Blue brother
Well-Known Member
Evaporation of water from the leaf cools it down
You people have the op not believing his own eyes. He’s ready to toss his thermometer cuz it won’t calibrate.
LST is hotter than ambient under any light—Hps, LED the sun —ANY LIGHT. Not sure if you people are ignorant or stubborn.
The water evaporates from the leaves and cools the ambient air.
You people have the op not believing his own eyes. He’s ready to toss his thermometer cuz it won’t calibrate.
LST is hotter than ambient under any light—Hps, LED the sun —ANY LIGHT. Not sure if you people are ignorant or stubborn.
The water evaporates from the leaves and cools the ambient air.
I can’t believe these folks giving STUPID advice and OPINIONS.
Leaf temp is hotter than ambient —ALWAYS—with lights on. Go stand in the street barefoot when it’s 90 f outside and wonder why you get second degree burns.
You should aim for 84f ambient in your tent while running LEDs. LST (leaf surface temp) likes to be 86–88f with lights on. Do a little research on cannabis leaf surface temperatures running LEDs.
Smoking too much of that turd you posted earlier, homie.
Science say no
Under LED lighting, LST is generally 2-3 °F LOWER than the ambient air temp. This is due to the transpiration of water which cools the leaf the same way sweating cools the skin.