Well-Known Member

I'm confused. I thought this was a cannabis website. I don't get it, everyone's smoking the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Speaking of taking peoples word for something... that's exactly what people do when they take the bible as truth. Unless your god came down and told you that stuff himself, you're accepting something written by someone else a LONG time ago - back when the world was FULL of what we can all now accept as silly superstition (believing that the sun is a god, etc.).
Do you see the air and wind but its there some times beliving is good enough
Your question is a result of thinking god is some bearded dude sitting on a cloud. God isn't a man though.
Do you see the air and wind but its there some times beliving is good enough
can you offer any evidence that "God" is not real?
Can you offer any evidence that unicorns aren't real?
*edit- damn... looks like someone already used that. I didn't realize that there were so many pages...
Why is it that people are so willing to believe that a controlling entity has existed forever... but that matter has not?
I appologize for my previous post. The title of the thread is "Explain Christianity". This apparently was a mistake. I think you really wanted "Defend Christianity". Sorry I misunderstood or I would not have wasted the keystrokes.Because they were told by their mommy's and daddy's that God is real, who were told by there mommy's and daddy's... and so on and so forth until you get to the original people who were dooped by capitalists and others attempting to control the less intelligent.
I appologize for my previous post. The title of the thread is "Explain Christianity". This apparently was a mistake. I think you really wanted "Defend Christianity". Sorry I misunderstood or I would not have wasted the keystrokes.
This thread has sort of degraded into a typical athiest vs christian debate. I think I commented in the wrong thread because when I first read the background of the person asking the question it included them saying they were agnostic and they didn't seem to have a prejudice, they seemed like they were looking at it very objectively and considering all possibilities. So Anonymiss seems to have their position set and their opinions decided on most of the issues. If you're an evangelical christian in this argument, I ask you FOR THE REPUTATION AND CREDIBILITY OF ALL CHRISTIANS please don't go about this argument in the way that your evangelical pastors have told you to (you make the christians that can make a case for christianity look bad before they try), usually that won't work with athiests, you have to understand their position, their grievances with religions and how they look at reliegious ppl. If you've been an evangelical christian from a very young age and haven't had much success talking to public school kids about christianity then theres not much chance you can make your argument to an athiest because evangelicals argueing for christianity usually spit out the same typical jesus talk in an easy to recognize tone, and people stop taking you seriously when you go into ur "apologetics toolkit" and try to fix the "problem", immediately your effort doesn't resolve anything but insights a counterargument.
"I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth." - Einstein
I think I'm gonna bow out of this discussion because it does not seem to have a point to it other than "I'm going to prove the other side wrong", thats quite a waste of time in the realm of religion, when people have firmly decided on their beliefs there's little chance of them changing their views and all a discussion like this will do is make each side hate the other more. Well eventually this thread will die so I guess all someone can do in the end is wish Anonymiss the best of luck in finding somethig that makes him happy through his life.