Can a "No to Prop 19" person answer a question for me?


Well-Known Member
So a portion of it goes to regulate it, duh. At least it stays in this country.
A typical shill comment. How about telling us you don't mind paying $400 an oz, with $150 going to regulation?

Taxes won't be minor.

They'll take all they can, short of killing the golden goose.

And guess what, there won't be shit left after legal fees. We'll be paying for the prosecution of our friends, when they inevitably grow, possess, or transport a bit too much.

This is just a way for commercial interests to get government support. The Oakland authors will be bulletproof, at our expense.


Well-Known Member
I already pay almost $400 dollars an Oz. for the high quality shit from the club. But all these facts and interpretations got me thinking I don't know which way my vote is gonna go.


Well-Known Member
I already pay almost $400 dollars an Oz. for the high quality shit from the club. But all these facts and interpretations got me thinking I don't know which way my vote is gonna go.

If you want the facts click that link. ALL of the things posted in this thread against prop 19 are fiction. Personal interpretations are nothing more than that. Personal interpretation aka: opinion, which is NOT fact.


Well-Known Member
How can a law that puts more restrictions than we have now be good my friend? From reading all of this you dont live in cali so your opinion really does not count fortunately. Me as a small grower 10 plants and 10 lbs later know I dont want a law that limits the rights I already have. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
How can a law that puts more restrictions than we have now be good my friend? From reading all of this you dont live in cali so your opinion really does not count fortunately. Me as a small grower 10 plants and 10 lbs later know I dont want a law that limits the rights I already have. dirrtyd
Can you stop saying that? You aren't helping anything by spreading lies. If you would take the time to read the articles you would realize what you are saying isn't fact.

Prop 19 doesn't affect people under Prop 215. It's been stated numerous times officially. You are choosing to ignore that fact just so you aren't wrong when clearly you are. Put your ego aside and look at the greater good.


Well-Known Member
How can a law that puts more restrictions than we have now be good my friend? From reading all of this you dont live in cali so your opinion really does not count fortunately. Me as a small grower 10 plants and 10 lbs later know I dont want a law that limits the rights I already have. dirrtyd

Our third party opinions have as must relevance to this debate as any others if not more. We aren't tainted by the politics within the state as you are, we know what is right for the greater good.


Well-Known Member
Our third party opinions have as must relevance to this debate as any others if not more. We aren't tainted by the politics within the state as you are, we know what is right for the greater good.
They know what's right for the greater good but they are too concerned with themselves and ignore their better judgement. I guess that's the way it is in Cali. Every man for themselves. Terrible way to be.

There was a time when the 215 people were on the outside looking in. Hoping and wishing people would vote yes on it. Now that is has happened, they've forgotten what it's like. They are so scared will 19 will affect and limit them, they won't take the time to read and understand that it won't.


Well-Known Member
Our third party opinions have as must relevance to this debate as any others if not more. We aren't tainted by the politics within the state as you are, we know what is right for the greater good.
It really doesnt because you have no vote my friend. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
I don't think people realize that buying weed from their dealer now is just as illegal as it would be if the prop passes. So... if it really ends up being shittastic nothing is going to change from the way things are done now. Even if this prop passes you don't have to support the big business or government. I haven't bothered with anyone else's weed since I started growing, and most growers feel the same way (if they have good product). Why not just let the laws of growing become more relaxed. Medical guys can still grow up to their plant #, and all of your friends can grow too. People get mad at the government for ripping us off, but growers who sell bud to people at the ridiculous prices that this flower goes for these days are just as bad as the government. Probably even worse, cause most of the people you deal to are considered your "friends." Obviously this is not the case for all growers, but if you take offense to this, stop charging your buddies for something that should be free (weed).


How can a law that puts more restrictions than we have now be good my friend? From reading all of this you dont live in cali so your opinion really does not count fortunately. Me as a small grower 10 plants and 10 lbs later know I dont want a law that limits the rights I already have. dirrtyd
How can a law that makes it legal to use marijuana, when it was previously completely illegal put more restrictions? Did I miss something? Maybe you're just so selfish that you don't want to risk your rights at the benefit of everyone else's, compounded by being to ignorant to realize that this proposition would not directly impose any additional regulations on medical growers. And THATS why the proposition got voted down, and a major step in a positive direction for this country was delayed.


Well-Known Member
How can a law that makes it legal to use marijuana, when it was previously completely illegal put more restrictions? Did I miss something? Maybe you're just so selfish that you don't want to risk your rights at the benefit of everyone else's, compounded by being to ignorant to realize that this proposition would not directly impose any additional regulations on medical growers. And THATS why the proposition got voted down, and a major step in a positive direction for this country was delayed.
It is obvious you don't understand California law and how it has been administered over the last 40 years.

You are the ignorant one. P19 wasn't "legalization".

The issues regarding willy nilly local ordinances, and very serious questions regarding the P19's language made waiting a couple years far more attractive.

All these issues have been addressed in numerous threads, just below this one.

Read for a couple months and prove the points you consider misunderstood, but post quotes showing precise language.

Blanket statements with nothing concrete to back them up is what lost this election.


Well-Known Member
I don't live in California, so my opinion may not count. But I am glad that you guys didn't pass it, and I would love to see it legalized everywhere. It seems to me that legalization of marijuana is the goal. We all want it. The majority of Americans want it, I think. But wasn't the title of the bill called the "Tax, Control and Regulate Cannabis act of 2010?" Any time governments use the words TAX, REGULATE, and CONTROL, they do not have the interests of we the people in mind. Since the goal is a vote for LEGALIZATION of Marijuana, it is a relief that the people in CA did not fall for a law that would use marijuana to TAX, REGULATE, and CONTROL them even more. There is a lot that can be read into the title.