Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

Fair enough, but only to some; but slavery, as brutal and immoral as it was, was about money, not racism. Racism came from the bitterness the South harbored following the loss of the war and their money.
You have a complex and accurate understanding of these issues.

The people who are arguing with you about this have as simple minded understanding that can be had.

When youre born into a family and inherit its wealth and a lot of that wealth is in the form of slaves, even a decent man Will keep them. If the slaves were given away the wealth would go with it
I just corrected myself.

And, lul. Please don't do it.
Rob Roy isn't exactly my favorite racist good ol' boy, but this is what I was referring to.
I don't think robroy is quite what people call him. Some of his ideas make sense just no way would work in our society.

The way he word things make him look racist and a pedo.

I get his argument about arbitrary age limits but he should still be able to state a man screwing a child is wrong.

I even get his argument about people should be left to do business as they see fit. The problem there is that it could hurt someone. You know the only gas station on a long stretch of desert refusing to serve someone could leave them stranded.

I get that in a true free market where a store owner refuses to serve someone because of their skin, the person can go somewhere else but that can harm people.

I think the arguments with a few of the people in politics has been going on for years. The original points forgotten and only bitterness and animosity remain.

@Rob Roy can you not simply state that its wrong for an adult to have sex with a child? Not a teenager screwing another teenager with birthdays a couple weeks apart.

The simple statement that adult should not screw a child. Its easy. Its fact.
in many states, more than 30% of the population were slaves. nearly 50% of families owned slaves.

may want to stop trying to revise history, scumbag.

then why did they list it as their very first reason for seceding and fighting?
It's in the first parqagraph of every single proclamation of succession. And the guy who created the stars and bars flag stated in very vivid terms it was about racial superiority of whites over blacks
You have a complex and accurate understanding of these issues.

The people who are arguing with you about this have as simple minded understanding that can be had.

When youre born into a family and inherit its wealth and a lot of that wealth is in the form of slaves, even a decent man Will keep them. If the slaves were given away the wealth would go with it
Its not complex and a decent man would not keep slaves.
I don't think robroy is quite what people call him. Some of his ideas make sense just no way would work in our society.

The way he word things make him look racist and a pedo.

I get his argument about arbitrary age limits but he should still be able to state a man screwing a child is wrong.

I even get his argument about people should be left to do business as they see fit. The problem there is that it could hurt someone. You know the only gas station on a long stretch of desert refusing to serve someone could leave them stranded.

I get that in a true free market where a store owner refuses to serve someone because of their skin, the person can go somewhere else but that can harm people.

I think the arguments with a few of the people in politics has been going on for years. The original points forgotten and only bitterness and animosity remain.

@Rob Roy can you not simply state that its wrong for an adult to have sex with a child? Not a teenager screwing another teenager with birthdays a couple weeks apart.

The simple statement that adult should not screw a child. Its easy. Its fact.
Rob Roy will never state that an adult having sex with a child is wrong, or that racial discrimination is wrong
Did he fight for the cause of slavery or not?
No, I'm pretty sure Lee opposed slavery, I could be wrong but from what I remember, Olive is correct in that he was offered Grant's position before the war began but turned it down because he felt a stronger allegiance with his state rather than with the United States (which was common at the time).

"In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country." -Robert E. Lee
I don't think robroy is quite what people call him. Some of his ideas make sense just no way would work in our society.

The way he word things make him look racist and a pedo.

I get his argument about arbitrary age limits but he should still be able to state a man screwing a child is wrong.

I even get his argument about people should be left to do business as they see fit. The problem there is that it could hurt someone. You know the only gas station on a long stretch of desert refusing to serve someone could leave them stranded.

I get that in a true free market where a store owner refuses to serve someone because of their skin, the person can go somewhere else but that can harm people.

I think the arguments with a few of the people in politics has been going on for years. The original points forgotten and only bitterness and animosity remain.

@Rob Roy can you not simply state that its wrong for an adult to have sex with a child? Not a teenager screwing another teenager with birthdays a couple weeks apart.

The simple statement that adult should not screw a child. Its easy. Its fact.

Rob Roy has on several occasions said he is not interested in having sex with children

Chesus and Fog Dog are just into character assassination. For some reason they think that poor people, fat people, republican people and any other people they dont like should be gone from this site. They attack people not discuss issues.
We don't want them gone from this site, we just don't want them voting for Republicans who jail weed smokers. This is a weed smoking site after all and that is what all these Republican policies boil down to.
Rob Roy has on several occasions said he is not interested in having sex with children

Chesus and Fog Dog are just into character assassination. For some reason they think that poor people, fat people, republican people and any other people they dont like should be gone from this site. They attack people not discuss issues.
Not quite.

I'm not saying he is.

Its just that every time asked he dances around the question.

Like I said, may be nothing as both sides have moved past debate to just answering questions with more questions.

I asked him. Shouldn't be hard to make the simple statement that its wrong to diddle a child without going into some tangent where it might be OK.
Not quite.

I'm not saying he is.

Its just that every time asked he dances around the question.

Like I said, may be nothing as both sides have moved past debate to just answering questions with more questions.

I asked him. Shouldn't be hard to make the simple statement that its wrong to diddle a child without going into some tangent where it might be OK.

He is probably tired of repeating himself. Pedophelia does not involve consent. Rob Roy only advocates interactions where both parties are consenting.

He is attacked because he wont parrot the liberal mantra.
He is probably tired of repeating himself. Pedophelia does not involve consent. Rob Roy only advocates interactions where both parties are consenting.

He is attacked because he wont parrot the liberal mantra.
His stance is that underage kids can consent, hence the pedophelia allegations
He has said on more than one occasion he is not interested in having sex with children. When did the truth stop you turds from continuing abuse?

You are her to shut out and block anyone that doesnt agree with you. Your last challenge proves that. You dont want dissenting opinions, you want group think.
He has said on more than one occasion he is not interested in having sex with children. When did the truth stop you turds from continuing abuse?

You are her to shut out and block anyone that doesnt agree with you. Your last challenge proves that. You dont want dissenting opinions, you want group think.
Rob has said that he doesn't want to sleep with anyone who can't consent, yet he's said that underage kids can consent. He's been asked multiple times by multiple members "How can kids consent?", and the only explanation he's given is purposefully kept vague in an attempt to disguise the failures of the political philosophy both you and he subscribes to; libertarianism.

Do I think Rob is actually a pedophile? Of course not and I've never said that I do. It's very clear that he has been caught in a logical paradox that pits two of his deeply held beliefs against each other; his belief that the government should remain extremely limited in people's private lives and his belief that pedophilia is obviously wrong. The problem is that without the government setting a line for legal consent (as arbitrary as you or he might believe it to be), there is no way to determine if a child freely gives their consent absent of intimidation/extortion/etc. We've gone over this dozens of times. He doesn't want to say he wouldn't fuck a child, even though he believes they have developed the wherewithal to give their consent, because if he does, he contradicts his own libertarian argument. He doesn't want to say he would fuck a child, even though he believes they have developed the wherewithal to give their consent, because if he does, he contradicts his own pedophelia argument. He has effectively backed himself into a corner and either option he chooses to get out of it will bite him in the ass.

As for the climate change bet, I issued that to the climate change deniers to highlight how weak they are in their own convictions. If you make a bet to me that I'm certain I will win, I'm taking the bet regardless of the stakes, especially against someone like you. There's not a member on RIU who doesn't know you wouldn't take that bet if you actually knew you would win, especially against someone like me. We can read between the lines and a 'decline' is just as good as an 'acceptance', it confirms exactly what I already knew without having to do the legwork.
Rob has said that he doesn't want to sleep with anyone who can't consent, yet he's said that underage kids can consent. He's been asked multiple times by multiple members "How can kids consent?", and the only explanation he's given is purposefully kept vague in an attempt to disguise the failures of the political philosophy both you and he subscribes to; libertarianism.

Do I think Rob is actually a pedophile? Of course not and I've never said that I do. It's very clear that he has been caught in a logical paradox that pits two of his deeply held beliefs against each other; his belief that the government should remain extremely limited in people's private lives and his belief that pedophilia is obviously wrong. The problem is that without the government setting a line for legal consent (as arbitrary as you or he might believe it to be), there is no way to determine if a child freely gives their consent absent of intimidation/extortion/etc. We've gone over this dozens of times. He doesn't want to say he wouldn't fuck a child, even though he believes they have developed the wherewithal to give their consent, because if he does, he contradicts his own libertarian argument. He doesn't want to say he would fuck a child, even though he believes they have developed the wherewithal to give their consent, because if he does, he contradicts his own pedophelia argument. He has effectively backed himself into a corner and either option he chooses to get out of it will bite him in the ass.

As for the climate change bet, I issued that to the climate change deniers to highlight how weak they are in their own convictions. If you make a bet to me that I'm certain I will win, I'm taking the bet regardless of the stakes, especially against someone like you. There's not a member on RIU who doesn't know you wouldn't take that bet if you actually knew you would win, especially against someone like me. We can read between the lines and a 'decline' is just as good as an 'acceptance', it confirms exactly what I already knew without having to do the legwork.

You attack the poster so you can discount their argument. Lets be honest. It is done here all the time.

Fogdog was trying to pin me as someone who was fat yesterday as retarded as that is. As if a fat person has any less standing to give an opinion yet that seems to be your opinion as well.

Whether 2016 is the hottest year on record (about 200 years) or not does not prove anything and demanding people leave the site is childish.
You attack the poster so you can discount their argument. Lets be honest. It is done here all the time.

Fogdog was trying to pin me as someone who was fat yesterday as retarded as that is. As if a fat person has any less standing to give an opinion yet that seems to be your opinion as well.

Whether 2016 is the hottest year on record (about 200 years) or not does not prove anything and demanding people leave the site is childish.
You seem confused..

I've never attacked Rob, asking for clarification is not an attack

No idea where you pulled the fat people are worth less card, but another obvious straw man that has nothing to do with me

And of course if 2016 is the hottest year on record as predicted by science proves something. What, did they just guess this is the hottest year on record? Accurate science allows us to make accurate predictions based on that science. If you had any balls whatsoever you'd man up and take my bet, but you know anthropogenic climate change is real, you know next year will be hotter than this year, you know this year is the hottest on record, and you know that the temperature will continue to rise because of it. If you didn't believe any of that, like you claim you don't, you wouldn't even second guess it, and all of us who frequent RIU regularly know that, because we know you. You would slap your own mother if you thought it would score you some imaginary political points on RIU.