Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

tiny roach

Active Member
It's so much cheaper to buy in 'bulk' 800g +

bikhuk 800g for 95 - 125$ delivered

Kratom delight 900g for 125$ delivered

I like to play with the courseness / fineness of the powders , I find it can make a HUGE difference in potency , I have a homemade solar ball mill and I just let it turn 24/7

Also try eating something fatty about 15 minutes before kratom (on a empty stomach ) like a slice of chesse , and again about 15-30 min. after ingestion , I find it can make a positive difference

OK...........I go through Amazon.......Gold sunshine warehouse..........12 oz's was 28.00 w/shipping .

Its my good strain (Maeng Da powder)


especially w/ weed !!!!!!!!!!

party on..............:leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Their have already ben a # of states that have tryed to pass anti-kratom bills

To my knowlege ill is the only one that passed ...SORRY

But the 'kratom community' has ben fairly sucessfull with petitions to help keep it legal , Luckly for us kratom users the way most of the bills are written they lump it in with synthedic RC's calling kratom, and it's alck's synthedics when it's brought to the attention of the politicans and sometimes the local media they are sympathetic

I am a member over at kratom connoissoiurs , I dont much care for the place but they keep very close tabs on the kratom legal issues , bolth hear and abroad , and also customs issues (good to know)

I truely believe that if 1/2 the people hear would give a shit about the legal status of MJ, like the kratom comunity cares about the legal status of kratom MJ would be 50 state legal , Legal not medical or recreational , Legal like carrots

--- I just ordered 700g green malay and 100g white sumatra


Well-Known Member
I like Kratom , for an occasional buzz .

It's legal, and not " addictive, just a bit Dependacy issued, if you over do.........(weedlike )

I know its a tropical tree, in the coffee family, usually grows in S E Asia..........

Indigenous to Thailand .

It grows naturally , but Thailand outlawed it , 7 yrs ago, because it cut into the tax revenues , the Opiates brought the government.

I'de love to try and grow a Kratom tree, but have no idea, how to start.

*tiny roach goes Googling "

Its a shrubbery, so........why nor, is my feeling, here............:-P

Chicago weather may be my biggest obstacle.

edit; after googling, I have learned a bit more..........I may give this a try, if I can manage to get viable seeds.
whoa..why would you WANT to?

tiny roach

Active Member
Their have already ben a # of states that have tryed to pass anti-kratom bills

To my knowlege ill is the only one that passed ...SORRY

But the 'kratom community' has ben fairly sucessfull with petitions to help keep it legal , Luckly for us kratom users the way most of the bills are written they lump it in with synthedic RC's calling kratom, and it's alck's synthedics when it's brought to the attention of the politicans and sometimes the local media they are sympathetic

I am a member over at kratom connoissoiurs , I dont much care for the place but they keep very close tabs on the kratom legal issues , bolth hear and abroad , and also customs issues (good to know)

I truely believe that if 1/2 the people hear would give a shit about the legal status of MJ, like the kratom comunity cares about the legal status of kratom MJ would be 50 state legal , Legal not medical or recreational , Legal like carrots

--- I just ordered 700g green malay and 100g white sumatra

I,too , am placing a large quantity order .I buy maeng Da , fine powder, it's cheap, and good .

How is the white sumatra ? quality and price ?

I'll look into it, if its good , and fairly priced . Let me know .

Planning on a purchase of 16 oz. Maeng Da for 70.00

Not a bad price .

If you want any info on supplier, pm me .

tiny roach

Active Member
whoa..why would you WANT to?
I need it, my man has herpetic neuralgia , a k a ........recurring nerve pain, from a shingles episode . Either he takes addictive pain meds , which make him feel like shit, or , I buy kratom , and he is pain free, with no addiction issues, and only a weed type , 3 lousy nights , sleepwise, when he stops needing it.

I , also like to once every so often , just take a dose, for the way it makes me feel . Its great. It makes me mentally more alert, physically pain free, it is an excellent anti anxiety med. , and, imo.......should be suggested as an alternative for anti/depressants , and if used correctly, meaning not OVERused, it has absolutely no bad after effects.

Kratom growing, though.............nah, too much effort, takes to long to get usable leaves, etc.

So, purchase on line , is the way I'm gonna go.......... : D

tiny roach

Active Member
^^^just googled it and i think i'll run it by my doc before i try it. good find.
Definetly, ........and, as he will tell you.........don't mix it, the kratom , with any opiate base meds.

My man's doc, said he " wouldn't sanction " him using it, but off the record, he thought it was a smart comparison to 6 # 10 norco's a day.........hell yes !!!

My guy , doesn't even like the way opiates make him feel, so 6 a day........he was having anxiety attacks from so much norco., in him .

Now, he's MORE painfree, then ever, and he's calm . A literal blessing.

I may have already said this, but if ANYONE needs info , I have the website, strain etc. , that is best, for the price, and is one of the cheapest places , out there.

so........shoot me a P M , and I'll link you to a GOOD ., reliable , inexpensive company, to order through .............:hug:

tiny roach

Active Member
OK....New, topic, whole huge problem, here. I'll take any advice .

I had a good, good friend, on line, was a male , and he was in " broken hearted", mode, and I was helping him through that.

My son, my man , ALL told me I was being played, and I didn't listen.

I really felt sorry for this dude, and we would meet up, in a chat room , and we would talk , about how he could "get past " , this woman .

Somewhere, along the line, he got............I don't know..........obsessed, or " in love " , with me.

When I made it clear, I had no interest, in that way, he has become MEAN............a mean drunken man, who says cruel things, and , is ruining my time in that chat room .

I loved that chat room , and have a ton of friends there. They tell me the things he says about me .........cruel things.......hateful things.

When all I did, was try to help him.

I am told , this is HIM, and this has occurred with " new women in chat " before, but they run off, in tears, usually...........NOT ME !!!!!!!!!!!!

I will not be chased off, I will not be railroaded, or intimidated away...........SO............

Any advice , here, on what a woman should to , in this situation ?

I don't want to leave this chat room , so , I need advice, on how to put this dude in his place, without being mean, but for once and for all.........HELP......anybody ???

Song for this comin"



Well-Known Member
how about the straight forward method....
...if you have respect for yourself you won't let him disrespect you. listen to your kid he knows what's best.

tiny roach

Active Member
ignore, ignore, ignore. even the wettest turd dries up and blows away eventually.
You are the 4 th person to say " just ignore and don't respond to him, ever again"
So , thats my plan.

Plus, it is going ok , I had a nice night in chat, with no hassles. My son says " to be ignores, is the worst thing you can do , as retribution "

so...........liked that song, D B .............may borrow it, btw............:?

tiny roach

Active Member
Plus...........huge OOPS.........I posted that in the wrong thread........I was a wee bit buzzed , and thought I was in my "newb" video thread, so..........just ........OOPS and sorry, and..........LOLZ@ME !!!!!!!

tiny roach

Active Member
So, to fix my oops...........I go back to the topic the thread was meant for, until I deraled it........Kratom growth/usage.

I turned a suffering with back and neck pain , guy, on , to kratom.

He says he is now able to work longer hours, as he's a computer " Geek Squad" type.........and the sitting was killing his neck.

He only uses it in when he needs to work , but is in too much pain, to sit AT a computer .

Now, he can work , clear headed, and pain free.........oh.........BTW........HE SAID.......It made him even more alert and able to think astutely, and not have his thoughts all jumbled , from RX meds.......another person off opiates.

My goal and mission, here..........see how many people can switch off heavy RX'es , and use Kratom , instead, in small doses, to relieve the pain, NOT to get far I know 4 people , for sure, that it has worked for.



If sitting on his arse at a keyboard causes him to complain about work being too hard, I'd hate to see how he'd cope with actual work!

Don't open any windows! A cool breeze will knock him over! ;)


Well-Known Member
They got to make money.
And kratom can be grown fairly well, easily, you can atleast maintain a plant for a long time, with little supplies. I am waiting for my grow room to open up, and then ill be moving it in the tent.
As far as growing it with the mj, it can be maintained with the marijuana, but kratom prefers more humidity then marijuana. So you risk mold growing it side by side. The people out there try to make it seem like its harder then it is. I bought 2 plants around 2 or 3 months ago, i have now sucessfully cloned it. 6 of 6 clones have survived and now have 8 plants. Just remember, any environment can be made almost just as good as a natural one, artificially. And you have more control, being able to give it better growing conditions year round, rather then seasonally. (although simulated seasons isnt a bad idea.