Can Anyone Explain Christianity?

Old Testament law was given to Israel not to Christians.

for christians:
gal 3:24 So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.

Funny that christians seem awfully eager to quote the old testament as truth when it's convenient for them.
there is no explaining god... if there was people wouldn't go to church because it would already be understood. the thing is no one understands, not even the priest up there touching your children and taking your money, hes just an actor, trying to make a buck. as far as reading the bible gose, yeah its a good book infact its the most popular fictional story of all time, fuck even hotles buy it.. imagine opening your nightstand at the best western to find a harry potter book... in my mind that what people are doing with the bible.

religions are for those who can't make it through the day and accept that this is life.. they need to go somewhere everyday to trick themselves into beliving that after this life THERE IS A BETTER ONE, well sorry to break it to you.. but this is it, don't waste your days in this life in church trying to make your 'next' one better.

i was raised catholic, baptised, went to chuch with the fam... untill CCD (like god school) where me and the priest didn't get along to good... eventually due to my misconduct i was kicked out of my local church, in a meeting with my mother and father the priest told me to never come back.. BEST NEWS ALL DAY, my dad said i was grining ear to ear, got up shook the mans hand, thanked him.. and told him 'good luck with your scam'. Later in life i went to an all boys catholic school, where i had theology every day for 4 years... and guys guess what... its fake.

if you can't tell im atheist.

and instead of having people make you belive in god, your time would be better spent making others not belive. not only is it easier there is more evidence on our side.. JOIN THE FORCE.
there is no explaining god... if there was people wouldn't go to church because it would already be understood. the thing is no one understands, not even the priest up there touching your children and taking your money, hes just an actor, trying to make a buck. as far as reading the bible gose, yeah its a good book infact its the most popular fictional story of all time, fuck even hotles buy it.. imagine opening your nightstand at the best western to find a harry potter book... in my mind that what people are doing with the bible.

religions are for those who can't make it through the day and accept that this is life.. they need to go somewhere everyday to trick themselves into beliving that after this life THERE IS A BETTER ONE, well sorry to break it to you.. but this is it, don't waste your days in this life in church trying to make your 'next' one better.

i was raised catholic, baptised, went to chuch with the fam... untill CCD (like god school) where me and the priest didn't get along to good... eventually due to my misconduct i was kicked out of my local church, in a meeting with my mother and father the priest told me to never come back.. BEST NEWS ALL DAY, my dad said i was grining ear to ear, got up shook the mans hand, thanked him.. and told him 'good luck with your scam'. Later in life i went to an all boys catholic school, where i had theology every day for 4 years... and guys guess what... its fake.

if you can't tell im atheist.

and instead of having people make you belive in god, your time would be better spent making others not belive. not only is it easier there is more evidence on our side.. JOIN THE FORCE.

I'm an atheist as well. I started this thread so people could/would talk about this and others could form their own opinions from others.

I really like the "thanks" and a handshake. Nice touch.
erm how did we get the very simple mixture of gases that created air?

See, this is the whole "God of the gaps" theory. Anything that can't be explained.. "Hey, God must have done it"

We as people can't explain everything. Does that mean God did it?.. I think not.

For example... When people got shocked by static electricity back in the day, they thought it was the devil punishing them. Why? because they couldn't explain the shock. However, we can explain it now.. and we know it wasn't the devil.
See, this is the whole "God of the gaps" theory. Anything that can't be explained.. "Hey, God must have done it"

We as people can't explain everything. Does that mean God did it?.. I think not.

For example... When people got shocked by static electricity back in the day, they thought it was the devil punishing them. Why? because they couldn't explain the shock. However, we can explain it now.. and we know it wasn't the devil.

plain and simple air, static electricity or whatever else you put in the "gap" can not create itself
plain and simple air, static electricity or whatever else you put in the "gap" can not create itself

Either can air. Something created it... We just don't know the answer. You're not getting the point of the God of the gaps.

Just because we don't know the answer.. doesn't mean "god did it".
The story of Jesus was copied from several religions. Especially the Egyptian Gods.


^ You think the story of Jesus is original?... I don't think so , Tim.
Either can air. Something created it... We just don't know the answer. You're not getting the point of the God of the gaps.

Just because we don't know the answer.. doesn't mean "god did it".

yeah your right air,water,light,plants...
they all just came into existance end of story.
come on you know that doesnt work, all that stuff doesnt just happen the gap theory seems like you just want to close your eyes and run past it
yeah your right air,water,light,plants...
they all just came into existance end of story.
come on you know that doesnt work, all that stuff doesnt just happen the gap theory seems like you just want to close your eyes and run past it

No, You're saying they just came into existence ( you believe in God...Snap the fingers and they're there ).

I'm not trying to disprove "God" here. I'm trying to disprove the Christian God, which is laughable at best.

good luck searching through all of that :hump:

If you can get me some historical documents to those claims i will give it a look

[SIZE=+1]The Egyptian Horus-Osiris/Assyrian-Babylonian Bel-Marduk Myth Parallels to the Christian Jesus Myth[/SIZE] The Egyptian Horus Myth
The Assyrian-Babylonian Bel Myth The Jesus Myth

1. The Annunciation of the Birth of Horus 1. The Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus
2. The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God(s) 2. The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God
3. The Birth of Horus 3. The Birth of Jesus
4. The Adoration of Horus by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts 4. The Adoration of Jesus by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts
5. Horus was the son of Seb, an earthly father 5. Jesus was the son of Joseph, an earthly father
6. Horus stayed with his mother until the age of twelve 6. Jesus stayed with his mother until the age of twelve
7. Between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Horus 7. Between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew/Mark/Luke/John/Acts)
8. At age thirty, Horus was baptized by Anup 8. At age thirty, Jesus was baptized by John
9. By his baptism Horus was transformed into the beloved and only begotten Son of the Father, the Holy Spirit, represented by a bird 9. By his baptism Jesus was transformed into the beloved and only begotten Son of the Father, the Holy Spirit, represented by a dove/bird
10. The Arrest of Bel 10. The Arrest of Jesus
11. The Trial of Bel 11. The Trial of Jesus
12. A Priest/Judge Asks "What is his sin?" 12. Pilate Asks "What evil has he done?" [St. Matthew 27:23]
13. The Judgment Against Bel 13. The Judgment Against Jesus
14. Water Is Brought to the Building for the Washing of Hands 14. Pilate Washes His Hands [St. Matthew 27:24]
15. The Scourging of Bel 15. The Scourging of Jesus
16. A Criminal Condemned to Die with Bel Is Released 16. Criminals Are Condemned to Die with Jesus; Barrabas Is Released
17. Bel is Led Away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a hilltop--a hill for the kill) 17. Jesus is Led Away to Golgotha (a hill called The Skull--a hill for the kill) [SeeNote 1 below]
18. Bel is Executed [Bel is "Bound/Caused to Perish"--Most likely Crucified]-Osiris is Executed/Killed. 18. Jesus is Executed/Crucified
19. A Commotion: A Riot Begins in a Nearby City 19. A Commotion: An Earthquake, the Renting of the Veil of the Temple,
The Dead Rise, and Walk and Talk with the Living
20. Bel's Clothes Are Taken Away 20. Jesus' Clothes Are Taken Away
21. A Burial Garment Is Put Onto Bel's Body 21. Jesus' Body Is Wrapped in a Burial Garment
22. Bel Is Taken to a Tomb 22. Jesus Is Taken to a Tomb
23. Bel Goes Down into a Mountain/into the Underworld 23. Jesus Descends into Hell (The Apostle's Creed)
24. Women/Goddesses Seek Bel at the Tomb 24. Women Seek Jesus at the Tomb
25. Bel Is Resurrected/Osiris is Resurrected 25. Jesus Is Resurrected
good luck searching through all of that :hump:

that makes me think you didnt reasearch it for yourself..
see i believe in the christian bible because everything i have searched for myself has been true. if what you have just showed me comes out to be true (not just a myth) i will leave christianity
if christianity is fake theres no point in me being a christian
Would you die for a lie that you KNEW was not true? The Apostles saw Jesus after he rose from the dead. They did not hear about it, they saw it. Thomas even felt the holes in his hands where he had been nailed to the cross.

This is borrowed from a sermon by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.

Matthew suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, killed by a sword wound, because he preached the resurrection of Christ.
Mark died in Alexandria, dragged by horses through the streets until he was dead, because he too preached the resurrection of Christ.
Luke was hanged by the neck in Greece for preaching the resurrection of Christ.
John was scalded alive in a large basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution, because he preached the resurrection of Christ. He miraculously escaped alive, but was horribly scarred for the rest of his life. He was later sent into exile on the Island of Patmos for preaching the resurrection of Christ, where he died at over 90 years of age.
James, the half brother of Jesus, was thrown more than a hundred feet from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem for preaching the resurrection of Christ. When they saw that he was still alive, they beat him to death with clubs.
Peter was crucified upside down on an X-shaped cross, because he told those who killed him that he was not worthy to die the same way Jesus died. They killed Peter for preaching that Jesus had risen from the dead.
James, the son of Zebedee, was beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman soldier who guarded James listened in amazement as James told of the resurrection of Christ at his trial. Later, that Roman soldier walked beside James to the place of execution. The soldier was so overcome with conviction that he declared his own faith in the resurrected Christ to the judge, and knelt beside James to accept martyrdom, and was beheaded as a Christian with James.
Bartholomew, also known as Nathaniel, was a missionary to the Roman province of Asia. He was whipped to death for preaching the resurrection of Christ.
Thomas at first doubted Christ’s resurrection, but then met the risen Saviour. He was speared to death in India for preaching Christ’s resurrection.
Jude, another half brother of Jesus, was shot to death with arrows for refusing to deny that Christ, his half brother, had risen from the dead.
Matthias, the apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas, was stoned and then beheaded for his faith in the resurrected Christ.
Barnabas was stoned to death at Salonica for preaching that Jesus rose bodily from the dead.
Paul was tortured and finally beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment. During his long period of imprisonment, Paul wrote several of the books in the New Testament. Mrs. Hymers and I climbed down a ladder into the Mamertine Prison, in Rome, a few years ago, into the cell where Paul was kept while he wrote some of the “Prison Epistles” in the New Testament. Paul was taken out of that dark prison dungeon and beheaded by Nero for teaching and preaching that Jesus rose physically from the dead.

All of these Apostles laid down their very lives for preaching Christ’s resurrection. After Jesus rose from the dead, these Apostles preached everywhere, “We have seen the Lord” (John 20:25).
that makes me think you didnt reasearch it for yourself..
see i believe in the christian bible because everything i have searched for myself has been true. if what you have just showed me comes out to be true (not just a myth) i will leave christianity
if christianity is fake theres no point in me being a christian

You're right. I didn't read of the documents. I don't know about you, but I can't speak ancient Egyptian; and i wasn't going to read all that was translated. I take the professionals word for it.

I wasn't a believer before I found out there were connections to ancient religion. If you don't want to believe in a myth... I suggest studying ancient religions and find out for yourself if it is true or not.
You're right. I didn't read of the documents. I don't know about you, but I can't speak ancient Egyptian; and i wasn't going to read all that was translated. I take the professionals word for it.

I wasn't a believer before I found out there were connections to ancient religion. If you don't want to believe in a myth... I suggest studying ancient religions and find out for yourself if it is true or not.

ok well if were just gona take peoples word for it. "
"at least half -- are so far as I have seen bogus. There has not been a shred of evidence for many of these in any book of Egyptian religion I have thus far consulted." "It remains to be seen if mythicists can document these claims."
Speaking of taking peoples word for something... that's exactly what people do when they take the bible as truth. Unless your god came down and told you that stuff himself, you're accepting something written by someone else a LONG time ago - back when the world was FULL of what we can all now accept as silly superstition (believing that the sun is a god, etc.).

ok well if were just gona take peoples word for it. "
"at least half -- are so far as I have seen bogus. There has not been a shred of evidence for many of these in any book of Egyptian religion I have thus far consulted." "It remains to be seen if mythicists can document these claims."