Can I Take Clones from a Female that's Already in Flower?


Active Member
So I wanted to ask the experts on RIU if I can take clones from a female plant in flower.And if so where's the best place to take my cuttings.


Well-Known Member
yes you can but it will take longer to root and take it from low down somewhere so you dont take any good bud site off,
what if the females all ready been budding for 6 weeks can you still take a clone?? if you put the clone you took from the all ready 6 week budding female straight into flower would it increase your yield??


Active Member
That's pretty far along into flowering imo never tried to take one that late. As far as putting cutting straight to flower I don't think it would increase yield probably would yield more if left on mother since your clone would concentrate a lot of if not most all energy on growing roots in order to live my guess is you would end up with a very wispy airy as well as small plant. you can take cuttings early in flowering just make sure its a small lower branch

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think so, the hormonal changes in the plant are too far along.
Wrong, bad info man.

Ive taken cutting all the way up to harvest. Taking a clone from a flowering plant is sometimes referred to as "monster cropping"......After the cutting roots it will grow weird shapoed single leaves for a little bit. Soona after it will resume normal'll be amazed how the clone will grow, theres a reason its called "monster" cropping :-)


Well-Known Member
yea man, you can take a fuckin clone whenever, just the longer in flower, itll take the girl a solid month or two to revert to its veg state, but after that .....WATCH OUT! i have done it a time or two and it hasnt affected me in any way negative, except the wait while they revert!


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, but it'd take like a month to revert it back to veg and it be prune to herm. I've had late taken cuttings that keep putting out pistils even while vegging and I do keep a close eye on them because of this. Some people will advice you not to take any chances but only you know your situation, so if you must, go ahead.