Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors


Well-Known Member
Okay as promised they arent that good will get more later first pic is of the bliueberry I can see seeds on it. The second one is of the chemdog d. third is the GC the fourth is a SB5 smells fruity.The fifth is a pic of some kananga in an outdoor aeroponics system. I will be taking more pics later today I have started my outdoor in the ground grow. Still have one hole to fill with a plant thinking another SD going in the empty hole. Dirrtyd



Well-Known Member
Bus show us your plants I have another thread in outdoor called dirrty's 2010mmj otdoor grow. check out the gurls


Well-Known Member
Okay I went through the seeds today and I found about 25 viable seeds from each of the five crossings. I'm pleased though cause I can now grow and clone out different things. Dirrtyd