussy who's afraid to grow herb.......Says the pussy.
You do realize most people on this site are drug dealers right? Not to mention the true original king of cannabis was a junky right? Nevil started this shit respect your junkies they are much more successful than you could ever dream.
It's a little late to play coy.
No sir, officer. I respect our law and order President too much to do that.Says the pussy who's afraid to grow herb.......
Says the pussy who's afraid to grow herb.......
Is the spegetti monster orange?Ah.....the poorly educated, lol. Don't worry, your orange god loves you.
Funny how someone who wants to build a wall to keep people that don't speak English from stealing their job would go around talking about safe spaces.Exactly.
"Hey everyone, go do something about my problems and I'm a gonna stay here in my safe space and keep the bitch storm going" - Snough Phlake
The DEA was directed to leave little players alone. You've had 8 years where enforcement has been stepped down. You voted for the party that will escalate DEA enforcement activities. What? Are you disappointed that you haven't been arrested yet?I've been growing for 15 years still never been busted. How long you been growing?
I say it is a false flag.Seems like legalization is everything Trump SHOULD be about. It greats jobs, businesses, takes money away from the cartels and mexico, brings in tax revenue for schools and roads, etc. Restarting an asinine Nixonian drug war against a plant which is less harmful than alcohol is the polar opposite of MAGA! I wonder what would inspire such a sudden reversal of what he said while campaigning? He might have received some kind of secret 'contributions' or he's hoping to benefit some businesses.
I'm still not buying this though until I see an actual crackdown. My theory is that the Trump administration may have put this out there to get a 'feel' on the public perception of the issue. Basically they'll measure the reaction and decide how to proceed.
Yes lets all go running into the streets screamingI say it is a false flag.
Yeah, I just can't see the benefit of investing so much political capital into such a losing issue. There's literally nothing to gain except for benefiting private prisons, big pharma, alcohol and law enforcement interests. Meanwhile the losses would include a massive drop in public support, throwing tons of money back to Mexican cartels, destroying countless businesses and entrepreneurs, wrecking the economies of states which have legalized, and potential violence depending on how far things escalate.I say it is a false flag.
Seems like legalization is everything Trump SHOULD be about. It greats jobs, businesses, takes money away from the cartels and mexico, brings in tax revenue for schools and roads, etc. Restarting an asinine Nixonian drug war against a plant which is less harmful than alcohol is the polar opposite of MAGA! I wonder what would inspire such a sudden reversal of what he said while campaigning? He might have received some kind of secret 'contributions' or he's hoping to benefit some businesses.
I'm still not buying this though until I see an actual crackdown. My theory is that the Trump administration may have put this out there to get a 'feel' on the public perception of the issue. Basically they'll measure the reaction and decide how to proceed.
donald trump doesnt care about the people. he cares about money and golf and banging his daughteri think the hemp industry is more threatening than recreational marijuana. once it becomes legal, so do hemp farms. the dent in the logging industry alone would be YUUUGE.
but what do i know.