Can anyone tell me what these worms are?


Well-Known Member
So if you saw a previous post I have been having heads shrivelling up every now and then all grow but today I came out and started scraping at one of those new shrivelling heads and found these tiny white fuckers with black tips. Can anyone tell me what they are and how to stop them I have to top every head they do it to, it wasn't too bad when vegging but they are starting to flower I don't need these eating my buds :/ I have pyrethrum spray but that seems to burn new headsIMG_20190107_191144.jpg
So if you saw a previous post I have been having heads shrivelling up every now and then all grow but today I came out and started scraping at one of those new shrivelling heads and found these tiny white fuckers with black tips. Can anyone tell me what they are and how to stop them I have to top every head they do it to, it wasn't too bad when vegging but they are starting to flower I don't need these eating my buds :/ I have pyrethrum spray but that seems to burn new headsView attachment 4261080
bt no more worms,are they boring into stem or eating buds
So if you saw a previous post I have been having heads shrivelling up every now and then all grow but today I came out and started scraping at one of those new shrivelling heads and found these tiny white fuckers with black tips. Can anyone tell me what they are and how to stop them I have to top every head they do it to, it wasn't too bad when vegging but they are starting to flower I don't need these eating my buds :/ I have pyrethrum spray but that seems to burn new headsView attachment 4261080
Looks like a fungus gnat larvae.
bt no more worms,are they boring into stem or eating buds
They aren't QUITE buds yet but yeah they are munching the heads that will BECOME buds only a couple hairs ATM though I do also find the occasional bit that looks like something might have bored in but none are droopin or anything like you might expect if it was being eaten from inside
iam guessing u outdoors?looks like a cornworm.its not gnat worm 100%BT is what u need
Yeah I'm outdoors but I Googled cornworms they aren't it, way too big and wrong colour. If I can't get on top of this I'm ready to just rip the plants up. I'm losing 3/5 growth tips a day now ffs I can't keep topping all through the flowering stage. EVERY time I try and grow SOMETHING fucks it up. I'm over this shit .it's supposed to be bug resistant FFS seems to me it ATTRACTS them.
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iam guessing u outdoors?looks like a cornworm.its not gnat worm 100%BT is what u need
If it is moths leaving their larvae, would a light nearby (but obviously not lighting up the plants lol) draw them away? I'm finding them 3+ feet above soil so I'm thinking it's gotta be a flying thing leaving them
sugar ants will clean up knats so fast its not funny outdoors that is
Nah I don't think it's gnats they don't climb up to the top apparently they stay in the soil munching roots :0 they are definitely Worms or caterpillars if that stuff I pictured is the BT stuff peeps keep mentioning, I'll drench them with it tonight. I'm pretty sure a flying culprit is leaving them too because they are almost always on high points
I dont even know if this is related but I'm also finding random blades shrivelling up like on a five blade leaf one or two shrivel up into literally NOTHING while the rest of the leaf is fine. I'm really starting to stress because its too late to plant out more, I've got 1 great and 3 good sized plants and they are all just losing growth and heads either because of these fucking worms or for some other reason i don't even know Then when I try and spray with pesticide it seems to burn the crap out of all new growth, turns the tiny tips black and I have to rip them ifof
too. I'll be VERY surprised if I get any semblance of a harvest at this point, this is pathetic, I've already had to top 2 crowns right as they were shooting pistils :/
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Got this caterpillar spray ready to go as soon as the temperature drops I'll drench them with it (you mix it with water just FYI not drenchin with undiluted pesticide lol) and if THAT don't fix it, I'm at my wit's end :/
Well BT didn't just not fix it, within half an hour of applying it my two smallest plants are now shrivelling up worse than with the pyrethrum spray and look worse, meanwhile my dumbass neighbour decided to turn her sprinkler on and wash it all OFF my big one so no idea if that's even gonna do anything, I don't get how I can grow beautiful plants only to have them decimated by pests every goddamn year and every pesticide I try organic or otherwise just makes it worse.
Well BT didn't just not fix it, within half an hour of applying it my two smallest plants are now shrivelling up worse than with the pyrethrum spray and look worse, meanwhile my dumbass neighbour decided to turn her sprinkler on and wash it all OFF my big one so no idea if that's even gonna do anything, I don't get how I can grow beautiful plants only to have them decimated by pests every goddamn year and every pesticide I try organic or otherwise just makes it worse.
The Dipel wouldn't have hurt your plants
Nah I don't think it's gnats they don't climb up to the top apparently they stay in the soil munching roots :0 they are definitely Worms or caterpillars if that stuff I pictured is the BT stuff peeps keep mentioning, I'll drench them with it tonight. I'm pretty sure a flying culprit is leaving them too because they are almost always on high points
Fungus gnats are out after you said it climbed the plant.
Was a beetle larvae mentioned.
IDK, just another guess.
The small hive beetle larvae?
What time did you spray ?
Late afternoon, like it said lol. Maybe it's just it's no good for smaller ones cause it only did it to the little ones, the big one seems fine, you were right about that it seems :) unless I'm right and the neighbour did rinse it all off lol I'm seeing white powder from it though so it can't all be gone .
Fungus gnats are out after you said it climbed the plant.
Was a beetle larvae mentioned.
IDK, just another guess.
The small hive beetle larvae?
I'm pretty sure it was moths or buttys leaving there eggs, hopefully this BT stuff works, if not I'm F**ked. Just had to cut a bunch of heados off the smaller ones they were all effed up shriveled and discolouration and stuff , just hope they grow out again while flowering they only have a couple hairs so far so it's not like it's late in flower yet. I just PRAY this BT stuff works, cause like I said they aren't just munching leaves they are appearing in the growing heads every head they fuck is a big bud gone :/