A nice piece of ebony ass,,,
the blacker the cherry the sweeter the juice,,,
once you go black , you never go back,,
if you go back white,,it just ain't right,,
well that's not very nice of you to call me that,,, that's my reward in life for being none of these ,, misogynisy doesnt even register in my vocab,, another reward for being a good person,,, ,,,,see no evil hear me evil speak no evil,,,,,and without a doubt think no evil,,,,,,i wont thank you because that would be me being deviosly evil by turning you into a quivering ,apologetic mess of guilt,,so i wont,,,,,,,,,OKracist AND misogynist.
my grandparents were peasants and soldiers; they came here with pieces of stale bread, and a dream.
lol......my people thought white bread was cake when they first ate it. they say my grandfather cried, when he learned that they eat sandwiches on cake in " Ameerka." true shit. poor people.was the bread fresh when they left ? .. sounds like a long journey
stays fresher longer ^^