Can anyone suggest some cheap, but not junk, LED lights for me?


Active Member
I've been doing a good bit of reading in this sub-forum, and good lord there are so many names, types, considerations, etc. to figure out. The first pic below is what I am looking to provide light to in the immediate future. So, you are going to say two things. First, you are going to say that is not weed growing. To which you would be correct. Second, you are going to say those plants look like shiat. To which you would be correct as well. So here is the story.

I have some Harbor Freight shop lights set up in the picture below. I also had the same lights set up in the garage where I was growing some weed over the summer. The weed was actually growing OK. But it got moldy so I had to throw it away. About half way through the summer, I started thinking that maybe the Harbor Freight lights were not the best for growing plants (LOL), so I bought the grow light in the second and third pics below off Ebay I believe. It really seemed to make the weed, and some other plants I was growing in the garage, grow worse from all I could tell, as hard as that might be to believe. Plus I hate that stupid burple coloring or whatever.

So, my short term goal is to replace the Harbor Freight lights in the first pic below with something that is better for the plants. It is basically an aquaponics system - all those net pots are sitting in boards on top of an aquarium. In the near term I won't be growing any pot with the lights I buy, but I don't want to get some lights that are TOTALLY worthless for growing pot when the time comes. But I'm looking to spend as little money as possible on something decent.

I've done a lot of reading on the forum, but like I said so much to take in. I'll start from just a few lights I found off Ebay and/or Amazon. Can anyone please let me know your thoughts on these, and if these are all no good, other affordable but not-complete-crap lights? Any ideas about these or alternatives are welcome. Some lights I found, from cheapest to most expensive:




$75.99 - but its a Mars Hydro, a name I actually recognize:

$109.99 - but its a Spider Farmer, I've seen that name around I believe as well:

$119.99 - but its a Vivosun, I think I've seen that name, not sure:

Again, looking for any help with particular products, brands, things to look for, etc. etc. Thanks for any help!



You ain't kidding, shite. Any of the last 3 lights will do you well to start. While they may be oriented toward cannabis, grow lights should help any plant under it. I've seen people grow sunflowers with their cannabis in their tent.This girl is under a ts 600 by Mars Hydro. Well the tent has 2 ts 600s in it but the are 3 other plants as well


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The Spider Farmer farmer light you listed is the only one in your post worth purchasing IMO. Mars uses substandard parts, I would avoid them.

HLG makes better lights, if you have the budget.
The Spider Farmer farmer light you listed is the only one in your post worth purchasing IMO. Mars uses substandard parts, I would avoid them.

HLG makes better lights, if you have the budget.

Depends on the price range. In this category the only advantage SF has over MH is better quality housing. They use the same controller, same LED chips, same drivers in most models.
The Spider Farmer farmer light you listed is the only one in your post worth purchasing IMO. Mars uses substandard parts, I would avoid them.

HLG makes better lights, if you have the budget.

HLG? You see the prices along the lines of what I was looking at, and you suggest lights that cost several hundreds, and even over $1,000? Thanks, but with all due respect I am not spending $1,000 to grow cucumbers haha.
HLG? You see the prices along the lines of what I was looking at, and you suggest lights that cost several hundreds, and even over $1,000? Thanks, but with all due respect I am not spending $1,000 to grow cucumbers haha.
I put together a HLG rig that will hit close to 600watts when cranked to max. It cost me substantially less than an equal wattage Mars or SF unit.
Wrong. They use different series Meanwell drivers. Mars uses the lower efficiency ELG series drivers while SF uses the HLG or XLG series drivers.

I'm not sure about the exact driver and load combo, but that statement isn't always true. I use an elg driver because it was the most efficient meanwell driver for my use.
Don't get the SpiderFarmer SF1000D. It is not dimmable.
Get the SpiderFarner SF1000. It's better.
Good luck finding these now days. Really good with 2 in a 4x4. Just make sure they are white light with red. Worth every penny and easy on a newwer grower. 002.jpg005.jpg010.jpg