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Can you steal someones Avatar

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Seal team six off the top of my head is several hundred operators at least.
It's not like a dozen guys.
Seal team six is deployed all over the world.
And all the guys on the Osama mission just happened to be on that Chinook.

Tremendously unlucky that.

SEAL Team Six Helicopter Crash: Let’s Debunk a Myth….
page: 1 #liveFeed1, #liveFeed2, #liveFeed3 { margin: 40px 2px 50px 4px; width: 280px; } #forumcontainer { width: 660px; float: left; clear: none;} .postcontainer { width: 94%; } .feedContainer li { border-radius: 6px; border-top: 2px solid #505860; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1em; list-style: none outside none; margin: 0 0 5px; padding: 4px 3px; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; }
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Howdy ATS!

For some this topic of discussion starts on May 1st 2001 during the operation to kill Al-Qa’ida leader in Osama Bin Laden, when some two dozen members of Seal Team Six took part in Operation Neptune Spear in Abbottabad, Pakistan the result one very dead bad guy. But that’s not what this thread is about lets fast forward a months and get started.

August 6 2011 38 men packed into a CH-47 Chinook, call sign, “Extortion 17” and took off heading into Wardak Province of Afghanistan about 22 off these men were from Naval Special Warfare command and 15 came from Seal Team Six(LINK). The exact nature of their mission still remains unclear however according to the Wall Street Journal they were heading to provide reinforcement support for a group of US Army Rangers. During the flight a Taliban militant launched a RPG at the helicopter causing it to crash killing everyone on board.

On board the Chinook helicopter there were 30 Americans -- including 22 SEALs -- as well as eight Afghans and a dog trained specifically for special operations.

Most of the 22 SEALs were part of SEAL Team 6, the heroic unit that carried out the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in May, though none of those who actually took part in that raid were believed to be on the helicopter.
ABC News

At least that is the official story…..

Ever since that crash it has prompted suspicion amongst conspiracy theorists. There are two main schools of thought that conspiracy theorists take. There are those who take the view that the raid on the Bin Laden compound never took part or that the raid did take part however the target was not Bin Laden and that this helicopter crash was staged to cover up their death. Then there is a second conspiracy theory promoted by Alex Jones, based on a dubious source that goes by the sexy pseudonym “Colonel Sixx” who claims that the crash was actually used as a cover up for Seals killed during Operation Neptune Spear when a stealth Blackhawk “blew up” to quote them.

Both of these conspiracies might seem plausible at first, especially if one has a limited knowledge of Seal Team Six. However both of these conspiracy theories can be quite easily debunked as both make the presumption that the Seals who were killed on the helicopter where the same ones who took part in the Bin Laden raid (assassination), this presumption is wrong.

The first mistake that people make when they entertain these conspiracies is that they ignorantly believe that Seal Team Six is like a soccer team. They assume that Seal Team Six, is made up X number of men and all other Seal Teams are made up the same number of men, they think that the 24 members of Seal Team Six is Seal Team Six.

This is utterly rubbish, Seal Team Six is not actually even a Seal team its real name is the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group or DEVGRU if you’re feeling lazy. It is essentially a separate unit form the US Navy SEALS, DEVGRU is considered a “tier one” Special Forces asset, the US Navy Seals are “Tier two”. Yes DEVGRU does recruit directly from the Navy Seals but you would be highly mistaken to assume that SEAL Team three for example has the same role and capabilities as Seal Team Six, DEVGRU. Furthermore DEVGRU is not a small team, it’s really quite large, how large exactly is classified but rumours I have read put it at between 300-500. It is structured into squadrons or teams, they are Red, Blue, Gold and Silver in addition to this there is also a Black Squadron for reconnaissance.

Now that very quick and dirty description of a very complex Special Forces unit might not be very in depth but it’s enough for us to start to debunk these conspiracies that the helicopter crash was staged in some way to cover up some part of the Bin Laden raid as it’s important to know who took part in what.

So to get to the point, during operation Neptune Spear the members of DEVGRU who took part where all handpicked form Red Squadron. There is one possible exception, in the book “no easy day” by Mark Owen he does describe how one member not form Red Squadron was picked because of his linguistic abilities however what squadron he was from is not made clear. In anycase according tothe Navy Times

The SEALs who assaulted Osama bin Laden’s compound were drawn from Naval Special Warfare Development Group’s Red Squadron, according to several sources in the special operations community.

With that in mind then one would expect the people who were killed on the helicopter crash came from the same Squadron, after all If they say came from Gold Squadron then it wouldn’t make for a very good cover up. Well actually that’s what happened all the guys on that Chinook came from Gold Squadron, again form the Navy Times

Of the 22 NSW members killed, 17 were SEALs and five were direct support personnel, according to the source in the NSW community. Two of the SEALs were from a West Coast SEAL unit, but the others were from Gold Squadron of Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DevGru, sometimes known as SEAL Team 6, said the NSW source

To make this clear for you all, just encase you don't get the punch line

Red Squadron= Operation Neptune Spear May 1 2011

Gold Squadron = Chinook helicopter crash August 6 2011 (15 DEVGRU dead)

So different Squadrons different guys none of the men that took part in the raid to kill Bin Laden were on that helicopter. In other words the government didn’t kill those men on the helicopter to cover up anything relating to operation Neptune Spear because the guys on that helicopter had nothing to do with the raid that killed Bin Laden.

If this isn’t enough for you then I would also like to point out that there is no literature that supports the idea that any of the men on that helicopter took part in the Bin Laden raid and they all headed back to the states shortly afterword’s so where not even in Afghanistan when the operation took part also although 22 members of NSW where on that helicopter only 15 were members of DEVGRU so why did they not kill the other 9 members who took part in the Bin Laden raid, not to mention the pilots of the helicopters, the CIA operatives and the support staff.

And finally ask yourself this, why would “they” wait 3 months to kill the guys and how did” they” prevent the rest of DEVGRU from speaking out and exposing this whole conspiracy?
We only think we know what is going on. Access and information have been very tightly controlled for many generation now.

Chomsky's semantic intention business, in Orwell's 1984 was about stamping out family from the language so all could be wards of the State.

But, I see it being practiced here, to stamp out independent thinking, for real.

SEAL Team Six Helicopter Crash: Let’s Debunk a Myth….
page: 1 #liveFeed1, #liveFeed2, #liveFeed3 { margin: 40px 2px 50px 4px; width: 280px; } #forumcontainer { width: 660px; float: left; clear: none;} .postcontainer { width: 94%; } .feedContainer li { border-radius: 6px; border-top: 2px solid #505860; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1em; list-style: none outside none; margin: 0 0 5px; padding: 4px 3px; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; }
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Howdy ATS!

For some this topic of discussion starts on May 1st 2001 during the operation to kill Al-Qa’ida leader in Osama Bin Laden, when some two dozen members of Seal Team Six took part in Operation Neptune Spear in Abbottabad, Pakistan the result one very dead bad guy. But that’s not what this thread is about lets fast forward a months and get started.

August 6 2011 38 men packed into a CH-47 Chinook, call sign, “Extortion 17” and took off heading into Wardak Province of Afghanistan about 22 off these men were from Naval Special Warfare command and 15 came from Seal Team Six(LINK). The exact nature of their mission still remains unclear however according to the Wall Street Journal they were heading to provide reinforcement support for a group of US Army Rangers. During the flight a Taliban militant launched a RPG at the helicopter causing it to crash killing everyone on board.

On board the Chinook helicopter there were 30 Americans -- including 22 SEALs -- as well as eight Afghans and a dog trained specifically for special operations.

Most of the 22 SEALs were part of SEAL Team 6, the heroic unit that carried out the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in May, though none of those who actually took part in that raid were believed to be on the helicopter.
ABC News

At least that is the official story…..

Ever since that crash it has prompted suspicion amongst conspiracy theorists. There are two main schools of thought that conspiracy theorists take. There are those who take the view that the raid on the Bin Laden compound never took part or that the raid did take part however the target was not Bin Laden and that this helicopter crash was staged to cover up their death. Then there is a second conspiracy theory promoted by Alex Jones, based on a dubious source that goes by the sexy pseudonym “Colonel Sixx” who claims that the crash was actually used as a cover up for Seals killed during Operation Neptune Spear when a stealth Blackhawk “blew up” to quote them.

Both of these conspiracies might seem plausible at first, especially if one has a limited knowledge of Seal Team Six. However both of these conspiracy theories can be quite easily debunked as both make the presumption that the Seals who were killed on the helicopter where the same ones who took part in the Bin Laden raid (assassination), this presumption is wrong.

The first mistake that people make when they entertain these conspiracies is that they ignorantly believe that Seal Team Six is like a soccer team. They assume that Seal Team Six, is made up X number of men and all other Seal Teams are made up the same number of men, they think that the 24 members of Seal Team Six is Seal Team Six.

This is utterly rubbish, Seal Team Six is not actually even a Seal team its real name is the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group or DEVGRU if you’re feeling lazy. It is essentially a separate unit form the US Navy SEALS, DEVGRU is considered a “tier one” Special Forces asset, the US Navy Seals are “Tier two”. Yes DEVGRU does recruit directly from the Navy Seals but you would be highly mistaken to assume that SEAL Team three for example has the same role and capabilities as Seal Team Six, DEVGRU. Furthermore DEVGRU is not a small team, it’s really quite large, how large exactly is classified but rumours I have read put it at between 300-500. It is structured into squadrons or teams, they are Red, Blue, Gold and Silver in addition to this there is also a Black Squadron for reconnaissance.

Now that very quick and dirty description of a very complex Special Forces unit might not be very in depth but it’s enough for us to start to debunk these conspiracies that the helicopter crash was staged in some way to cover up some part of the Bin Laden raid as it’s important to know who took part in what.

So to get to the point, during operation Neptune Spear the members of DEVGRU who took part where all handpicked form Red Squadron. There is one possible exception, in the book “no easy day” by Mark Owen he does describe how one member not form Red Squadron was picked because of his linguistic abilities however what squadron he was from is not made clear. In anycase according tothe Navy Times

The SEALs who assaulted Osama bin Laden’s compound were drawn from Naval Special Warfare Development Group’s Red Squadron, according to several sources in the special operations community.

With that in mind then one would expect the people who were killed on the helicopter crash came from the same Squadron, after all If they say came from Gold Squadron then it wouldn’t make for a very good cover up. Well actually that’s what happened all the guys on that Chinook came from Gold Squadron, again form the Navy Times

Of the 22 NSW members killed, 17 were SEALs and five were direct support personnel, according to the source in the NSW community. Two of the SEALs were from a West Coast SEAL unit, but the others were from Gold Squadron of Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DevGru, sometimes known as SEAL Team 6, said the NSW source

To make this clear for you all, just encase you don't get the punch line

Red Squadron= Operation Neptune Spear May 1 2011

Gold Squadron = Chinook helicopter crash August 6 2011 (15 DEVGRU dead)

So different Squadrons different guys none of the men that took part in the raid to kill Bin Laden were on that helicopter. In other words the government didn’t kill those men on the helicopter to cover up anything relating to operation Neptune Spear because the guys on that helicopter had nothing to do with the raid that killed Bin Laden.

If this isn’t enough for you then I would also like to point out that there is no literature that supports the idea that any of the men on that helicopter took part in the Bin Laden raid and they all headed back to the states shortly afterword’s so where not even in Afghanistan when the operation took part also although 22 members of NSW where on that helicopter only 15 were members of DEVGRU so why did they not kill the other 9 members who took part in the Bin Laden raid, not to mention the pilots of the helicopters, the CIA operatives and the support staff.

And finally ask yourself this, why would “they” wait 3 months to kill the guys and how did” they” prevent the rest of DEVGRU from speaking out and exposing this whole conspiracy?
So you wanna follow the official Govt line, that's cool.

I suppose you believe Bill "did not have sexual relations with that woman" too?
SEAL teams normally are made up of eight 16 man platoons with a Navy Commander in charge of each Team.
So SEAL team 6 has about 129 people assigned to it. Not all the Osama SEALS were on the Chinook.

Being in the Marine Corps 22nd MEU ( Most decorated Marine Corps unit existing), I had many encounters with SEAL teams. Every morning while aboard CVN-72 we worked out with the teams to stay in shape and got to know a few of the SEALs pretty well. When I went to Somalia we worked pretty closely with them to try and rescue the Army Rangers that got ambushed.
You might be better off posting at toilet wars.

SEAL teams normally are made up of eight 16 man platoons with a Navy Commander in charge of each Team.
So SEAL team 6 has about 129 people assigned to it. Not all the Osama SEALS were on the Chinook.

Being in the Marine Corps 22nd MEU ( Most decorated Marine Corps unit existing), I had many encounters with SEAL teams. Every morning while aboard CVN-72 we worked out with the teams to stay in shape and got to know a few of the SEALs pretty well. When I went to Somalia we worked pretty closely with them to try and rescue the Army Rangers that got ambushed.
Ok it was disengenious to imply they were all aboard, a large fraction were tho.

But would it be fair to say that by identifying them publicly as the team who killed Osama that Obama painted a target on them, especially when people assume (like I did) that SEAL teams are smaller in number than they are?
But would it be fair to say that by identifying them publicly as the team who killed Osama that Obama painted a target on them, especially when people assume (like I did) that SEAL teams are smaller in number than they are?
Fair, Most SEAL teams have their identities hidden from the public which is why we know so little about them.
Why are there so many pinworms but the actual one is missing...?

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Ok it was disengenious to imply they were all aboard, a large fraction were tho.

But would it be fair to say that by identifying them publicly as the team who killed Osama that Obama painted a target on them, especially when people assume (like I did) that SEAL teams are smaller in number than they are?
None of them were. As to seal team 6. They were deployed to Stan. So if a seal team member goes down. Chances are good they are from seal team 6.
BTW the numbers after seal team are not indicative of how many seal teams there are
None of them were. As to seal team 6. They were deployed to Stan. So if a seal team member goes down. Chances are good they are from seal team 6.
BTW the numbers after seal team are not indicative of how many seal teams there are
Reformed Republicans are some of the most ignorant, arrogant and obsessive Democrats.