Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors


Well-Known Member
man humble those look 100 times better then mine. I , they dont know if there flowering or veging.

humble learner

Well-Known Member
Mine were big when I put them out but they were still vegging, next year I think I'll flip em to flower inside for a few days then put em out. here's some more shots



Active Member
Anyone tried an Autoflower strain in our climate? I always thought that would be cool to get off season harvests. Probably could all year.


Well-Known Member
ah shit is this weekend the weed expo or what ever its called? I hate f'in work. didnt work all week now they want me to work fri sat and sun all 10 days, wiht no over time!?? WTF PUNKS


Active Member
Strange how the plants acted opposite of what Id expect. The Sativa dom plants performed better then Indicas. Youd think since sativa needs longer nights (<12 hr days) and warmer weather Indica would do better. I do have one plant I call a purple indica, unknown lineage, its doing good. All other indicas are all kushie looking, purple and puckered up. No buds really tho. Sativas producing decently. Weird how the pistals are so short tho.



Active Member
These things are finally starting to fill in and look like something! I think its the super short hairs compared to my indoor grow. Indoor looks so full, but its just hairs until the final weeks when they fill in. These are doing the same thing, just filling in now, so when it was all hairs it looked like nothing cus they so short.


Well-Known Member
anyone have updates? mine are some sorry ass bushes the buds are so leafy its dumb. I thought about just letting them grow all sommer but i think Ill just chop 'em and start over. oh well no loss i would have thrown them away 3 months ago anyway


hell man I live in socal san diego area threw some bubba kush out in mid march and they are flowering already and they are only around 8 to 9 in. tall or so i'm hoping they go back to veg stage and stretch a little more. I wanted one to go all summer like i had last year, but if not i guess i'll get a couple more clones and start over again.


Well-Known Member
You may have to if they go back to veg it will be after May more than likely so you will lose a month of growth.Dirrtyd


Active Member
I pulled a decent one today, and got bugs real bad on some real leafy stuff I pulled last week, so Im water curing. Might cook or make hash with it. Pulling a few more in a couple days and one that I put out last is doing real good, needs a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
MediMary been real busy with my granson baseball team. Well I ended up getting seeds on the blueberry from seed. The blueberry male seeded both blueberry plants the sour Diesel is moked up will put up pics tomorrow of the green crack and the headband also a pic of some chemdog d. I promise i will be in the garden working anyway my carrots and peppers are coming along nicely. Dirrtyd