Can we get Republicans to support Cannabis Re-Legalization?

How likely is the Republican Party to support Cannabis Re-Legalization?

  • I believe they will support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I believe they might support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I believe they will not support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Republicans will never support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • No Opinion but I voted anyway

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Correct but until the laws prohibited such acts they were legal.

we are treading perilously close to sophistry here, but...

some things are Legal, in that they are set forth affirmatively in law.
others are Not Illegal, in that they are not prohibited by law.
and other things are specifically Prohibited by law.

for some time cannabis was SPECIFICALLY LEGAL as the growing of cannabis was REQUIRED for all farms over a certain acreage specifically for the navy and the congress' needs.
then cannabis became ILLEGAL for a very short time. until the law was overturned by the supreme court as unconstitutional.
then cannabis was taxed by the stamp, but they never printed nor offered to sell any stamps. this too was overturned by the supreme court as unconstitutional
then the Controlled Substances Act was created as a cunard. and canabis is now REGULATED into illegality with zero legislation behind the prohibition save the fuzzy and easily manipulated CSA

so therefore, cannabis is still currently LEGAL as long as you have the Tax Stamp (of which they print and "sell" 30 or so a year to the university of missouri to grow "investigational" dope for "clinical trials") or you have a "Research Waiver" from the mandarins at the FDA

so technically cannabis is STILL not illegal, but also not legal, it is trapped in the Bureaucratic Phantom Zone with General Zod.
I think you mean the university of Mississippi.But yea good job with the rest of all that. I'm glad we can agree that cannabis used to be legal.
Rand Paul, Republican senator from Kentucky, says it should be a states' rights issue:

"The legalization of marijuana is another issue that Paul points to as a way for the GOP to reach more young voters. Paul himself does not favor legalizing marijuana, but he says individual states—such as Washington and Colorado, which both voted to legalize in November—should be allowed to make marijuana legal.

"States should be allowed to make a lot of these decisions," Paul says. "I want things to be decided more at a local basis, with more compassion. I think it would make us as Republicans different."
I think you mean the university of Mississippi.But yea good job with the rest of all that. I'm glad we can agree that cannabis used to be legal.

yeah you right mississippi, but missouri is easier to type when youre high.
I think we have as much of a chance of convincing Repubs as we do in convincing Obama.

Ah yes.. but can we convince ourselves to be a lobby?

Perhaps pointing out that Rand Paul or any other mid-point candidate will not be electable nor will supporting the Republicans help. We are going to need to influence the Democrats for 2016 which means we will need Canna-Unity in our Community!
Ah yes.. but can we convince ourselves to be a lobby?

Perhaps pointing out that Rand Paul or any other mid-point candidate will not be electable nor will supporting the Republicans help. We are going to need to influence the Democrats for 2016 which means we will need Canna-Unity in our Community!

so we can start out first by YOU ceasing the bashing of conservative leaning stoners over the head with your Punch and Judy style inflated pig's bladder truncheon.

every thread you create, and most of your posts jump into "those damned republicans... or those evil conservatives..., or those racist whiteys... before you even get to an affirmative position on the issue.

increase the positive within yourself and youll be closer to spreading that positive vibration to others.

Pass to the Left, but don't hate on the Right.

unless he slobbers on the doobie.
I'm shell shocked from trying to get "Stoners" to get up and legalize. It's rather hard to get support in the Cannabis Community for legalization.
The last time I checked accepting the Right's position means not legalizing. So yeah.. Punch and Jab..
I'm shell shocked from trying to get "Stoners" to get up and legalize. It's rather hard to get support in the Cannabis Community for legalization.
The last time I checked accepting the Right's position means not legalizing. So yeah.. Punch and Jab..

Accepting the left's position means not legalizing either.
How many times does Obama's administration have to say they are against legalization of marijuana before people actually believe they are against legalization of marijuana?
Accepting the left's position means not legalizing either.
How many times does Obama's administration have to say they are against legalization of marijuana before people actually believe they are against legalization of marijuana?

shh shh shh... no baby,
go back to sleep. obama gonna make it all better...

we gonna have the hope and change this time.
for reals.
unless them dirty republicans stop me with their slim majority in the house.
naw baby, dont look at the senate,
ohh no baby, dont check out my own record and statements.

just lay back down and go to sleep. and when you wake up...
worker's paradise.

thats how barry likes it.
nice and quiet.
Accepting the left's position means not legalizing either.
How many times does Obama's administration have to say they are against legalization of marijuana before people actually believe they are against legalization of marijuana?

I don't agree.. If there is any side it will be the Left. We know the Psudo-Republicans (Libertarians) Believe but cannot act.

As for where Obama is on the scale? He lives in a world where they have to get work done. He can neither endorce legalization nor can he act on it's behalf because he is sworn to uphold the laws as is.

Where I am on this thread is what and who do we follow?

The idea that some how following Libertarians into 2016 will do anything to help us be free is pure crap. Republicans are automatically on that list as well.
These people are looking for a "Pitch" to sell their point of view and the erest of us are hoping to NOT go to jail for Weed.
shh shh shh... no baby,
go back to sleep. obama gonna make it all better...

we gonna have the hope and change this time.
for reals.
unless them dirty republicans stop me with their slim majority in the house.
naw baby, dont look at the senate,
ohh no baby, dont check out my own record and statements.

just lay back down and go to sleep. and when you wake up...
worker's paradise.

thats how barry likes it.
nice and quiet.

There is no shame in beliveing in one's Country.

Rome Fell but the people lived on. The gods fell but the people lived on. The bullshit about "shh shh shh" is pure crap.

If you can outline how being a Conservative will free everyone please feel free to share..
If your Conservatisim is like what we saw on T.V. and Internet, radio and more in reguards to legalizing then you may well be a cancer on our future freedoms throughout time and for all people born and unborn.

So please show us the way.
wow youre even more self-righteous than i remember.

obama is a pitchman, he sells his shitty cut-rate goods by the easiest method imaginable:

hint at everything, say nothing.

you cant get sued for false advertising if you never actually claimed anything about your product.

obama implies he is everything everyone wants, and nothing they dont, counting on suckers who will be stupid enough to believe, gullible enough to wrap up their own self image in his success or failure, or disingenuous enough to repeat his banal mouthings to others "for their own good" even when they know its all lies.

conservatism has NOTHING to do with banning weed. or banning booze, or forcing everybody to pray in school.

conservatism is about protecting whats good, and right in our society, a dedication to our traditions like fair play, justice, dignity, acceptance of others, and yes, HONESTY.

republicans are not conservatives, but conservatives tend to be republicans and vote for republicans.

your weak, self indulgent ramblings on the evils of EVERYBODY who doesnt agree with you on EVERY issue are the heart and soul of mindless leftism, you decide on issues based on personality, salesmanship and the statements of the "totally unbiased legitimate press"
you however do NOT represent all liberals, all democrats or even all self-righteous assholes. you represent yourself, and yourself is a dingbat.

being a conservative doesnt "free everyone" its about freeing yourself and taking responsibility for your own actions, not playing the blame game.
you have never seen conservatism if you think you can find it on TV the radio or some asshole's blog. real conservatism doesnt need to share iot's every meandering thought on a twitter feed, has nothing to sell for the benefit of advertisers, and doesnt make compelling drama on TV.

real conservatism is found in the people who get up in the moirning and go to work, come home and do it all again tomorrow, all without demanding recognition, a nobel peace prize or free shit from the government. real conservatism doesnt give a shit if you smoke weed, knock back a few whiskeys or like to shag dudes in truckstop men's rooms. real conservatism is concerned with it's own shit, it;'s own business, and it's own life, and everybody else can do their own thing. until you try to force real conservatism to change because you think your new idea is better.

liberalism says Prove to me why i should not embrace every new errant idea and fad.
conservatism says Prove to me why i should change.

you dont get it. you probably never will. thats your problem not conservatism's
The republicans can get on boardI believe the election changed them. Well except for those in solid red states where their intolerance sells to their constituents
Pent up anger. Good to let it go.

Our issue of Legalization is independant of party. It's on us to reach across the isle and legalize. Hate we have plenty of but Unity we lack as a Cannabis Community in whole.

Back to the Question of the thread can we get Republicans to Support Legalization.
Pent up anger. Good to let it go.

Our issue of Legalization is independant of party. It's on us to reach across the isle and legalize. Hate we have plenty of but Unity we lack as a Cannabis Community in whole.

Back to the Question of the thread can we get Republicans to Support Legalization.

Yes some of them. And forget Rand Paul he is even more nutty and racist than his father
I don't think democrats or republicans will legalize weed. The answer is in the third parties. Both libertarian and Green Party candidates are for legalizing weed. Why don't we get some of them in congress and work from there.
Pent up anger. Good to let it go.

Our issue of Legalization is independant of party. It's on us to reach across the isle and legalize. Hate we have plenty of but Unity we lack as a Cannabis Community in whole.

Back to the Question of the thread can we get Republicans to Support Legalization.

psst. dipshit. its an AISLE.

and your side is as bad as the republicans on the issue of weed. neither side will ever end the prohibition on weed since BOTH PARTIES PROFIT BY IT!

you lame-brained insistence that "ITS ALL REPUBLICANS FAULT!" is as retarded ad your anti-honkey racism and militant leftist doggerel.

you are simply a tool. your every thought is crafted by your master and you course to his every whistle. youre too deluded and brainwashed to even recognize that your own master is the villain you rail against.

the Republican Vs Democrat game is as old as washington, and its designed to offer a false choice. vote for the D who wants to run your life, or vote for the R who wants to run your life, and whichever side you choose, you have to HATE everybody on the other side with every fibre of your being.

you are still too stupid to talk to. ill check back in a few months and see if you figure out that obama is no more your pal than romney.