CA man jailed for 4 days for video taping police. They are in trrrouble.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
A California man was jailed for four days for attempting to record police officers on a public street.
Daniel J. Saulmon was charged with resisting, delaying and obstructing an officer but the video shows he was standing well out the way of a traffic stop and was only arrested when he failed to produce identification to an approaching officer.
And there is no law in California that requires citizens to produce identification. And even if there was, it would require the officer to have a reasonable suspicion that he was committing a crime.
But prosecutors have already dropped the charge against Saulmon as well as a few other minor citations relating to his bicycle such as not have proper reflectors on the pedals.
And they most likely knew who he was considering he won a $25,000 settlement from the same police department after they unlawfully arrested him on eavesdropping/wiretapping charges in 2005.
This time, it appears the Hawthorne Police Department will be dishing out much more, thanks to officer Gabriel Lira’s abuse of authority.
“They knew exactly who I was,” Saulmon said in a telephone interview with Photography is Not a Crime Saturday, adding that he has recorded them on a regular basis since the 2005 arrest when he was jailed after attempting to file a complaint inside the police station.
“They always address me as ‘Mr. Saulmon’,” he said.

Judging by his Youtube channel, which is filled with videos of police officers from Southern California jurisdictions, his latest arrest was an obvious case of retaliation.
The arrest took place on November 8, a Thursday, close to midnight. Because it was a holiday weekend, he would have had to wait until Tuesday to see a judge. He bailed himself out on Monday with a $1,000 he did not want to spend.
It took police a week to return his camera and his bicycle, and only after his attorney sent them a letter informing them that they had no legal basis to maintain possession of his personal property.
Even though he is still facing a citation for not having a headlight on his bicycle, he says he has video evidence from when he picked it up that shows it had two working headlights.
Saulmon is not one to be deterred by their abusive behavior. On the day after his 2005 arrest, he walked back into the Hawthorne Police Department to file a complaint with a hidden recorder that reveals he was nearly stripped searched in the lobby as you can hear in the video below.
The irony of that arrest is that they based their evidence on a secret recording one of the officers had made.

Why is he just sitting there recording the cops? That's just asking for trouble, even if he wasn't doing anything wrong. If he's on a mission to try and expose the unlawful nature of a lot of police, then so be it. My guess is that cops arrest people who do this to send a message because they do not want to be filmed. So they figure that if they make someone go through all this hassle, even if ultimately nothing happens to them, that it will sway people from filming them in the first place so that they don't have to worry about their unlawful actions being recorded.
Ehh, I don't do well with walls of texts most of the time lol, I just skimmed the first paragraph or 2 on that one tbh.
Why is he just sitting there recording the cops? That's just asking for trouble, even if he wasn't doing anything wrong. If he's on a mission to try and expose the unlawful nature of a lot of police, then so be it. My guess is that cops arrest people who do this to send a message because they do not want to be filmed. So they figure that if they make someone go through all this hassle, even if ultimately nothing happens to them, that it will sway people from filming them in the first place so that they don't have to worry about their unlawful actions being recorded.

Are you kidding? I get off on it, I love watching them get pissed, like I money moooneeey, money!
Are you kidding? I get off on it, I love watching them get pissed, like I money moooneeey, money!

I can understand if someone was ALREADY filming or happened to have a camera on them when something shady was taking place, but searching for cops so you can film them is looking for trouble.

Winter, do you have any news on your friend that had been taking hemp oil?
It's called spoiling your rights, USA USA USA! Properazis can do it to stars, police aren't any different, doesn't matter if it annoys them. They're suppose to stfu and take it.
Also some people do it just in case, so most of the time they just want evidence just in case someone does snap.
Cops need to be video taped, they abuse their authority all the time.

I can understand if someone was ALREADY filming or happened to have a camera on them when something shady was taking place, but searching for cops so you can film them is looking for trouble.

Winter, do you have any news on your friend that had been taking hemp oil?

Yes!!! He has the most aggressive form of brain cancer and the last bit of chemo before taking the oil did not stop the growth. Well, his last CT scan since taking oils showed no growth, no reduction, but no growth.

He is afraid to tell his doctor what he is doing from fear of being dropped. For the moment the doc thinks it's a residue effect of chemo. From what I hear he is taking massive amounts of oil, the exact amount I'm not privy to. He is still working, I do know that he takes the biggest dose at night and smaller doses throughout the day at work.
Puns have to make sense man, you're usually good at keeping them that way, but sometimes it's just like....*facepalm*
I didn't tell you that they took him off of chemo because it wasn't working and they were giving him no treatment what so ever.
Plus... How shitty are you at hunting that you need to go to a place where what you're shooting at is already trapped and where you're notified exactly when it's going to be let free? Maybe it's time to find a new hobby.

Unless you hunt for food, it's a completely pussy and bitch thing to do. You're shooting a defenseless animal with no intention other than killing it? If you like to shoot guns so much, join the military and do something useful. Oh, but you're too pussy, right? You'll shoot at defenseless creatures who aren't going to fight back but if your life is on the line you back out completely? COWARDS.
Puns have to make sense man, you're usually good at keeping them that way, but sometimes it's just like....*facepalm*

It made, and still makes, sense to me. That is the Punster's Burden ... they're not all winners ... and in this instance, who, verily and forsooth who, provided the red rag to the <cough!> bear? :bigjoint: cn