Can i flower a clone right away?

can i flower a clone like right after its done getting its roots?

:fire: F**K yeah u can! many auto flowers r grow this way! got a bud that grew sum ak47xlowryder and it wus an auto flower and a 4in clone grew to a 10-12 in plant w/ nothing but BUD!!!!

Carefule though as i hear all strains cant make the switch that easy! atleast not without compromising sumthin! But i dont speak frm experience jus rumor and wicked hearsay! so take it with a grain of salt!

But yeah u can do it:bigjoint:
but do i have to cut of a big chunk? or can it be just little and grow on during the flowering stage

:dunce: Big chunk??? (of what)???? dont understand the ques.

Im going to assume u r reffering to the clone? SO i will answer that.

I always cut clones frm the very bottom of plants, as the closer to the roots the branch is, the more rooting hormones r already within the branch!( i really like when the branch is turning to wood! ) Usually cut an 8-10 in branch. soak in a rez( written down dont have on me rite now ) formula to prevent shock. soak for 15min. then cut the branch in half, usually to 4-5 in. in length.... place in cloning gel, and place in medium ( i gotta botanicare 45site ezclone, makes life a breeze) Hope u got a clear humidome to place over(becaus the clones main access for food with b the stoma under the leaf, so the humidity must be high so ur babies can eat, until the roots can sustain the plant) and nurish as u c fit! i can give u a detailed instruction on how to clone later if u wish, although it for the ez cloner? the first part wil work for rockwool, however u will b required to water them

So to answ ur ques..... once u have roots, in the words of NIKE " JUS DO IT"
I popped some bag seed a friend gave me. I find a lot of bag seed that I've popped have turned herm, so now when I do I take a clone and put it right under 12/12 while it roots. I fuck with them a bit while they flower and it helps me weed out any that will likely herm. Makes a very tiny plant but gives me an idea pretty quickly of wether I want to grow it out for real.

This thing had about an inch above the rockwool when I cut it, now it's 4" and halfway thru flower. Like I said it will just be a small plant.


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I popped some bag seed a friend gave me. I find a lot of bag seed that I've popped have turned herm, so now when I do I take a clone and put it right under 12/12 while it roots. I fuck with them a bit while they flower and it helps me weed out any that will likely herm. Makes a very tiny plant but gives me an idea pretty quickly of wether I want to grow it out for real.

This thing had about an inch above the rockwool when I cut it, now it's 4" and halfway thru flower. Like I said it will just be a small plant.
lol that plants nice... so can i just clone a plant and put it in soil?? N just treat it like a normal plant.. Its cause i really dont know hot to clone a plant
:dunce: Big chunk??? (of what)???? dont understand the ques.

Im going to assume u r reffering to the clone? SO i will answer that.

I always cut clones frm the very bottom of plants, as the closer to the roots the branch is, the more rooting hormones r already within the branch!( i really like when the branch is turning to wood! ) Usually cut an 8-10 in branch. soak in a rez( written down dont have on me rite now ) formula to prevent shock. soak for 15min. then cut the branch in half, usually to 4-5 in. in length.... place in cloning gel, and place in medium ( i gotta botanicare 45site ezclone, makes life a breeze) Hope u got a clear humidome to place over(becaus the clones main access for food with b the stoma under the leaf, so the humidity must be high so ur babies can eat, until the roots can sustain the plant) and nurish as u c fit! i can give u a detailed instruction on how to clone later if u wish, although it for the ez cloner? the first part wil work for rockwool, however u will b required to water them

So to answ ur ques..... once u have roots, in the words of NIKE " JUS DO IT"
ye can u help me please. wen ever u have time. Its cause my plants growing and im going to clone it soon but i dont really know how. How much clones can i possibley get from a mother plant??Like if once i chop of a stem or watever does it grow back on the mother?
ye can u help me please. wen ever u have time. Its cause my plants growing and im going to clone it soon but i dont really know how. How much clones can i possibley get from a mother plant??Like if once i chop of a stem or watever does it grow back on the mother?

Nope not that one, atleast not what ive seen? but a new one will grow somewhere else fasho!

Okay nvr done this so i will try to be as detailed ass poss.

before any cutting takes place this is what u need.
-1 bear mug
- 1 pair scissors ( ur pref , better b comfy )
- 1 rockwool cube ( the small one ) for every clone u plan to take ( best advice: cut more than u need cuz U WILL LOSSE SOME! )
- 1 tray,table, place to put the fuckers.
- 1 clear container/like top pref with holes that will allow u to control the humidity. ( look up botanicair ez cloner perfect ex )
- 1 thermometer
-1 thing to measure humidity ( forgot the name ) shit!
- KLN, or Power Clone
- Clonex Gel
- Hydroguard or Aquasheild ( disease control! )
- Sensi Grow (A.N.), or MagiCal (Technaflora )
- Root 66 (Technoflora ) or Rezotonic ( Canna )
- Silica ( any brand frm ur hydro store )
- SuperThrive or Thrive Alive B1
!!!! please remember I use all this cuz i jus had to clone my girls not too long ago for the first time and this is what my mentor taught me, by no means do i mean to infer that u must use all this! I just throw money at alot of problems (gets good results, jus hurts sometimes . So please if u must be discretionary?......

So now u got ur supplies.For best results please make sure ur cutting frm Veg'n plants! As i did this with mine!

:cuss:The day b4 the cutting takes place soak all ur rock wool in RO water PH'ed to 5.8, leave them there for 24 hours ajusting water as needed.

Next Day
Make a bowl of luke warm RO water and add;
1 tsp pere quart SuperThrive, and pour in beer mug( this is the perfect size it will hulp u cut accordingly)
now cut the clone ONLY from the MAIN STEM, and as close to the base as poss, remembering to consider the health of the plant prior to cutting as the clone WILL BE an exact match of the mother. Also try to cut branches 8-10in in length if poss. not that 6 or 7 isnt ok jus like mine big and had success that way.(dont pick fan leaves,it will work, but isnt the best). Place in the RO and superthrive for ten min. This will prevent shock.

SMOKE BREAK:bigjoint::!:

Now trim all eccess foliage leaving only the top, and finally cut in half ( or to 4-5 in) at a 45 degree angle dip in Clonex Gel, place clone in rockwool cube ( u will have needed to expanded the hole in the cube so the clone will not need to b FORCED into the cube, jus needs to slide rite in like sum loose P***Y) lol!

Repeat as needeed:lol:

:cuss:rockwool should remain moist NOT WET!

water ur girls with this:
3 tsp per gal KLN or Power Clone
1 tsp per gal Hyroguard or Aquasheild
1/2 tsp per gal SensiCal Grow or MagiCal
3 tsp per gal Root 66, or Rezotonic
1/2 tsp per gal Silica

Place humidome over and watch the magic! U will know when the clones r ready for transplant to soil or bigger rockwool or whatever when u can leave the humidome off and they dont droop. WAIT till u c roots B4 u try it!!!!

If u follow this u will not need to mist the coles more than once a day and even that will change after 18 days. u will have roots B4 but jus dont want to make false promises.

PH 5.8-6.3
PPM 200-500 ( no need to check )
air temp 74-79
Humidity 40-80
Water Temp 75-80 use heater if u need

lolz buy no mean do i mean to state that this is the only way, cheapest way, or anything! this is what worked for me! jus me! SO.... i hope i helped.. contiued success and Happy Growing:bigjoint: