What I can't believe is that there are still people out there driving cars with Obama/Biden bumper stickers. Don't they realize what saps they are?
To regurgitate parts of the article you posted. I think they are too busy screaming about their right to eat McDonald's Hamburgers while gaining obscenely grotesque amounts of weight while sitting on their asses watching American Idol. Of course for them they have the misbegotten notion that this is the "American Dream."
In my "Dream" I have a house, a car (or two) and a machine shop/tool shop in addition to a regular shop so I can try designing robotic tools to make it possible to be even lazier. Lol, ironically by expending the energy to make it possible for me to be even lazier it is likely that I would be expending more energy than it would take for me to just do the chores that I do not want to do.
But that's all it is, a dream, thanks to the imbecilic system of progressive taxation that was put in place by misguided socialists who did not have the capability to actually critically examine the system they were putting in place. Worse is the fact that those same socialists then supported the efforts of the rich and monied elite to make it so that the progressive tax system screwed over the middle class more than it effected the rich.
Socialism is a two class system, those in power who have all the wealth because they are the avatars of the "people", and their slaves. In short Socialism is worse than any cult, because unlike a cult where there is a conscious choice to join it there is no conscious choice required to be sucked into the singularity of state-sponsored socialism.