Can a carbon filter keep drug dogs from smelling it?

Bottom line is...

Make sure you use exceptional odor control, whatever that method is.

If you can smell it in or around your home, then other people (cops included) can smell it too. If you can prevent this (which is easy to do) then you will not give the cops any reason to go to your home ...for growing pot. If you have a friend with an exceptional nose, then ask that person to walk the premises. I have my card but I don't need passer-by's to know I'm growing so I use a carbon scrubber. I couldn't smell anything, even in the closet where my grow cabinet is. My friend with the exceptional sense of smell, however, could smell it when approaching my front door, so I made adjustments.

Here's probably one of the most important things...don't give cops ANY reason to go to your house. If you have an over-emotional partner that likes to call the police whenever an argument gets a little heated, then either get rid of the partner or your grow because you can count on being caught. If you're selling, you're gonna get caught. If you're showing off your grow, you're gonna get caught. If you walk around people smelling like you showered in pot smoke, then you're going to get caught. Okay, so maybe you won't get caught...but do you really want to take that chance? We're talking about jail here...where you will definitely not be enjoying any kind of weed.

If you are constantly aware of the consequences then you will have a better chance of preventing any problems.

Don't try to trick the dogs because the best method is probably so involved and strange that the police officer will probably recognize it and then you're screwed. Plus, the dog will probably smell it anyways. So, if you take "fooling the dog" out of possible solutions, then you get down to more sensible solutions that can (and do) work.

The solution is prevention.