Calling All Noob Growers

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Well-Known Member
Riddleme all this reading has been sooooo freakin helpful. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE EFFORT!

Quick question about the 4th pic. Plant has red in the stems - like rhubard almost. My plants do as well. I read somewhere on RIU (I could find it if challenged too) that red in the stalks meant the plant was not health in some way, shape or form. I figured that is possible, but maybe it is the strain. I'm growing from bag seed so I have no way of knowing. The 4th pics buds don't look like mine. Mine are more bright green whith similar triche #'s and lighter hairs. His plant also has more red then mine - mine, like I said looks closer to rhubarb - the main stalk is the typical MJ grteenish brown at the bottom and has streaks of red/maroon starting about 1/3 from the soil.
What say you? Is it a sick plant, or strain that caused it? Best guess is appreciated.

Oh yeah - gonna make it rain on the 'morrow. Starting 7th week of flower, hope it helps fatten 'em up.
red stems can be the first sign of an N deficiency or can be strain related, his plant had a few minor issues but was mostly healthy


Active Member
riddle i have read your opening post in this thread and i was interested - especially the bit about trying the Make it Rain technique on a vegging plant!

ive got a bit of slow growth the last week (week 4 of veg) and i upped the nutes to see if that would make a difference. it made the plants more bushy but not really keep upward growth going (im aiming to switch to flower lights at 13inches to maximise my growing space)

flushing scares the shit out of me though, when i read that you should use 3 times the amount of water that could fit in the container, i imagine my plants swimming in a swamp afterwards

im scared man


Well-Known Member
go check my balls to the wall grow you will see I am raining on seedlings that are 2 weeks old and you will see very nice growth spurts, there is nothing to be scared of you simply have to make sure they are not overwatered (doing it to often) they have to dry out before it rains again and when they are young you can just 2 times the pot size


Active Member
its a 20x20x20cm pot and thats 8000cm cubed

basically man, thats gonna be 16 litres of water going on top of my plants who've previously been receiving 250mls per watering/feeding and having a little water runoff too

that, quite frankly, is scaring the shit out of this first timer


Well-Known Member
its a 20x20x20cm pot and thats 8000cm cubed

basically man, thats gonna be 16 litres of water going on top of my plants who've previously been receiving 250mls per watering/feeding and having a little water runoff too

that, quite frankly, is scaring the shit out of this first timer
Why would it scare you. Overwatering is caused by frequency, not amount.


Well-Known Member
its a 20x20x20cm pot and thats 8000cm cubed

basically man, thats gonna be 16 litres of water going on top of my plants who've previously been receiving 250mls per watering/feeding and having a little water runoff too

that, quite frankly, is scaring the shit out of this first timer
What happens to plants in bad storms where it rains for days and the clouds blot out the sky? They look a little ugly then when the rain goes and the sun comes back they perk up nicely. I know it sounds a little daunting but its fine. And if you can catch your rain water your plants will love it.


Active Member
surely this light mix soil has nutes in it that were there in from the start and ill just be washing away all of that?


Well-Known Member
Oh, you should figure your numbers based on amount of soil. So if you have a 2 liter pot (2 liters of soil), then use 6 liters of water to make it rain. Hope we helped you with your fears.


Well-Known Member
surely this light mix soil has nutes in it that were there in from the start and ill just be washing away all of that?
Yes, and that is kinda the point. It will be washed away eventually. That is where making it rain works. Rain on them till the nutes are almost washed away, then add nutes, then wash them away. It helps them uptake the nutes.


Active Member
Yeah i understand the concept and how it replicates the outdoor experience, its the amounts of water thats scary - its an 8litre pot effectively even just doubling the amount of water is 16litres, thats 32 litres of water i need for both plants and 32 times i need to fill up and wait for my water filter


Well-Known Member
You don't have to make it rain. But if your plants have problems flushing is the first step in recovering, generally


Well-Known Member
hey everybody, well i was talking with a grower buddy n he started talking bout how some ppl believ if instead of using a 12/12 light cycle, use a 6/6 cycle and cut flowering time in half. is there research on this subject?? if so, couldnt it be possibl to use a 24/24 cycle, thus doubling flowering time. possibly doubling the overall potential? just a thought. thanks


Well-Known Member
well you know I play with the light times but I stay within the working parameters, I have a friend that goes to 10/14 for the last 2 weeks but I really don't see anything special, he swears it increases the sugar???

I do not believe that 6/6 or 24/24 would work but have read about folks doing 8/8 to shave days off harvest time only it reduces the yields


Well-Known Member
yes but if grown under the light schedule based of this newly built planetary alignment giving us either 12 or 48 hour days (in jumbos example above, being serious, but joking a little by the planetary thing) from start to finish would not the plants grow normally acustomed to this truely abnormal light schedule??

one problem is that I think the only timers that will do those crazy types of schedules are rather expensive. I could be wrong, but I have followed a few threads where people did this, but they didnt post a lot, they swore by 36 on and 36 off i think, or 36/13, or something crazy like that. try it, it would be cool to follow


Active Member
@Riddle, I have seen you give out some solid advice here on RIU, and in this thread, so I have a question for you (& others).

Got this deficiency, on upper leaves mostly, not really a lot overall, on Blue Dream. Am just now into week 4 of Flowering. All 100% coco. Canna nutes. A+B. Also used rhizotonic early on. have since stopped. started using PK 13/14 at 1/2 strength in week 2 & 3, and reg strength starting week 4.

View attachment 1081876

I was apparently using too much Cal/Mg, at around 10ml/gal of MagiCal. More than a week ago I was told that was high, so I dropped it down to 3ml/gal or something. I think only one feeding I did a small control group with some FoxFarm Beastie Bloomz, but that was only 4 plants I think. I only used the lowest strength they recommended, which is like 1/4 tsp/gal.. so I dont think I overdid it. But this came up FAST.. like in the last few days.


{journal at my sig if you want to look back a few weeks, i didnt start the journal at Day 1 though :/ }


Well-Known Member
The caregiver I met and showed the CMH was telling me he was reading of people doing a 6 on 12 off. The plants only grow 6 of the 12 light time, and with the 12 dark they get a full 'night'. He mentioned it, and we talked for a while. I said I'd mention it to see if anyone had heard of it. Any thoughts?


You may have answered this already but...You have me convinced....Im gonna try dyna and my question is what is your oreder and you use dyna during veg or flower or both???? you said you alternate....??? please you alternate every feeding ( rain, dyan rain, jacks)???? what do you use for silica suppliment since you run the CMH (which you may have me convinced on that....I'd love to hear from you....GREAT HELP +Rep...
I think I over fertilized/over watered my plants last week, now they are looking bad, they are drooping and turning yellow, then brown and crispy. how do i save my plants!


Well-Known Member
@Riddle, I have seen you give out some solid advice here on RIU, and in this thread, so I have a question for you (& others).

Got this deficiency, on upper leaves mostly, not really a lot overall, on Blue Dream. Am just now into week 4 of Flowering. All 100% coco. Canna nutes. A+B. Also used rhizotonic early on. have since stopped. started using PK 13/14 at 1/2 strength in week 2 & 3, and reg strength starting week 4.

View attachment 1081876

I was apparently using too much Cal/Mg, at around 10ml/gal of MagiCal. More than a week ago I was told that was high, so I dropped it down to 3ml/gal or something. I think only one feeding I did a small control group with some FoxFarm Beastie Bloomz, but that was only 4 plants I think. I only used the lowest strength they recommended, which is like 1/4 tsp/gal.. so I dont think I overdid it. But this came up FAST.. like in the last few days.


{journal at my sig if you want to look back a few weeks, i didnt start the journal at Day 1 though :/ }
This is exactly why I don't use 2 and 3 part nutes (and all the additives they require) you have several things going on N & P def's (could be a lockout from excessive cal) some burning as well I would do a real good flush and then a weak feed for a couple of feedings see how they react

The caregiver I met and showed the CMH was telling me he was reading of people doing a 6 on 12 off. The plants only grow 6 of the 12 light time, and with the 12 dark they get a full 'night'. He mentioned it, and we talked for a while. I said I'd mention it to see if anyone had heard of it. Any thoughts?
No never heard of that one and to me does not make sense

You may have answered this already but...You have me convinced....Im gonna try dyna and my question is what is your oreder and you use dyna during veg or flower or both???? you said you alternate....??? please you alternate every feeding ( rain, dyan rain, jacks)???? what do you use for silica suppliment since you run the CMH (which you may have me convinced on that....I'd love to hear from you....GREAT HELP +Rep...
I feed everytime I water, I have explained this in detail in my calling all noob growers thread, I use dynagro every 3rd feeding, there is no schedule I water and feed when the plant wants it. For silica I use DynaGro ProtK

I think I over fertilized/over watered my plants last week, now they are looking bad, they are drooping and turning yellow, then brown and crispy. how do i save my plants!
If you have overfed you need to flush and watch to see what they do