The exact opposite will happen in 2016. This is the stellar petition. If you want a shitty one made by the people with money, wait until 2016. You're not making any sense. Why would a company go to the federal supreme court to test if a worker is high at work? The whole point is about being tested about previous use, whether it was last night or the night before. Obviously you cannot be high at work, just like you cannot be drunk at work either. Except there's no THC blood content minimum, nor is there a reliable commercial way to check anything other than who has smoked within the last month. The only way to check is through that good old metabolyte test that only declared whether or not you have smoked at some point.
Are you kidding? You didn't read a single thing I wrote, allow me to repeat for a third time. NO one cares about getting tested for being high at work.............. It's about being tested for previous use, like last night, when you weren't at work. You can't get fired for that. Jesus jumping christ, you haven't poked a hole in anything my friend. If it's federally illegal, then you're still breaking a law and can be fired. It's that simple.Federal law still trumps state law.
I mean seriously..... why do you think us stoners want to avoid drug tests? For being high at work? Come on.... it's bout outside use, which will be legal if this is passed. Read the initiative. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with state laws, otherwise the Supreme Court would've blocked Washington & Colorado's legalization. The supreme court doesn't just rule on every law passed. Someone has to challenge it and bring it to the federal level. The federal supreme court has great influence on laws; provided they get challenged long enough to make it up to that level in the judicial system. If you doubt that, then see brown v. board of education; it overturned more than a few state laws.
If you have any more concerns, however nonsensical, please post them here. I value your opinion just as much as anyone else's.