Well-Known Member
Hey dude your the one who fucked your palnts up and decided to come here begging for help.i am not a new grower, just new to coco ! 10 years growing in soil so can you please stop talking to me like i dont know what im talking about .
4 weeks into flower so not about to start again as you put it ...
Also whats with the smart alic replies about jamaica? its you that brought it up not me ... you stated americans grow the best weed .. something i never even mentioned then you stated you had been to jamaica upteen times, what that has to do with america im not sure ?? you keep going off point then trying to make out its me ?!?!
Frankly, your plant is fucked if I were you I'd toss it and stop wasting my time and money. But that is just me speaking from 25 years of experience growing in soil and hydro that I speak from. I was growing hydro in the 1980's in California and Oregon when most people were still dosing their plants with Peters 20-20-20. Maybe you should go back to soil if you can't handle the learning curve.
So sorry if I hurt your feelings. Actually your not acting much different than most of the limeys I've know in my time. So I'm done trying to help you now.