Bye Bye Marijuana State Laws

Pretty sure hemp is federally legal to grow since 2014

And I doubt logging interests compare to big pharma or alchohol in America.

Maybe when our grandfathers were born

edit - Won't let me post the link, 2014 ag bill
the logging industry is still yuuuuge
i think the hemp industry is more threatening than recreational marijuana. once it becomes legal, so do hemp farms. the dent in the logging industry alone would be YUUUGE.

but what do i know.

Pretty sure hemp is federally legal to grow since 2014

And I doubt logging interests compare to big pharma or alchohol in America.

Maybe when our grandfathers were born

edit - Won't let me post the link, 2014 ag bill

try taking out the dot in the dot com.
Pretty sure hemp is federally legal to grow since 2014

And I doubt logging interests compare to big pharma or alchohol in America.

Maybe when our grandfathers were born

edit - Won't let me post the link, 2014 ag bill
Yeah, the main industrial opposition to legalization at the moment seems to come from big alcohol and big pharma. Both are rightfully worried about the impact of legal cannabis on their sales, and both have large amounts of money to lobby with.
Yeah, all 7 members of the politics forum and their 58 sock accounts are going to riot instead of posting all day. Well 6, with working and all its tough for me to get out for some snowflaking.

Did you hear they are going to crack down on felony rioting? Lock the assholes up who riot and destroy things instead of protesting peacefully. Even the dip shits who incite the riot by merely announcing their future participation get thrown into the mix. Guess celebrity super heroes better stfu before their words get their asses landed in prison and another city is burned.

read a good article about the rise of authoritarianism.

you guys are so fearful and fragile. you just need a strong daddy to spank all the bad away. it's cute in a homo-erotic kinda way.
Yeah, I just can't see the benefit of investing so much political capital into such a losing issue. There's literally nothing to gain except for benefiting private prisons, big pharma, alcohol and law enforcement interests. Meanwhile the losses would include a massive drop in public support, throwing tons of money back to Mexican cartels, destroying countless businesses and entrepreneurs, wrecking the economies of states which have legalized, and potential violence depending on how far things escalate.

they just reversed the obama directive on private, for profit prisons yesterday too.

you are dumber than a bag of rocks if you can't see why an authoritarian would want to inflict his authority to the benefit of the dick sucking cops like spandy who lined up to vote for him.
Geez, I thought it was just me. On GC somebody brought up the film "300" and asked if I had seen it. I really wanted to say "no, I am straight".

just try to be nice to them. they are frightened over steadily changing social demographics. they are fearful and fragile about their status quo changing even ever so slightly.

He said the Justice Department would enforce FEDERAL law...

That word is key, ya dumb fuckin' cuckadoodle-doo.

At what point? You paranoid old fart. This WONT HAPPEN. And until it does you're just a paranoid old fool for believing so. Let's see how long it takes for them to enforce federal. I'll wait....
At what point? You paranoid old fart. This WONT HAPPEN. And until it does you're just a paranoid old fool for believing so. Let's see how long it takes for them to enforce federal. I'll wait....
Paranoid, gullible. Time to stop smoking.

another cannabis growing trump voter.

fearful, fragile, pathetic little bigot, voted trump because he is scared of brown people and wanted a big strong daddy to take care of them for him.

insists that it is not happening once he sees trump coming for him as well. "BUT I AM WHITE!!!" he cries to himself.

just try to be nice to them. they are frightened over steadily changing social demographics. they are fearful and fragile about their status quo changing even ever so slightly.

It isn't that slight. The trends shaking the world today are significant. They are still doomed, but they don't know it yet. This is just the "one step back". Humans advance in fits and starts. This is why we have the FEMA camps in Alaska.
another cannabis growing trump voter.

fearful, fragile, pathetic little bigot, voted trump because he is scared of brown people and wanted a big strong daddy to take care of them for him.

insists that it is not happening once he sees trump coming for him as well. "BUT I AM WHITE!!!" he cries to himself.


Didn't vote for trump. My girl is Latina. I'm black. Couldn't be more wrong. You guys seem really scared about this? I'll gladly take all your crop/meds off your hands if it makes you feel a bit more safe Bucky.