Can any experienced grower identify which deficiency this is?

These little yellow lines have appeared on several leaves of this plant. Looks like a deficiency of some sort and I'm hoping someone will be able to identify which deficiency.


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Apologies for the less than perfect photos guys. This is the best I can do. I've started treating the plants with neem oil in the past few days so if it's bugs hopefully that will sort it. But I just think there is a chance this is some kind of deficiency. Do these 2 new photos give you any better idea?


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that really looks like damage from having your ph way off. do you have a ph meter? what are you growing in? what kind of water?

it might be magnesium, but i think its more likely its from not ph'ing correctly
I use tap water but where I live has very clean and drinkable tap water.... less than 50 ppm from the tap. I'm growing in soil. Yes I have a PH meter and I PH the water and nutrient solutions down to around 6.3-6.4.
This is the only plant in the tent that's showing this problem and they all get the same PH.
could you post a couple more pics? one whole plant, one of the effected area with no fingers? it could be ph, it could be mag deficiency, it could be spider mites...but i don't think so
Apologies for the less than perfect photos guys. This is the best I can do. I've started treating the plants with neem oil in the past few days so if it's bugs hopefully that will sort it. But I just think there is a chance this is some kind of deficiency. Do these 2 new photos give you any better idea?
1st picture leaf finger Is on and one under near leaf stem I see holes definately some kinda bug damage. That doesnt mean that you dont also have a mag def.
Thanks guys. Well the bug treatment started 2 days ago and they're due to get another spray down tomorrow. So any bugs that are causing problems should be dealt with by the end of the week. As for the interveinal fading it might very well be mag deficiency. These girls are Critical Kush... they are half OG kush which is a notorious cal-mag fiend. So I'll up the cal-mag in their next feed. Fingers crossed she'll be fighting fit again soon.
Thanks elkamino. I've got some epsom salts arriving tomorrow for the foliar spray. Couple of questions though. How much epsom salts should I add to a litre of water when I'm doing this foliar spray? And also, I'm due to do a neem oil spray tomorrow... should i do the epsom salts before or after that?
Looks more like a heat issue than Mg def to me.

I wouldn't spray anything more on your plants. Just put a tsp/gal of epsom salts in your water and it it's Mg def it'll correct itself.

Did you actually find any bugs? Spraying for bugs without clearly identifying a bug or what kind of bug it is just firing wildly in the dark and not the way to go about it.

I didn't see any bugs but spotted what could possibly be bug damage. There are a few small holes in the leaves. I know a lot of growers do a neem oil spray every grow just as a preventative measure whether they see bugs or not... so I figured it wouldn't do any harm just to be safe. But maybe I'll hold off on the neem oil treatment and try the epsom salts for now. The bugs are just a maybe but the mag issue seems to be a definite.
and i wouldn't spray two different things on your plant in the same day. i try to spray plain ph'ed ro water the day after i spray anything, to clean the leaves off. clog up the stomata and you suffocate your plant.
Doesn't look like Mg def to me but a little epsom salts won't hurt.

I have neem but have only used it once in 10 years last fall when I used it to defeat mites and thrips on an outdoor plant I brought in to flower inside.

I don't even spray cuttings and have seen so many plant problems caused by folks that seem to think their plants need soaking down all the time then blame deficiencies for all the leaf damage they end up with. Then they throw stuff at the "problems" identified by well-meaning but inept growers here and really mess up their plants.

I doubt it's heat stress since the leaves at the top (and closest to the lights) are unaffected. It's the lower-middle leaves that are showing signs of the problem. We'll see how the epsom salts work out and then go from there. No more neem oil for now. How often would you recommend spraying with the epsom salts though?